Gilets Jaunes

So did you boys have fun today?

Attached: french whore.jpg (720x1080, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Does it have nudes?


Attached: 1553344490743.jpg (1080x1920, 367K)

I like how "it" applies to both the femoid and the goblin posting it

Hey Doc, why does it burn when I pee?

because you morons can't use condoms

More aesthetic than it should be desu.

Kek, didn't consider that

This thread is already a dumpster fire. Speaking of which, did anything interesting happen in France today?

Attached: arson.jpg (500x835, 126K)

The girl in black is very pretty.

70yo lady was beaten to the point of brain damage but other than that, I don't know

hon hon just the usual

Attached: fast_set_poster_02.jpg (2048x2777, 1.75M)

Last night user was putting togeather a list of all the electrical sub stations. Did the power go out anywhere in the city of light today?

Attached: substation.jpg (500x253, 33K)

All I saw in the archive was the old lady getting beat and some people saying turnout in Paris was bad but good elsewhere. 19 weeks and they still haven't committed.

numbers were decent again, according to media
not much else is known

That might piss a few people off

Attached: frog pot.jpg (240x210, 10K)

I guess the French are into recreational rioting. Frog legs are the national dish after all.

Attached: frog pot 7.jpg (453x552, 99K)


Attached: caltrop 2.jpg (211x459, 37K)

is she nekkid under that vest?

Nah no one will report on it and it will be taken down on social media to preserve the peace.

By the STATE?

Yeah. One pic shows her holding a gay flag, then shes on the ground surrounded by riot police who look like they realized they may have gone too far with that one.
Don't know the full story behind it though and riot police generally don't hit to maim, they hit to inflict pain which inspires compliance.

Media blackout you say?

Attached: communications breakdown.png (1787x921, 143K)

Gaullic squat

Just pictures? Or was it on Rupltys live feed or something?

I just saw pics, no idea. Nice id

They've already killed people including an 80 yo woman in December. I don't expect this to change anything.

I hate the 3 days ago date format, what the fuck. Makes it impossible to cross reference dates with post numbers to find out which chan it was posted on. Fucking assholes.

I'd do both in a nice 3some.

Attached: communications infrastructure 4.jpg (260x194, 10K)

Not the specific example, but related:

Attached: Gilets drones.jpg (960x640, 360K)

That's from 8/k/.

I want to see good videos and tell me about the happenings.

Last night I drank with my father and it seems that he believes our nes papers on yellow vests
But he basically said that it all is happening because of diesel tax
It took long time to explain him that that tax is just the straw that broke camel's back

Attached: clank it.jpg (509x344, 147K)

Tell him that ultimately, it's a fight for sovereignty.

Doesn't believe that.
He also thinks that france is one of the most democratic countries in the world and he calls yellow vests who burn shit etc terrorists.

No offense, but your dad is a fucktard. The yellow vest movement is the last stand of a dying People.
They'll either win or they'll die trying.

I hope you guys do. I always like France and spent a good amount of time there.