What should Arabs do to become on par with the West

I speak as an Arab myself, over the past 200 years we have been reduced to nothing but a bunch of tribal primitive barbaric savages, the Arab world today is in shambles and sunk into deep levels of degeneracy and sub-humanism, what should we go to get out of this shitty mess? And don't just say it's Islam because we were like we are today before Islam.

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>1 post by this ID
OP is truly a faggot

>What should Arabs do to become on par with the West
Stop following Islam, holds you back massively.

Sorry just read the lads line, if not Islam then I don't know.

embrace Judaism

Stop spending so much time killing people, focus on your culture and make great works. You can't fight a shadow that exists inside of you. You guys have to believe in something besides murdering everyone, you still be in the same damn spot. Love something and make it shine. The shadows always blame the light, the light doesn't care but when it does you faggots shit on it.

Islam actually united the Arabs and made us the greatest civilization of the Medieval times, it all started to fall apart after Turkish and Mongol conquest of MENA

You can't, sand nigger. Stay in the fucking desert and stick your dick in goats, rag head.

Yes but something clearly changed along the way.
Was it radical Islam taking over perhaps?

I agree, I think Oman is a great example of what Arabs can achieve, but it seems most of us would rather be primitive savages

Turkish-Mongol conquest + al-Saud brainwashing made Arabs the retard barbarians we are today

Why so mean, Whitey?

We can't even if we wished to, Judaism is an ethnocentric religion. At best we can become slaves/good goys to the Jews like Americans but that wouldn't do us any good

Actually reforming islam will help. Stop taking religion so seriously and start to discover the world, is what made europe great.

Yes it would like a great man Justin Treadu said -

"Become a slave and you win"

Purging the Hadiths would be a good step, it's where most of the violent, barbaric shit is in, but that would not be possible while Saudis control Arabia.

A very complicated question. If I knew the answer to that I'd know many other secrets in life as well.

Stop breeding with family members

Everytime I find an answer there's a problem preventing that answer to be viable, it's an endless cycle, I truly don't know how we can get out of the mess we are today.

I love this guy!
It posts the exact same thing every fuckin time...strange...can it be... a BOT!?
kys shill twat

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That is a terrible tradition that needs to be purged with good education

>What should Arabs do to become on par with the West Anonymous
first thing "arabs" should do is recognize that in fact they are arabic speaking people. that the region collectively know as MENA(middle eastern and north african states) should unite under the most liberal democracy including most importantly freedom of religion(abolition of sharia law) and 2nd amendment rights. put the capital of this nation in tel aviv. jerusalem will become an open city. and what you create is an economic gold mine as you rebuild in the east and update to modern infrastructure. your biggest trading partners will be the EU, with the economic power shift to the south as spain, portugal, italy(Rome), the balkins and turkey being the main economic entry point. at this point, the US will become irrellevent from the EU point of view as what has been created is MARE NORSTRUM(our lake). throw in the iranians and you have a huge economic shift from the new world back to the old world as old trading routes are used once again. i believe within 2 generations MENA will be a super power.

Weren't you always tribal, habibi?

Ahh, the inbred degenerates installed to power by perfidious albion. They would need to kill themselves,yes, both, actually. Is it possible perhaps to find a common cause for sunni and shia to unify somehow?

I can't see how that would work, the premise of Israel is being an apartheid ethnostate it isn't a "liberal democracy", no way, if the Zionist have the urge to expand they would just expell/put arabs of conquered regions in camps instead of creating an EU style union.

This mare nostrum with the new silk road and belt must be nightmare for hamburgerstani economists

And Israel barely has the population to be majority in the nation they conquered, let alone the rest of MENA, no way, that would never work, and a unified MENA capital would probably be Cairo, or Damascus, or Baghdad, or even Mosul

1. Help us kill jews
2. Help us kill jews
3. Without jews in your countries, you fix your shit
4. Without jews in our countries, whites stop fighting Arabs

>Zionist have the urge to expand they would just expell/put arabs of conquered regions in camps instead of creating an EU style union.
yup, just one of many challenges.

i don't know. there are exellent potential investment possibilities. you'd have an overall young(under age 30) population with healthy population growth rate. the EU, UK and the US has a declining popution growth rate. and after decades of war, there plenty of jobs available for reconstruction.

المشكلة ليست بالإسلام او اي دين.
المشكلة اعمق , الدين مجرد واجهة يستخدمها البعض لتبرير عنصريتهم القبلية او العرقية.

اذا اراد العرب أن يتقدموا يجب عليهم أن يتقبلوا الأخرين حتى هولاء الذين تعتبرهم "اقل من بشر" الشيطنة لن تساعد أحد.

و المشكلة لم تبدأ "قبل 200 سنة" المشكلة أقدم.
منذ سقوط بغداد و كل المدن المتقدمة في الحضارة العربية, الوحدين الذين بقوا هم البدو المتعصبين. حيث قام المغول ، الأتراك، و الأوروبين بقتل و تدمير كل المدن التي كانت اكثر تقبلا و تسامحا من البدو.

الحل بسيط، تعليم، و استقرار اقتصادي، و حرية رأي

Get rid of religious beliefs all together

nah, religion is the opiate of the masses. the only thing marx got right. let them have their god.

You're not Arab.
Saudis aren't the ones stopping Muslims from leaving the religion or creating a new one. They don't have power beyond the Arabian Peninsula.
Cairo, Damascus are not Arab anymore.
Most of the Middle East is inbred and the Saudis weren't installed by England, retard. Get an education. They're natives who took power form England's proxy, the Hashmenites.
>sunni and shia to unify somehow?
>coming from a Christcuck
Kek. Unify Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants
and then talk.

Lmao. A single European country contributes more quality science than the entirety of the Middle East. Iran cheats in science by faking peer review.

Middle Easterners are like Indians with their superpower fantasies.

Yes I am, just because I'm 3rd gen Iraqi diaspora, just bc I can't speak the language, that doesn't make me non-Arab

And how the fuck Cairo and Damascus and Baghdad are not Arab?

You should allow me to harvest your foreskins, just like I do to Westerners. This will allow you to experience a similar level of success, as the success of the white man is entirely contingent upon me harvesting their foreskins.

Very true

You can't speak the language.
You're Iraqi, possibly of Assyrian and not Arabian descent. Though it's possible you could have tribal Arab roots.
Damascus was populated by Arameans and Cairo is full of Egyptians most of whom don't have any Arab ancestry.

Arab region culturally stopped at late middle-ages, but why? From geopolitical point of view:
you've been in good position pre-age of discovery (new world etc.) You were placed between two important regions - Europe and China/India and benefited from old trade routes between those two centers. After sea conquest, discovery of new world, colonization, your region became redundant and stagnant.

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Raise your IQ.