Was checking if Bonobos or Chimpanzees are genetically closer to Humans and found this

What did they mean by this?

Study: nature.com/articles/nature11128

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Other urls found in this thread:


That Africans are apes, probably.
Not something that should surprise anyone.

Save everything you find on an external drive or I can nearly guarantee that stuff you saved today on this topic will be somehow deleted from your computer.


oh no! who could have predicted that?
besides rudimentary AI?

Attached: advanced AI image recogniton gorilla.jpg (610x668, 55K)

Oh my G'd. I mean God...

Attached: Q5GNcRYpA2-12.png (300x250, 37K)

This has been posted here before. It doesn't say anything like you are imagining. You are dumb, and dont have the intellect for science. Go dig some ditches and make yourself useful.

I've heard that research that points to serious racial differences is taboo and gets buried. When they found neanderthal DNA in humans it's only because it appears in white pop that we heard about it. If it were in blacks, no way...

>magical science negro "sh-shut it down!"
Don't blame Jow Forums. Blame your kike leash masters that decided if they let the world know about this you wouldn't be able to handle it.

Those TIE Fighters aren't going to be able to fly that well with different lengths in their wingspans like that.
What was the Empire thinking? Is this what happens when you outsource?


Pan-Ancestor had it okay-ish, but I think the total span is a bit too wide.

Of course, this is the MEDIAN output...

>A conclusion that two (or more) genes or proteins are homologous is a conjecture, not an experimental fact. We would be able to know for a fact that genes are homologous only if we could directly explore their common ancestor and all intermediate forms. Since there is no fossil record of these extinct forms, a decision on homology between genes has to be made on the basis of the similarity between them, the only observable variable that can be expressed numerically and correlated with probability.

Reminder that evolution is a myth.

You're complicating things that are far more simple. Beastiality chimerism.

>there is no fossil record of these extinct forms
>not an experimental fact

Attached: Dawkins tips his hat.jpg (400x400, 115K)

Yea, it figures you post like this. What is the Smithsonian and how things they find first, just disappear from the annals of history for everyone that doesn't already know about it. Now shut the fuck up you shitty excuse for damage control.

There is no evidence for evolution. Only poorly conflated genetics.

Anyone with a brain can see that evolution isn't a myth, things that can happen do and things that can't dont obviously therefore we exist because we have the capacity to stay alive those that couldn't didn't. We are only so complex because of the complex nature of physics creating from it complex systems of interaction. The random chance of all of reality would statistically create us eventually and since you have to be alive to be conscious we are at the anomaly and observe it. Look up the game of life microcephaly subhuman

t. believes in evolution even though there is no evidence for it

To add though consciousness itself is unexplainable in modern physics and is a mystery despite it being the only axiom we can truly have about our reality.

Mathematics dont require external evidence only a few assumptions need to be made for evolution to be validated.

>doubles down
Are you in the habit of just repeating yourself when you don't understand what another person says to you? Because it sure seems like it. Beastiality chimerism. What does that ahve to do with evolution? Not a damn thing. You're trying to conflate to confuse. Cut it out because you have no excuse for it and your iniquities will weigh upon you heavily.

>Mathematics don't require external evidence
>only a few assumptions need to be made for evolution to be validated.

>he has zero genetic evidence
>he has zero physical evidence
>"GUISE! These numbers on a piece of paper works just as fine as real evidence!"

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AI is going to be the redpill of the century. The reason why google and others are having such are hard time with machine learning, is they CANNOT no matter how hard they try, get it to not be racist.

That's what happens when the kikes decide to keep certain knowledge from the public. Everything hidden will be revealed. Everything. Their hubris will be their undoing. As usual. But this time because of their hiding of knowledge they will drag down many with them.

In my mind I see a great earthquake unearthing what both the Smithsonian and the Vatican has hidden from the masses. They will not be able to hide this. There will be great anger at the deception. Uncontainable anger.

It's probably going to annihilate us all

Humans share 50% DNA with the banana.
Don't take DNA ancestry too seriously.

>mfw people don't even read the fucking paper
it's African APES, not people
But let's face it, you all already knew that and just wanted to bait

Attached: angrycatturn.gif (421x338, 2.37M)

>no human races btw haha

Based white science.
>Gentic traits of species that share a world/home.

Fucking get the fuck off this world alyum nigha..

>european apes