Why Trump got the white (pink) vote? Jelousy?

caucasians = pink effeminate skin
everyone else = alpha dominate skin

Do you guys think women marry so many pinkys just so they can have security but then sleep with the alphas on the side? lol

Attached: Skin.png (500x520, 142K)

Shitskin cope

>so they can have security
then they would marry Asians.

All girls are pink on the inside

Nonwhites = overproduction of melanin
Whites = produces the necessary amount of melanin
Why the fuck do nonwhites glorify their shitskin? It doesn't even genetically make sense.

Not many Asians here plus there's a stigma

pink? nigger youre purple! you fucking EGGPLANT! you look like a yam i just dug up outta the ground!

Yup, we all are. But they are attracted to manly men. Can't be attracted to a pink boy lol

It's a good thing it's overproduced lol looks more manly and women like alpha dominant intimidating men. Reminder they ride black men in their 20s then settle for a soiboy in their 30s lol

i just had a pretty good laugh reading Quora at all these indians finding out to their horror that the dark in "all women want a tall, dark and handsome man" means a white guy with dark hair and eyebrows, and not dark skin

shut the fuck up EGGPLANT before i make chicken parmasen out of you haha NIGGER

Proof? Women are talking about dark skinned or at least tanned men

Attached: Pink.jpg (400x400, 89K)

Attached: feelsgood.webm (640x360, 2.6M)

look at this eggplant, then look at your complexion

Attached: eggplants.jpg (1100x734, 42K)

who is this?

see what im saying? you're literally a vegetable. a purple effeminate vegetable.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at 3.55.27 AM.png (976x490, 460K)

basically my man you look like a veggie i make chicken parm with

see what im saying?

Attached: SpendWithPennies-Chicken-Parmesan-24.jpg (700x1050, 59K)

timestamp it, liar

Attached: 432342423.webm (1280x720, 439K)

ill make it tomorrow you'll see

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who is she? I want to know why she's doing this. She's probably a porn star paid thousands to do this

cope more nigger

>mfw this might actually be an angry nigger and not just a teenager impersonating one

Attached: 1447212329917.png (224x353, 29K)

Damn nigger you’re on a roll tonight, how many threads have you made at this point?

The most famous nigger ever bleached his skin white. That's all you need to know.

I only made 1

Wait, you mean not all american flags are niggers LARPing?