He's got a point

He's got a point..

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>1 post by this ID
OP is truly a faggot

Trying to overturn the outcome of a democratic vote is not very democratic either. Just imagine what these exact same people would say if we try to reverse the gay marriage referendum. Democracy is a big meme anyway.

Good thing were not a democracy

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>holding a vote in light of new information in a radically different deal is TOO much democracy

This country is so fucked, we are never going to accomplish anything truly great or positive ever again. People seriously think that democracy means contest every vote so we are in a never ending state of political instability and partisan bullshit. The stagnation is going to kill us probably before unchecked immigration and piss poor economic status of regular folks does at this point. Our country is quite literally rotting from the inside out in every way. Not even the military is exempt despite the out of control budget.

>new information
>radically different deal
i don't think a result forced by 20+ years of suffering in a trade union can be nullified by like 2 years of intentional political bullshit

>new information
No, it;s the same old song
We lost, that's not fair, we demand a do over until we get our way then it's settled forever.
Just fucking neck yourself memeflaggot.

wait, hold up, did they actually carry a giant banner with a tweet print-out?

Jesus Christ, I'm begining to think our historic election result was a default win and this country is carrying 48% of retards.

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That's why democracy is dumb

Tell me more about how the USA isn't a democracy because it's a republic. While showing you don't know the definition of either.

America is a plutocracy if you didn't know

What a dumb fucking name

Dude can u stop posting this

>united kingdom

>a democracy



why do white countries elect retards?

I mean, he’s not wrong.

If you have to do what the goyim voted for, it is no longer a democracy.

Okay, so let's say they allow another vote at a cost of £130 million pounds. And let's say more than 43% of the youth vote actually get off their arses and vote to Remain. What then? That's one vote saying leave and one vote saying stay. Do we then have to do a best out of three or do all the Leave voters get ignored? A second vote is more retarded than the people agitating for it.

>That's one vote saying leave and one vote saying stay

Who is the Prime Minister if Mr. Blossombottom wins the elections in 2014 and Mrs. Rosenshekels wins in 2018? Can Mr. Blossombottom demand a Best out of 3?

That's the most retarded analogy I've seen here in a long time.
>A regularly mandated electoral vote is the same thing as a legally binding referendum

We have a lot of new information about women, faggots and niggers too.
Do you think white men would have granted any of these groups equality if they knew of the ensuing betrayal?

Yeah, general elections and referendums are the same. Look at functioning democracies such as Switzerland. They can vote 5times about the same thing in referenda and nobody says “We need best out of 11”, the result of the last referendum is what counts... each time.

Democratic Republic

Republic, democracy same shit. It all leads to the same place.

He is wrong. US is a Democratic republic. You should move to Canada, they have true popularity contests, oops I mean democracy

one is mob rule, one is choosing a leader to represent you who can (probably?) make better decisions.

Sorry dude. It was not funny the first time

Republics are slightly better but both are incredibly ugly and venal, and susceptible to subversion.

peak boomer

It's probably carrying ~30% retards/idiots who can't think for themselves, and 18% foreigners.

Democracy is a bad system though because large segments of the population can easily be manipulated by media monopoly, gatekeepers can prevent people with alternative ideas from getting in, money in democracy is a huge issue, no accountability to politicians exists at all, etc.

Constitutional Republic

Democracy doesn't have a mind.

United states is a constitutional republic