To all the"degeneracy" posters on this board: What gives you the right to tell another individual how to live their...

To all the"degeneracy" posters on this board: What gives you the right to tell another individual how to live their life? What business is it of yours if a trans person gets a sex-change or if a gay person gets married? No one is forcing YOU to get a sex change or have a gay marriage.

Face it; you guys are just busybodies who want to control othet peoples bodies and lives.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Neck yourself.

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Kys faggot

Good to see that pol posters have no arguments, only insults.

That faggot in the picture is such a fucking idiot. I forget it's username but hopefully suicide is soon.

Neck yourself also, faggot.

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A Life of Experience and the Federal Government

>What gives you the right to tell another individual how to live their life?
It's God's word.

You're right, I honestly have no idea how the collective physical and mental well being of society could effect me in any way. I'm sorry for being so silly.

honk honk

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You have the freedom to be a sick fuck and we have the freedom to call you a sick fuck.

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What gives you the right to criticize another's right to criticize?

Sex change is poor practice and does more harm than good, honestly should be banned.

Aren't you telling me how I should live my life right now? What gives you the right?

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What right do degenerates have to push their abnormal views into the mainstream? Normalization of degeneracy impacts my life. I don’t care what someone does behind closed doors, but forcing private degeneracy as publicly acceptable behavior is wrong.

Don't stick strange objects in electrical sockets.

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Also, I'm a sick fuck too. Everyone is. Most won't admit to it though.
Dopamine is a hell of a neurotransmitter.

This board itself contributes to the bad collective health of society by spreading hate and creating psychopathic murderers like the NZ shooter. When was the last time a queer person massacred straught people with an assault rifle?

>if a trans person gets a sex-change
If i have to pay for the surgery out of my taxes, i have the right to protest. Even on its face, its a cosmetic surgery, and just as i would not want to fund some bimbo getting plastic tits out of the same budget that is meant for life saving surgery, i would not want to do the overly elaborate castration that is sex change surgery.

Also, seeing the suicide rates if post-op trans people, its my duty to declare it as a health hazard, just as any other barbaric practice.

And then there is allowing it to be done to children, witch is reprehensible.

So in conclusion on the trans shit, i would not care if you paid for it with your own money as an adult. But you dont.

Fags however can go and jump off a building.

kys reicho
you're going to end up in jail

>What gives you the right to tell another individual how to live their life?

Sure as fuck doesn’t stop fags from forcing their beliefs they the federal government down into red states who despise degenerates.

Sure as fuck doesn’t stop non whites from forcing themselves or big daddy federal government forcing non whites into white majority areas of the world.

We are at war.

Brenton did nothing wrong. He wasn’t the invader trying to change society, FYI.

Fuck off foggots, we will hang you by your guts from streetlights

>What gives you the right to tell another individual how to live their life?


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No, it's society and media who creates the hate by treating such events in completely different ways. If society had stepped up and handled it when all the immigrant terror happens, then normal people wouldn't be radicalized in the way that's happening now. Society created the NZ shooter, not this place.

You don't have to heed what I say or take to heart. I'm just letting you know, that you're in line if there's a day of the rope. Take from that whatever you please, continue to fuck man ass for all I care.

What gives me the right? The Constitution of the United States does. See, I can tell you whatever the fuck I want. Understand, faggot? You want to take that right away from me, well guess what, you can't take that right away from me without surrendering that right yourself.
God, I hate faggots. Lobotomize yourself.

anti-degeneracy unites us

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>We're not trying to force it on anyone!
>*Forces it on children and schools*

>Face it; you guys are just busybodies who want to control othet peoples bodies and lives.

Now say my pronouns and bake my cake, you bigot, also the child consented and love is love.

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That right is called freedom of speech.

Very good post

>When was the last time a queer person massacred straught people with an assault rifle?

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is that a challenge?

How do you know who is queer and who is not?

I couldn't give half a fuck about what people do behind closed doors. But people don't just want to be degenerates, they want to actively degenerate society. I am vehemently opposed to that.

Please lick my cavernous asshole.

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we don't want you to infect our children and loved ones with your degeneracy.
neck yourself.

Check this out. Ever notice how pedophiles never strictly like little girls? It's always little boys too if not, more so little boys. Homosexuality is linked to Pedophilia hence why you degenerate scum are trying to push LBGTP

LGBT people having the same rights isn't forcing anything, it's simply putting the on the same level as everbody else.

Can you kindly take your tribalism and fuck off?

What makes you different from those people? You just came to here to shitpost your ideas totally ignoring the ideas of the others.

In the end both are wrong.

The needs of the many come before the pleasures of a few.

We live in a world where the liberal media actively encourages mentally insane people to mutilate their bodies and then CELEBRATES them. for their ability to pretend to be members of the opposite sex (often poorly).

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>they want to actively degenerate society. I am vehemently opposed to that.
I want society to break too. The faster I can test out my air force of trained birds of prey(including bombers) the better. Peaceful society is boring and meaningless. Danger makes things more interesting. Proof? Group-B rally is the best and most dangerous rally.

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I don't give a fuck what you weirdo faggots do to your body.

It's when you start trying to get to my kids that we have a problem.

And that's what you disgusting degenerates are doing.

Stay the fuck away from kids with your degeneracy, you sick fucks.

Telling other people how you think they should live their lives isn't forcing anything either. It's simply on the same level as everybody else, like you being here right now telling us how we should live our lives.

Because you're pushing that faggotry on kids you degenerate freak!

The same reason you yourself don't allow others to kill, rape and steal, presumably. Actions that benefit an individual are wrong if they come at the cost of others' well being, and may still hurt the individual even if they think it's in their best interest.

People are getting botched gender correction surgeries without being fully informed, children are pushed to become permanently infertile as adults due to possibly premature hormone treatments. Mentally unstable people are being pushed to question their gender to unhealthy amounts despite not being dysphoric (e.g. otherkin). And an open dialogue about these things can hardly be had beyond places like this board, because people like you assume any criticism or concern is an attack on your liberty.

get in the oven

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Do what you want, dont stop me from doing what I want. If I want to call you a fag for being a fag, I'm gonna do it. You faggots and niggers play the victim card all the time, not realizing it's because you are outsiders. You then demand our culture bends to suit you rather than changing to fit the culture, which is part of the reason western culture has been dying out in the 20th century. A culture that folds to any slight offence is not one that can survive.

Faggots and trannies know that kids are extremely impressionable. I think we should introduce the idea that it's okay to be racist and hate faggots too then. Lets give them the choice.

>What business is it of yours if a trans person gets a sex-change or if a gay person gets married?
Why do I get the feeling you're not actually lbgt?
username from which forum?

This is bait, but I've seen this said as recently as yesterday.
All of their degeneracy made the world absolutely terrible and it continues to do so. Plain and simple. Every single white person alive looks back at the 50s and if they're not an absolute fucking retard they see the absolutely massive drop in total quality in everything from food to housing to tools to cars to the people themselves.
I'm fucking tired of watching absolutely terrible people ruin the world only to have kikes and faggots say "oh be tolerant you don't want to be a racist homophobic islamophobe do you".
Unironically I am ready to fight and I don't care if it costs me my life. This shit has to end.


funny how much the left loves to moral police what I can and cannot think, believe, and say. while playing the "what gives you the right to tell me how to live my life?" card...

believe it or not, people can have ~controversial opinions~ without immediately wanting to control how other people live.

wait, this is a bait thread isn't it...

Faggots are toxic in every community they inhabit. They don't deserve to be equal, they deserve to stomped down. Im so glad that whatever happens, either the extreme right or the muslims are gonna crush you subhumans.

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This board is full of posts saying that homosexuality should be outlawed, so yes you do want to use the power if the state to enforce YOUR morality on others.

Good point. Now why do you care what we care about?

Kids are also shitheads.

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>creating psychopathic murderers like the NZ shooter
prove it. His memefesto is an elaborate joke, and his actions are more akin to a secret intelligence service, than a crazy, radical, nazi white supremacist.

>what gives you the right to tell anyone anything?
Well if I work and pay taxes, and part of that goes towards enabling faggots to be as degenerate as possible, I have a right to say that shit isn't normal.
It's not normal to have your child on hormones if it puts on women's shoes once or to parade a 10 year old boy around like a whore for old pedos.
Your misguided sense of justice makes you a useful idiot

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No it's a youtuber. It does lengthy reviews on typically survival horror or anything capcom related.

a society works by consensus. if everybody puts themselves over any norms, rejecting established values, that radical individualism will destroy said society. the west is the weakest, most divided it has almost ever been right now.
well, we'll either die out by a climate change-extinction event or our chinese overlords will rule in 20 years, so idc anymore.
but rampant mental illness, identity loss and misguided tolerance are as damaging to us as multinational corporations, the shark tank of capitalism and war.

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Faggos are too cowardly to do what Brenton did. They prefer to prey on children. Which is infinitely more harmful.

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Correct. "It doesn't affect me" is the lie the baby boomer generation told themselves as they shirked their responsibility for maintaining a society and a nation.

And plebbit and media is full of posts saying that the idea that homosexuality should be outlawed... should be outlawed. So yes, you do want to use the power of the state to enforce YOUR morality on others.

Exactly, and we can't expect God to do all the work.

As a fellow faggot ilr let me clear this up for you trans-niggers.

None of my conservative friends, relatives, or acquaintances have a single problem with homosexual lifestyles or the trans movement, and they don't care about abortion; what they DO care about is their tax dollars going to FUND your mental illness, abortions, and homosexual studies in public institutions and the systematic erosion of the nuclear family and traditional mariage roles.

Don't want people in your bedroom, then keep what you do in your bedroom, behind closed doors in private, there in the first place and don't DEMAND other people pay for YOU contraception and abortions. Don't want people getting in your business about your identity, then dont shove it in peoples faces and then DEMAND people treat you a certain way. It's really quite simple.

We don't care what a bunch of alt-right nazis think about us! xDD They're all neckbeard losers! But lets go to their forum and ask why they can't accept us anyways.

No, this board didn't create the shooter, Islam did. If Islam didn't condone the murder of nonbelievers and promote violence against westerners, the shooting never would have happened. It was only a natural reaction to immigration and terrorist attacks.

Your individual choice means also collectivist activism, creating a parallel community advocating for its own interest, rights and infectious behavior. Sometimes outright at war with normalcy, which is simply another group of interests that I will not be ashamed of defending and promoting, the same way.
So kys. You wanted competition, you'll have it.

>we just want to live our lifes

no you fucking dont, you want to drag everyone down into your Little mental illness hole

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Equality of opportunity =/= Equal outcomes. You're not asking for equal opportunity because we have that now in the West. What you're demanding is to be a special, protected class with government forced outcomes at the expense of the society we live in.

We're the minority, get your head out of your ass.

I dont care. Do what you want. But dont you tell me im not allowed to hate you for it.

After all you dont have the right to tell me what to think :)

Now go cut your benis off subhumaN

You didn't come here for arguments faggot, stop being dishonest.

>I had sex with a dog
well shes just like a real girl now

Hey, throw a bunch of people together into a single political entity and living space and guess what happens, they all naturally want to control each other. Unfortunately, some fucking retard "conservatives" took the individualism pill and their unilateral disarmament landed us in globohomo clown world.

Traps are only good in 2D.
3D women are not important.

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But you are forcing me to watch mentally ill people parade down streets with their dicks in their hands and promoting pederasty to children.

Yeah, because it's knee-jerk reactions from the average working class American and European who are sick and tired of having our behavior shoved in their face.

Most Jow Forumstards don't give a shit what you or I do or with whom as long as you stop shoving our degenerate behaviors in their faces. How many people ITT have told you this now? 30-40% of the replies?

Kill yourself holy shit. This spam is so annoying. Seriously this is worse than nikki sixx log posting on /b/. I'd rather have that than these retards keep spamming about trannies. Nobody cares how hurt you are by our "insensitivity" you're not changing anyone's opinion, you're just giving us more reasons to hate you

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In a rational world, we could come to an agreement. Homosexuality seems to be a naturally incurring trait, and while its destructive, its more degenerate and corrosive effects to society can be contained easily. Outlawing it cant eliminate it totally anyway. Were we in a better world, we could find a decent balance between your wish to debase yourself and societies revulsion at you doing it.

But no debate is allowed on the true nature of homosexuality, orange cheeto is even planning on invading countries that are not faggy enough. In such a world of no debate, a rough, blanket "Kill every faggot" law of the muslims should be embraced.

And see THIS shit I definitely don't care about.
For the last 28 years of my recollected life, your precious society has done everything in its power to annoy me and piss me off. Be it schools, law enforcement, the media, moralfaggots, kikes in hollywood, whatever.

When a child suffers, I see it as recompense for my own trouble. OP is an absolute sick fucking faggot, but his actions and those of society destroying itself are sweet karma to those of us who just wanted to BE LEFT ALONE.
Time to eat it, moralfag. Like it or not.

t. rural retard who gets off to 9/11 and dead city dwellers

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It is the mass importation of mudslimes and the media/govt/let's consistent apology of their fundamentalist terrorism what created the shooter faggot.

Also, no one used assault rifles in the recent shootings. Those are 5 figure guns behind plenty of checks and an extra tax.

>every second post on this hellhole board is something advocating violence against religious/ethnic minorities, LGBT etc.
>one pol poster actually goes a d does this in resl-life

Jeff Dahmer killed and literally ate them.

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She (?) had some good DMC reviews, at least for 1, 2, and 5. Haven't seen any of the resi reviews

OP - i dont think most of us CARE what y-o-u do personally to yourself. whooppeee shit, and i think its gallows-humor funny what the degenerates do. PROBLEM: preaching it to children as normal and wonderful from 1st grade on. If the weirdos weren't RECRUITING CHILDREN like pedo's "grooming youngsters", people would go bck to not really caring, is my guess.

>No one is forcing YOU to get a sex change or have a gay marriage.

Not yet.

You seem like a sick faggot too letting children take the fall for your hatred of society faggot

The objective moral order of the universe.

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Why would you pretend like the constant, regular like clockwork, massive Islamic terror attacks in the west have nothing to do with it. Why would you do that?

>There is something in the environment that makes people have bad thoughts.
>bad thoughts lead to bad deeds.
>Should we remove the thing in the environment that generates these bad thoughts?
>No, we should ban thoughts.

Aren't aids and suicidal behaviors enough signs from God that your life style is only leading you to Hell ?

Let's be real about it. Homosexuality is a pattern of behavior, specifically, sexually deviant behavior not exhibited among the vast, vast majority of Human beings.

Homosexuality doesn't encourage the breakdown of societal norms on its own occurances within a population. It never has. Post-merdinist/decustructionism is what is breaking the West, not me sucking dicks.

Not really caring is what allowed this to happen in the first place. Like, I don't mind a little bit of cancer, as long as it doesn't go metastatic, no need for extreme measures. It always metastasizes if left unchecked.