ATHEISTS: Do you feel spiritually uplifted by your atheism?

ATHEISTS: Do you feel spiritually uplifted by your atheism?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_unwritten_doctrines

I feel euphoric and enlightened.

I used to be an atheist after giving up my Christianity. I thought i was "woke". but then i went deeper. I went so far down the hole of athiesm i actually got "woke" to what god really is, what logos is, what Christ really means.

I was an atheist from the start but I went down the rabbit hole of Platonism and psychedelics and now I see the points of the various metaphysical views expressed in the various religions but overall have my own personal beliefs about God and the universe. Probably mostly aligned with Taoism though.

Its actually kind like empty.

Why ought I feel spiritually uplifted? What does that even mean?

dont know much about Taoism but i have done a lot of psychedelic searching as well. I think god and Christ, the profecys and the bible, are all math. Its all an expression of a fundamental fractiling equation of infinite entropy

>What does that even mean?
I genuinely pity you.

you will know when you feel it. i asked that same question once. but have you ever seen a birth? ever saved a life? ever avoided death? this is the feeling but every day

hes just in the hole. he can get himself out, everyone can

Kek, fake and gay.

There is no spiritual aspect to my atheism. I'm just not aware of any reason to believe in any god. It seems like most people believe without evidence just because they want to, and they should have the right to do that, I just disagree with them.


I feel free, fuck your cuck shit.

No, but I choose to accept reality as it is presented, what is the alternative, to lie to myself? It is a very somber thought that we are just animals like any other and some day we will all be gone, no one to remember any of this ever happened.

it means OP is a memeflag idiot. i meditate sometimes, but dont get much oit of it honestly. i just dont believe in the christian or jewish or muslim or hindu gods for the same reason i dont believe the world is flat or that elvis is still alive--they're absurd notions.


Makes sense. I was quite fascinated by this painting when I was sort of processing and coming to understand Christianity.
I guess to me I'm interested in the balance of negative and positive energies (yin and yang) in shaping the universe and the transient nature of all phenomena, rising and falling in the manner of the four seasons. I tend to view the universe and all things in it as suspended between two poles: an infinite eternal white light of endless creation, and an infinite empty void of empty nothingness.In between are all the worlds and beings in existence.

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Its really not m8. your disconnected from your "soul". you need to remember how to be a human and not a machine for a while.

well my spiritual exp's had nothing to do with any religion. my exp's are what religious fruit cakes cream them selves over every night. so kys NPC.

aha yes i see. intresting pic as well i gave it a save. it looks very masonic.

Recently my view has shifted a bit but i used toi think in binaries as you do. ive been experimenting with logos recently. unification thinking. the idea that there is no binary but thats only how we percive things. there is no dark, only lack of light, there is no cold, only lack of heat and so on

I dont even know what a spirit or a soul is, agnostic dont care about it too much, i just dont understand spirituality, i've never deluded myself into thinking any of its real, i just cant its not about feeling euphoric of smarter than anyone.. i've just felt and seen no evidence.

>hurr math is the answer

What kind of dumbass question is that. I'll tell you this though as an atheist I don't feel burdened. Only I can decided what is right and wrong, only I can decide if I've truly sinned. Only I can make myself miserable with guilt. It's great too, because once you realize there is no real divine punishment, than you don't have to feel scared that you're doing something wrong. Now that doesn't mean you should just do whatever you want, mainly because you still need to have good and common sense. But you don't have to worry about some eternal punishment just because you touched my dick at night or because you got a pre marital blow job. It's ok to live, don't be afraid of the unknown. We'll never know how we got here, it's all speculation. It will always be speculation until god shows himself or we witness the birth of a universe. And good isn't logical in any sense, you simply just need to look at the world around you to know that God isn't the answer. Being a good person, you know, someone with common sense, that's what you should be. You don't need god for that

Jesus Christ has the power to save. Seek God and you will find wisdom that overflows. Bless all of you.

why are religious people dumb then?

The truth is the truth regardless of your feelings, christcuck.

>be good
>you don’t need God for that

Society has known, or chosen lawlessness, what good is and it is what has been defined by God from the beginning.

Using bible terminology to discuss atheistic lifestyle choices. Lol.


I don't feel "spiritually uplifted" not believing in Santa either.

I would say that cold is a lack of heat, but that without cold heat itself would have no meaning. Things are only able to "exist" in contrast to that which they are not. That is to say, the infinite energy of creation is only actually able to manifest its energies into a world by spilling out into the void. Pic related.

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Not as dumb as that question.

word salad.
are you 14?

You are probably still a teenager. Perhaps you will understand in time, perhaps not.

Wisdom, in this case, being a massive slice of denial and a side of cope.

Anybody following a religion at this point in history is holding mankind back and deserves death.

It's metaphorical stupid. I'm not so far up my ass I can't use religious terminology to describe something. And god never defined anything. It's always been man and nature. Of course we would say murder is bad, because it's a life being taken and people see and think "my life could be next. So murder should be bad so my life isn't taken" but some lives need to be taken because some lives aren't worth keeping alive. Humans are sin, and that's why they created these "good and evil" views to try and hide themselves away from their own desires by forcing this agenda so other's don't give them what they deserve. Like death. Humans are stupid, humans don't know what they want or need, and your "rules to live by" was created by man and thats what makes it so flawed. That's why it's bad to follow religion, you become nothing at that point. You become a husk, waiting to die because someone else told you to wait. Humans hopefully might one day see that life isn't so black and white, but for now, well, I don't blame humans for being so needing of god. We're still just total idiots after all

Funny Thread Here:

Also try reading the Bible as a metaphorical thing rather than literal. It should help you to understand that instead of living for god, you can live for yourself and still have morals and values.

Everyone here talks about the jew but nothing has brought more destruction to Western countries than white guilt fags virtue signaling themselves, and us, into extinction.

An atheist is a liar, who claims he knows everything, agnosticism is the only true philosophy worth respecting.

the true red pill is realizing all religions are manmade and that you can believe in a god without sucking the Christian/Jewish/Muslim cock

God is not logical. Quit being a pussy. There is no god, and I doubt a god would be understanding of your skepticism and still let you into heaven. You either believe or you don't. At least that's how the religious idiots like to make it seem

No. I don't feel anything.

retard can't understand how complex math is and it's usefulness for understanding the universe

Who knows?
Maybe there isn't a vein of stars calling out my name,
No glow from above our heads,
Nothing there to see you down on your knees.

Twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven,
Off in the future maybe there ain't no heaven,
It's just you and me and maybe that's just as well
Cuz if there ain't no heaven maybe there ain't no hell?

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Honestly, idk. But I can bet I marvel at creation’s marvels more often than you. When was the last time you freaked out at how pepper changed the surface tension in your sink. Or the disorganised orginisation of a bait ball. Better yet, even as an agnostic, marvelled at the ungodliness of the pious. Looking at the world from an irreligious standpoint, I’m entranced daily by its ordinary disorder and it’s unordinilary ordiliness. The world is a thing to be marvelled at, and I don’t need the prism of religion to see it

I feel spiritually uplifted and I'm neither a Christian or an atheist. Sorry to break the news to you, but you're going to hell.

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Huh if this is true I think I might be kinda like God in a way. I feel like I have infinite stories to tell and nobody to tell them to.

Clown World
Clown/Honk Pill
We are witnessing the end OP.

Join us as we celebrate the extinction of the white race because our women betrayed us.


Maybe you could try creating art.

They only thing they feel uplifted about is all kinds of sin and debauchery, cause if there's no God there's no rules, except what I decide myself.

Dude, those numbers.
The Ouroboros...

Nice opinion.

That’s what you tell yourself? What a miserable existence. I have a Father who loves me and is guiding my life. He loves you too. Even if you go WAYYYY out of your way to make up crackpot theories of existence and natural law because you hate God for some reason. Grace and mercy brother. I’m not an idiot either. I’m terribly sorry that you feel that way about yourself but it’s not true I’m telling you.

Here's a Roastie Honk for you OP.

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no, i dont feel anything of that spirit crap. i just have never been capabale of having faith in a god or spirit of any sort, i dont know why?
i have nothing against those who belive as long as its not extream and they dont try to convert me in to there groups .
but i would say that i have judeo christian values.
and i do hate most atheists as they are worse than the mormons when it comes to recruiting and they are so full of them selfs and they tend to be rude.
i am my on man i dont belong to any group, leave me alone

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Cringe. but If this is how you cope with life than more power to you, brother. Wouldn't want you to kill yourself because you had to make your own rules.

The Bible is not a beginners guide to ethics. It is an intimate text, our lifeline to our (and your) creator. It’s not all about you and living for yourself. There are things bigger than you. The irony is.. God has such a magnificent plan for your life that by following Him and living for Him, I have actually done more for myself than if I had not. For the sake of the argument I say it that way, realistically it is God doing for me.

Good for you my brother.

Could you imagine existing without the idea of a god in your life? What could stop you from believing in him?

Incorrect again. That is what the Bible told me.

I have been learning and critically examining the feasibility behind God for years and have come to the unanimous conclusion that the God of the Bible is the Uncreated One and that the Bible is his word to us. Assuming the Bible to be true and reliable, it’s less a belief and more of a knowledge.

You’re asking the wrong question. What could make you start believing in him?

>Could you imagine existing with the idea of a god in your life? What could start you from believing in him?

Nothing. I have a better chance or losing faith in gravity. The skeptic always claims that there’s no proof. I say to you that I have seen and felt God in more ways than I can ever explain. There can be no disproving for me at this point in my life.

I could not imagine being in a state of mind to where I did not acknowledge the created world we live in.

I hope you didn’t fall for (((Darwinism))) either..

atheism is not a destination, but the beginning of thought. on the countrary, theism is the exact opposite of thinking.

i feel spiritually lifted by music, art, space, history, philosophy, new ideas and concepts...
i don't need an imaginary friend to feel this.

>That is what the bible told me
That's so simple really; his physical presence. A presence everyone can see. Not some metaphorical presence, not a presence within ourselves, but I want to see this fucker come down and answer questions. Really, he could ensure all of his creation worship him if he just simply show himself.

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Another opinion dressed up as a fact. Nice.

Leave them be, brother. They dead. They corpses, man. Really read what's being said. Dead words, man. From dead men. It's not about logic. They dead, man. Just stop. Whole place is dead now.

small souled bugman

both sides are high on their own farts
personal gods like that of the bible are cheap spirituality, predicated on brainwashing the stupid.

real spirituality is found beyond the bible, in connection to everything, in feeling like a part of the universe as a whole. this is why pantheism is superior to christianity.

>I can't not believe in God. I've been programmed to never quesiton his existence
>Have a nice day
>Have a nice day
>Have a nice day
>Have a nice day
>Have a nice day

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If you have another theory of how we came to be, now would be a good time to post it. I might add that evolution and Christianity are not incompatible.

Absolute fundamental lack of understanding of God. He created free creatures and calls out to you. If he slapped an enormous flaming cross in the sky that said “I’m real” you would have no choice but to believe. Where is the freedom?

Aside from that, the Bible also states that for some, God himself could come and stand face to face with you. You would still curse him.

(Spoiler alert: it already happened once)

>That's so simple really; his physical presence. A presence everyone can see.

Why on earth would he do that if he want you to have faith? He already done that and he did miracles and then they killed him . Not a great success

that's called being delusional, user

Cold does not exist in contrast to heat, cold is a term used to describe a lack of heat. Heat would only be meaningless if it was the same everywhere. It's the difference in heat that gives meaning

if your imagination gives you strength then power to ya

Christianity is the same, it's just, instead of individual gods it's individual facets of God that are extremely different from eachother by compose the same incomprehensible divinity.

Pantheism is just stupid, man. You're stupid, and you're gay.

That's not true, god could give me the choice to believe in him and ill take the chance to either worship him fully and if I make mistakes I face eternal punishment, OR he could offer me the chance to not have him in my life and I just simply die and nothing happens to me.

>His physical presence
Well, theres the problem.

Spiritually uplifted by a boring fact like the supernatural does not exist? No. Do I feel spiritual about other things? Yes.

I came to God on a quest to disprove.

Evolution of species is an abomination and is not scientific in any shape or form. I believe in God, the CREATOR of the universe..

>t. Engineer

Pantheism and Monism are really the ultimate spirituality, even Christians know it, and that's why Christian philosophy for thousands of years attempted to mental gymnastic the works of Plato and Aristotle into being compatible with Christianity.(Pro Tip: They aren't)

You don't even understand the foundation myths of your own religion, and the way they are used in Christianity. I pity you for being so historically illiterate.

Where to start with pantheism? What works do I study. Sounds interesting.

I pity you for being a neckbearded incel thinkin God be like he isn't. But he is, and you aren't doin nothin about it man.

You do not understand. Why don’t you use your internets to research the basics of God.

Start with

You cannot even properly frame a biblical question due to your lack of understanding so our conversation is futile

They worship frying pans

God is something dreamed up by humans who know enough to have serious questions, unlike other animals, but are now bothered by what they don't know. I do think the masses need religion though.

No. You're deflecting because you're an idiot. I mean I already knew that when you took the bible a face value, but now it's just too pathetic. But thanks for proving my point
>Have a nice day

God is reality. Reality is God. Wake up. Everything is consciousness WAKE the FUCK UP

Why the animosity? I could say nasty things about Christianity. Stop being so judgemental.

Probably the works of Plato, Platonists/Neoplatonists in general. The actual doctrines are very obscure in Plato and revealed in esoteric study, what is mainly called the "Unwritten Doctrines." as expressed by Aristotle.'s_unwritten_doctrines
This will give you a basic idea of what that means and how it has been formulated.
You don't even understand the terminology I am using in comparing the Absolute with a personal God. You have a bit of growing up to do before any education I could give you would stick.

Here come the euphoria memes. Fuck it.

I don't feel spiritually uplifted by not believing in a god per se. I'm not even entirely sure what "spiritually uplifted" even really means.
I do feel fulfilled by aspects of my life, I do feel alive due to things I do or the people around me. While I have difficult times I have times where I feel quite fulfilled and happy, with a background of contentment.

I certainly don't feel I'm missing out on anything important by not believing in any supernatural entity/entities.

not an opinion. any discourse which expressely refuses and obstructs the use of my natural rationality is to me incomplete, amputee. on the countrary, you have lower standards for trusting something as true. all of your faith is grounded on sentiments and emotivity, like women and children do. you want to believe, therefore you believe, you want to get moved, therefore you get moved. which is a feminine way of thinking. by my side, i want only what i can and don't ask life more than life can give, like a child.

Cool. Will look into it. Thanks.

I don’t agree. I have seen all His glory and his Horror, whoever He might be, and can’t see how you can claim that. engineers just tinker around the edges of the allowable.

You want to see some shit, go to sea.
T. Ships master

Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.
Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell

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I’m not deflecting you’re just a brainlet that won’t come up with anything substantial.

Most all of your statements are examples of a non sequitur at that.

i know there are higher powers i just choose not to believe in them

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Word salad. Invalid presumptions. Ad hom.

Easy there big brain

You got a bit of growing up to do before you learn how to talk to man, incel. I just banged a sweet 9/10 hottie I bagged earlier tonight. And I believe in God. The fuck did you do? Be an atheist and gay?

Time to throw in the towel and start sucken dicks kid.

>word salad
illiterate nigger