Finishing school at 27

Am I fucked graduating this late?

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Which school.

If your job is going to be automated, sure!

What are you finishing with? Biomed.. ? or like feminist dance theory

>Am I fucked graduating this late?

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I graduated from med school at 35, make about $550k a year now.

If you're graduating with a degree in post-modern dance though, you're probably fucked.

never too late user

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I won't be graduated until 28 for 2 year degree. Doubt I'll pass. Good on you, user

im 31 and this is my 3rd time in college u will be fine 3rd times the charm for me haha


Not really if you play your cards right.
My uncle went to med school at 31 and is a doctor now. Might be because there is a shortage of doctors already.

If you’re talking about engineering, you’ll be alright
If you’re talking about fashion/interior, see pic

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Yes engineering related

Yes you will never be able to comfortably retire if you haven't been maxing out a Roth IRA since you were 18. There is no point in continuing desu, you're just going to wage slave until you die. Drop out.

Are you one of these?

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No. I started a software engineer career (without a degree) around 27 and I'm doing fine. Making not that much right now but I have big potential after this job.

I got a degree in engineering >30 years old. Made $100k+ after 4 years. Get your PE and go after management roles. There’s no money in design lad.

Shut the fuck up faggot

What kind of engineering and what age did you graduate.

I want on this ride.

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Graduated at 32. Had a BA prior.

world is ending soon, should be fine

Grade school

I'm starting school at 33. I think you're fine dude.

Depends on what the degree is in. I'm finishing my second masters at 27 and am so fucking glad to be nearly finished.

Depends entirely on your degree and skills
If it's some generic econ or code monkey shit then yeah you're fugged

No can do Hoss

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You'll be working as bottom bitch with mother fuckers you are older than

Clown world.

You do realise you're just stacking up mountains of debt that you'll never pay back, right?

Is that pic real?

Don’t worry about your age just get your ass in gear and move up fast


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It depends on what you want to do. If you want to work at a big corporation maybe. Otherwise, no.

>code monkey shit
Nah, at this point we still need plenty of code monkeys.


kek i hope this shit is petrochemical engineering related otherwise youre gonna have a shit time finding a job.

I'll be finishing an MIS degree at 31 how fucked am I pol?

Inb4 student debt, VA paid for it

27 is not very late at all. You have not even begun to fuck up your life yet.

> paper pusher degree at 31