Spics Are Worse Than Blacks


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no they aren't. jews are. all the more reason to refuse to do business with (((them))), if you catch my drift.

blacks at least are >our problem. nobody fucking asked for all of mexico and central america to move here. they don't even look human. flat-nosed obese 5' goblins that shit out 10 kids each and suck up social benefits at even higher rates than niggers

I don't speak nigger or spic. Could somebody translate this to american? Why exactly they were arrested?

Spic cop was obviously a closet cock sucking faggot and took it personally.

Cant speak english. Ask for a cop that speaks english Cant speak language but expected to understand laws written in words. Foreign Legion. This is what diversity looks like.

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cops a huge fag what the hell

We are certainly more dangerous than blacks, more focused, better at thinking ahead.
But he acted just the same as all cops do in the US, there are hundreds of videos like this out there and the cops always behave like that, him being mexican is not relevant to this specific situation.


Pedro thinka itsa illegal to talk loud or call people faggots. Never saw a fucking constitution or knows what one is. Wont be questioned becuase its now a direct attack on his "diversity"

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They were being pretty upitity. It's likely they were lying or omitting something.


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I will have those black ladies so I may fill their wombs. So how much??

She tried telling the police how to do their jobs.

Niggers are lucky they didn't get batoned.

Not if I baton them first if..ya know what I mean.

South American here.

We're whiter than Meso-Americans but don't mind them killing/beating your nog asses.

For years niggos have gone after South Americans for being attractice and light skinned.

Now it's your turn, Shaquessa.

Mongrel cops can't take a woman yelling. Jesus you people are weak.

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What a bunch of pissed skin faggots. This is exactly why you nip stuff in the bud since these literal subhuman IQ animals act all nice but then let the SLIGHTEST of power go to their head. Next thing you know Miguel and co are harassing you into giving "donations" to their cop fundraising and letting the other taco farting animals get away with drug peddling and blasting the same fucking sounding bean music since their "race" is to retarded to learn how to make a song that isn't filled with the same damn notes.

When I refer to Spics, I mean Mexican.

What are '3 things no one ever wants at their house for $500, Alex'.

the cheap labor was worth it

That's why they're trying to make it illegal to not do business with them in every white country.