Popular Youtube and Instagram beaner 'Rawvana' caught doing something really screwed up

>A vegan YouTuber and Instagram influencer who has nearly 3 million combined social media followers is being condemned by her foodie fans for faking her lifestyle and making money off of it after she was caught eating fish.

>Yovana Mendoza Ayres, 29, is known for her lifestyle brand called Rawvana, which promotes plant-based living through a vegan diet and skincare routines. She even sells meal plans and weight loss programs, including a 21-day raw challenge, that sell for up to $99. But after she made an appearance in a friend’s YouTube video eating a plate of fish and trying to hide it, the platform that she’s created is falling apart.

Then it gets worse after she makes a new YouTube video!

>Throughout the video, she discussed her history of raw and vegan eating over the past six years, which came with some missteps and a number of other trial diets — including a 25-day fast in 2014. Ultimately, she shared that in 2017 it seemed that the way that she was eating, and namely the things that she wasn’t eating, was impacting her health to the point where she was nearly anemic, and even stopped ovulating.

>“By this whole time I was starting to feel desperate for my health and to find a solution around the summer time and that’s when I started to open up to the possibility of adding some animal product into my diet,” Ayres explain in the video. “It was really hard because for so long I saw this food, this animal food, as something that is basically toxic for my body, something that I don’t need, that my body doesn’t need. And to see it as something that could heal me was really hard for me — it still is hard for me to accept and admit.”

>So hard to admit, in fact, that she not only kept her intake of fish and eggs a secret from her vegan followers, she also continued to make money off of them while promoting a plant-based lifestyle throughout the three months that she had already stopped living it.

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>1 post by this ID
OP is truly a faggot


no vegan looks that healthy

Only literal retards go vegan

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So, like you?



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She looks too healthy to be a vegan


>faking her lifestyle
It's called "acting."

Fuck “influencers” they are the most cancerous thing to spawn from social media

> Create business out of not eating animals
> Eat animal on camera

Do you have the video of her getting caught? How retarded can you be?


Here's a clip of it. It also looks like she tries to hide the fish, but fails hard.

Ah yes, thinking vegans are really adhering to that onions shit lifestyle.
They are in it for the money because "muh environs" and violently jerking off to movies like the day after tomorrow thinking that's a possibility

This. Vegans are retards and deserve to be fleeced. I don't give a shit about this youtuber though.

Congratulations, this is the most useless thing I've learned all day

onions girl

fucking chinks:

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

newsflash, ALL yes ALL "vegans" that DON'T look emaciated after 1+ year of following a vegan diet are cheating on their diet and aren't actually vegan. THERE ARE NO OBLIGATE HERBIVORES IN NATURE YOU ACTUAL FUCKING RETARDS. Humans are the only species smart enough to invent their own diet while dumb enough to follow it. Girl in OP's post is just taking advantage of these retards. Just like other "vegan" youtubers that look healthy. They are frauds.



vegans are the only whites dumber than niggers

I mean she could just be a pescetarian, but either way it's still fucked up

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>>So hard to admit, in fact, that she not only kept her intake of fish and eggs a secret from her vegan followers, she also continued to make money off of them while promoting a plant-based lifestyle throughout the three months that she had already stopped living it.

She's a woman, it's always about just APPEARING as the thing and benefiting from the appearance rather than actually being honest.


>which promotes plant-based living through a vegan diet and skincare routines.

I love how they wrap up all the scammy-bullshit-to-sell-to-women all in one sentence! I swear women follow these fads because they're looking for magic pills to make them attractive while pretending it's about their "health."

That's the official title for these people? It seems like a normie thing though, they love faking their lifestyles for resource gains.

fuck off spic

Liars never think beyond the moment their lie is believed user. That's why they always get caught -- not fully going through with it.

>believes vitamin A is found in carrots

The metabolic precursor your body can freely convert to vitamin A is present in high amounts in carrots and cauliflower. In fact you need to be careful around meat sources of vitamin A such as liver because it's easy to get vitamin A poisoning from exogenous (i.e. real vitamin A sources, whereas the caretenoid precursor found in plants is non-toxic, and your body will never metabolize an excess of vitamin A fronlm it, even if you eat it in excess of your needs.

I love meat, but shit like that just makes me think the video creator has never seen the nutrition label on a bag of carrots.

Yes that’s the buzzword for them. Marketers love them because traditional advertising is dying so they have these scam artists shill shit to their niche fanbases for shekels

Same happened with this guy a month ago. Your body needs animal proteins. You can make it just eating the product, eggs, milk, butter etc etc. But your body NEEDS the animal protein. Its essential to our diets.

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>posting a literal psycho who stares at the sun and eats rotten meat
You could at least post a better video critiquing vegans(i'm not vegan btw)

this shit has happened dozens of times. veganism is extremely unhealthy and they're all sick as fuck

I get not wanting to eat cow/pigs etc but why would you not at least not eat some fish, or even insect protein

Health and beauty are so closely linked that you can't want the one without wanting the other, and vanity intermingling with health is hardly the sole purview of women.

make me, pussy

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>Health and beauty are so closely linked that you can't want the one without wanting the other,

What I'm saying is women pretend it's about health when it's about beauty. They are interrelated but she doesn't know or care, she wants quick fixes for both of them. She doesn't want to say, give up booze or pill-popping for her health and beauty, she wants to buy an "organic detox" product though.

It goes to show that humans just want to believe or want to be seen doing something. They don't even register reality, veganism is about virtue signalling and trying to pretend you're opting out of the industrial food system that keeps us alive. Thinking purely emotionally about animals and not logically about biology.

>In fact you need to be careful around meat sources of vitamin A such as liver because it's easy to get vitamin A poisoning from exogenous (i.e. real vitamin A sources
this is not true. no recorded cases as far as i'm aware, and the only animals to watch it from are arctic and marine predators.

Based. Vegans deserve to be exploited.

this desu

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Yeah, you're saying women are being incongruous, but I don't see it in this instance (and I'll be the first to admit women are generally extremely incongruous creatures). Maybe if a woman is knowingly doing unhealthy things for the sake of beauty while saying health is a priority to her, I'd say that's real bitch doublespeak. Letting your vanity overcome your skepticism about what is actually beautifying or healthy isn't a contradiction either, but it's a fault I see in a massive number of women.

They have an eating disorder called othorexia nervosa, the fixation on "righteous eating" and the belief that some foods are morally bad to consume.

Theyre insane

Fish is a vegetable leave her alone.

I doubt many psychologists would concur with your diagnosis.

>some spic youtuber drama

what kinda faggot are you op?

Typical woman and typical vegans that buy into their disillusionment. Literally Jared from subway

>. Maybe if a woman is knowingly doing unhealthy things for the sake of beauty while saying health is a priority to her, I'd say that's real bitch doublespeak.

That's how I view all vegan chicks. She's really thinking no meat=no fat so it's a way to stay skinny without actually going to the gym or something. That's what she's really thinking, but telling the world she's sssooo healthy.

The threat is real.

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dios mio!

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Comical reaction. Was this live? No chance for editing?

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I don't know about you guys but ever since I started on the onion diet my test levels have quadripled.

This is beyond retarded. Do you realize how retarded this is? Jesus Christ get a grip on reality. Go eat a wild carrot not a man made one, and die nigger

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Was she mexican? I didnt knew about this bitch at all

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I'm a vegan for ethical reasons and I'm very healthy. I'm healthier than most of the meat eaters I know.

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vegan as so fucking dumb, fruitarian is the way to go if you want to eat raw.

Some of you people are really fucking emotional and moralistic about this stuff, huh?

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The problem is that vegans could gain political power and fuck the whole system for everybody.

Look at this:

The margin of profit in the grains and plants industry is a LOT higher than the meat industry. This disgusting jews are trying to brainwash people into quiting meat so they can profit more selling grains, plants and all the supplements and medicine once you get completely sick.

The strategy of "forget about the vegans" is a retarded plan.
We can't allow ourselves to make the same mistake we did with the fags and transexuals. We need to kill the vegan problem while is still a tiny cancer cell.

Shill your shitty fagTube Chanel someplace else , we don even take this from pewds.

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Anyone with half a brain would realize veganism is unhealthy af. Just go out in the woods camping and think about the food sources around you. Nothing but meat. There’s a reason why kids hate vegetables, because they’re bad for you. Meat, organs, and a little bit of fruit is all you ever need


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I thought all you Mexicans knew each other.

Take your meds. It's gonna be ok grandpa. I love you.

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Ethical reasons lmao. The animal kingdom laughs at you, your ancestors laugh at you. You revolt against nature, you’re basically a satanist. Wash your hair hippy

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u aint carnivore u just a meat-based nigga

I’d give her some meat.

that is because humans originated from tropical lands. with fruit.

shes ugly now that she started to eat meat.

No they just look the same

Shut up cancer cell.
You are one step behind the sodomites.

Nice ass

>vegans are the only whites dumber than niggers

vegetarianism is based and redpilled

veganism is retarded

Vegans are truly the Jews of dietary cults.

i've been on carnivore diet for 4 days and my life-long depression is almost gone. not even meming.

i love faggot ops that wont even post a link


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>only eat vegetables so your body doesn't get nutrition and you depopulate naturally

I work at an emergency vet clinic in a nigger neighborhood. I have seen dogs come in with gouged out eyes and cats who were skinned. Nothing shocks me anymore, sorry.

ok lmao

Grandpa I love you. Please, take your meds. For me?

The wisest thing I ever heard someone say is do you salivate at seeing a steak or a plate of broccoli? Humans evolved to eat vegetables as a last resort for food sources but it was never intended as our primary diet.

>thot scams retards
nothing new under the sun, what does it have to do with politics? sage

She's cute but her vegan diet has stunted her diet. She'll never be able to bear Chad babies to save the future of our people.

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you cannot get vitamin a toxicity from animal foods
all 'vitamin a toxicity' comes from supplemental forms, which are generally different molecules than the ones naturally found in animal foods

This woman claims her diet was "healthy".
>She didn't have her periods for more than 2 years
>She had diarrhea, constipation
>Stomach aches
>Intestinal bacteria
>Bleeding vagina
Probably a lot more symptoms.

What the fuck, man. How many vegans secretly go through this shit? How many are willing to go through it because they REFUSE absolutely to touch an animal product?
So retarded. These gurus are creating miserable and sick fanatics.

very based and very MEATPILLED

I just started eating chicken everyday since a week, already life changing. Never had meat before because religion said it's bad.

Not political or interesting.

yes i know thats because you have auto immune to food you were never men to eat in the first place. inflammation causes depression. that does not mean you should only eat meat. tons of people eat only fruit they never have the problems vegans have.

>I have seen dogs come in with gouged out eyes and cats who were skinned

Fuck niggers

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