Was checking if Bonobos or Chimpanzees are genetically closer to Humans and found this

What did they mean by this?

Study: nature.com/articles/nature11128

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-23 at 10.26.35 PM.png (1144x1112, 252K)

Other urls found in this thread:


That Africans are apes, probably.
Not something that should surprise anyone.

Save everything you find on an external drive or I can nearly guarantee that stuff you saved today on this topic will be somehow deleted from your computer.


oh no! who could have predicted that?
besides rudimentary AI?

Attached: advanced AI image recogniton gorilla.jpg (610x668, 55K)

Oh my G'd. I mean God...

Attached: Q5GNcRYpA2-12.png (300x250, 37K)

This has been posted here before. It doesn't say anything like you are imagining. You are dumb, and dont have the intellect for science. Go dig some ditches and make yourself useful.

I've heard that research that points to serious racial differences is taboo and gets buried. When they found neanderthal DNA in humans it's only because it appears in white pop that we heard about it. If it were in blacks, no way...

>magical science negro "sh-shut it down!"
Don't blame Jow Forums. Blame your kike leash masters that decided if they let the world know about this you wouldn't be able to handle it.

Those TIE Fighters aren't going to be able to fly that well with different lengths in their wingspans like that.
What was the Empire thinking? Is this what happens when you outsource?