Serbian genocide method is correct

The extermination and genocide of all shitskins is the only way. It doesn't matter if you live in USA, EU, Australia, etc. We all must do the same.

I've lived all my life in a 25% muslim country, and we were under Ottoman occupation for hundreds of years. You can tell yourself "Oh, that mosque is just standing there making funny sounds but it doesn't affect m", or "There is nowhere to run, so we must strengthen our identity while living next to muds".

But eventually you realize life would be thousand folds better if all shitskins just completely evaporated. This is why Hitler had the right idea, and in the 90s Serbs carried out the best form of action - they didn't try to pacify, make peace, or hold the conflict off like Israelis do. They went for complete extermination. This is the only way to secure a future for white children.

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Other urls found in this thread:–Karlovac–Karlobag_line

>some balkan shitstain

Who fucking cares lol

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I agree. I wonder why modern people are so appalled by and against the removal of undesirables?
It must be the fault of Christianity, the original kikery that plagues Europa

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>Calling for genocide of shitskins
>being small dark tartar man
Pick one la

Well we arent 25% its all lies the political parties bus over shiptars from kosovo and write them as macedonian citizens then ship them back. Or one person writes down 10 people that don't exist.
At most there 15% of the creatures which is still 30% too many.

That was your punishment for opposing the Basileia Rhomaion
You took part in bringing the muslim scourge into Europe, along with Bulgarians

Estonia is on that same list for me lol

Albanians are whiter than u, monkeydonian shitskins

stfu shill kike OP is 100% right you inbred maggot



Today is aniversary of NATO bombing of Serbia. 23 countries attacked 1. Thanks west.
Now enjoy open road to your countries.


Burn your Local Mosque in Ohrid

Kill yourself servroach

you shiti slave give advice haha

Hey, I know you are like 5’6.
I know your penis is small.
I know you’re Albanian.

But why are you so fucking gay?

Speak English mongrel

Fuck u bitch!

Aren't Serbians already shitskins themselves?

Dude, you are Macedonian.
None of you looks White.

I remember all the YUROP STRONK dickwaving of the 90s.
And then the OH NOES IT'S LITERALLY HITLER Jr. (america plz halp).
And if only Bill Clinton could have kept it in his pants, kebab would have been quietly removed and nobody would even remember the whole unpleasantness today.

Take a break from Jow Forums

Stop this stupid meme, there was never any genocide or genocide attempt in Bosnia.

If you have the attention span find and watch the trial of Vojislav Seselj in the Hague, he literally disproved any bullshit about genocide which is why they had to let the fucker go.

We killed men while women and children were bused away, a huge amount of the "genocided" living in Serbia to this day. It is simply that muslim trash conducted themselves like ISIS did in Syria, basically poking out with guerilla warfare before hiding behind their wives and children as meat shields, so naturally some died as collateral.

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That's pretty standard of them.
They did the same to Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.
They like to gang up on small countries.

what did the serbs do exactly? what was their method?

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>Who fucking cares lol

Complete extermination of the Jews is the only way to secure the future from the Jews
>prove me wrong

by killing themselves.

killing muslims

In Srebrenica fighting age males were executed since they were potential terrorists
That's the official story
The Hague claimed around 5000 were killed while the Bosniaks claim it's 8000+
In the regions of current Republika Srpska many Muslim homes were burned down and the residents were sent to Sweden

They released all the criminals from jail, signed them up for paramilitary volunteer squads, gave them nicknames like Jackals or Scorpions or whatever sounded badass at the time, attached them to regular infantry which followed them around, and after they shelled a village and took it over, they let the volunteer squads basically do whatever they want.

They weren't really anything special. Congo paramilitaries did the same thing. Most of them were very far from the idea of the holy kebab remover, they just wanted an excuse to kill and rape and steal and religion was the best one at the time.

It's unfortunate Serbs as a whole were blamed for the actions of these individuals.

That's not really a method.
That is the act itself.

who cares, they need to clean their own kebab this time, but they wont since western euros are cucks set to be replaced.

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This absolutely, any genocide meme was destroyed in the Seselj trial and turned to a laughning stock.


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Your country is built on lies idiot . West of your Country is Albanian and the rest is Bulgarian

know your place

>genocide of all shitkins

didn't just they kill their slavic brothers bosnians and albanos?

pretty much, they had illusions of grandeur fed to them through an IV line straight to brain–Karlovac–Karlobag_line

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B-but muh optics

it's pathetic to see you cumskins discuss genocide like its nothing.
You're not superior in any way. You have cumskins, we have shitskins. Otherwise you're just as retarded as the whole world, you fucking morons.