How do we fix women?
How do we fix women?
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I rather look at gore than this shit
Fix yourself first
Weak beta queer detected
Over time, society always becomes more liberal, not conservative. There is no possible fix sadly. We're only able to slow down "progress"
You stop making shitty slide threads.
Why do you care. They are eliminating themselves from their gene pool.
Get rid of wh*te boyz
eating butter to coat ur gut so u dont get dunk, no good
Women have smaller brains and their brains are hard wired to be more emotional
Therefore they have significantly less grey brainmatter dedicated to logic
Mens brain are superior hardware
rare and based
What is the purpose in doing this?
There is no fixing a woman once she's past the age of, say, 16-20 years old. Their entire mental and emotional development stops around this age, and they're incapable of any further growth until they're much older, usually past menopause when they get into little old lady territory.
Ergo, the only way to fix women is to remove the influences that are corrupting young girls. It's not something you do for yourself, you probably won't be around to harvest the crops that are untainted. It's something you do for the next generation of men, which is why it hasn't been fixed and probably won't be fixed.
Why would we want to fix them?
Bring on the replica's with artificial wombs.
True of men and women. Although, not always. I significantly changed my world views at 20-21 years old.
Equal rights, followed by equal lefts
Gotta know how to treat a woman.
Good fathers. Aka beatings and arranged marriages. They labeled it "oppression" when in reality it is the natural order. Imagine if in 100 years teaching your son to lift weights and play baseball were considered oppression? That's what happened to women.
What needs to be fixed?
was that a whole stick of butter?
Treat them like women.
The ladies you treat like ladies, the whores you treat like whores. Of course, we both know, they're all whores, now. But that's because we didn't treat the whores like whores.
If you don't go full MGTOW (you shouldn't), find a wife (yes, she will be a whore), remind her what a lucky whore she is. Tell her, when you both get to heaven, you will have two other wives, and she will be 3rd wife. She is lucky to have you, and lucky to have your children
If she already has children, she is not only whore, but a whore not worth saving. Let a onions boy have that one. Fuck her on the side maybe (I have no use for women with children though, not even for fun)
How to do all this? Hopefully you've been visiting the gym
*onions boy... Weird typo
Hot as fuck
Since the onions boy meme when you write it properly the fucking admins will change it into onion
fucking faggots
i wanted to write s o y obviously
They might fix themselves after a few generations of miserable single moms or wine aunts and no captain saveahoes to be betabux. Problem is there will never be a shortage of betabux.
First, women are inherently normies.
This answer best answer.
fucking glowing rare flag