What is with the lack of scientific education constantly displayed by the political right? "Tide goes in, tide goes out...

What is with the lack of scientific education constantly displayed by the political right? "Tide goes in, tide goes out, you can't explain that"??? Is it willful ignorance, or is it something else?

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>having an uncritical devotion to "science"

These people tend to be uber-liberal faggots in soft majors like literature and graphic arts, too, which is the irony.

Anyone who studied "scientific" fields like chemistry or physics or math know that the vast majority of scientists are welfare queens who bullshit their findings in order to get grants so they don't fucking starve to death, and have zero actual integrity. Look at global warming, I mean climate change, I mean....you get the point.

P.S. I study medicine - there is very little empirical evidence for even 50% of medical interventions, and for the other 50% so much of it is unsubstantiated bullshit where some guy selectively picked and chose a P value from somewhere.

Then we come to ethics...what retard would trust empiricism over their gut when it comes to ethical situations...that makes very little sense. We have millions of years of evolution to give us a finely tuned sense of right and wrong, and yet people are so quick to throw it out...

I don't believe in evolution, I don't believe in a round earth. I believe in a God, however this is more like the god of Whitehead/Langan/Spinoza than the Christian God.

The vast majority of scientists are nothing more than glorified mercenaries, they will “prove” whatever their payed to, and real science today has been under attack for years, the man who discovered DNA had all his honours taken from him because he said races existed, and some were less intelligent than others.

Leftists are as bad with genetics, nuclear, industry. They don't like it so they ignore whatever proves them wrong.
Science education is woeful across the board though.

>there is very little empirical evidence for even 50% of medical interventions
Got a source on that, bro? Why are you even studying something so ineffective? Why not study magical crystal therapy instead?

>I study medicine
You haven't been studying hard enough.

One single man who has discovered things in the past is not guaranteed to be correct in the future. Appeal to authority.

Also, he got honorary titles taken away only by ONE institution for his comments on race. He still has his Nobel Prize and other shit.


>At a conference in 2000, Watson suggested a link between skin color and sex drive, hypothesizing that dark-skinned people have stronger libidos
>His lecture argued that extracts of melanin – which gives skin its color – had been found to boost subjects' sex drive.

Literally the melanin receptor vagina shitpost.

>"That's why you have Latin lovers," he said, according to people who attended the lecture. "You've never heard of an English lover. Only an English Patient."

>He has also said that stereotypes associated with racial and ethnic groups have a genetic basis: Jews being intelligent, Chinese being intelligent but not creative because of selection for conformity, and Indians being servile.

Old scientists are still old. They do not have the cognitive function to understand new data after a certain point. If scientists are such bullshit, why are they correct about the vast majority of information that is not cutting edge?

With genetics, perhaps. With nuclear, no, they seem pretty spot on. With industry, yes, very much so, social sciences are far too complex across the board, as you say.

What is with the lack of scientific education constantly displayed by the political left? "Races don't exist but we need to end white privilege"??? Is it willful ignorance, or is it something else?

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Do you think that the leftists that claim "races don't exist" are the same ones that claim "we need to end white privilege"? It's possible, but why would that be the case?

Why doesn’t evolution apply to the brain?

Just to prove that he was wrong.

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They'll just say race is a spectrum and we're all human.

They simply hate Europeans in general, half left is composed of sucidal faggots who have been brainwashed their entire life’s into hating themselves, the other half are shitskins with a massive inferiority complex.

What do you mean? Are you claiming that it does not?

It does.

How is that untrue? It is not a 100% continuous spectrum because genes are grouped by location into haplotypes, but is it pretty continuous.

*half of the left

It's mostly hardcore American protestants and they're mostly conservative, not proper right.

chromosomal location* if I'm being unclear.

>Germany: Zero (0) major nuclear incidents, 17 reactors at peak usage before they started phasing it out
>France: Zero (0) major nuclear incidents, 58 nuclear power plants currently active.

The left claims it doesn't, only education and socio-economic status has any affect on intelligence.

No I don't think, I know. Seen it happen multiple times.

Yes... that's the point? Nuclear is very safe. Do you suggest that leftists claim otherwise?

... brains evolved from progressively simpler central nervous systems. Brains of human complexity are influenced by a huge variety of external sources. Differences between different humans' brains are minute compared to these external influences.

Sounds anecdotal, but there you go. If you think that is representative of all leftists, I cannot stop you.

But that's not true, up to 80% of the variance in human intelligence is genetic.

What rigorous sources do you have for that? That it is intelligence and NOT external sources.

Your claim was that the two groups "there are no races" and "we must end white privilege" contained no two identical members. He provided evidence of more than one such person, invalidating your claim.

>It is thought that around 50 to 80 per cent of variation in general intelligence between people is down to genetics.

Anecdotes are not evidence, but, as you can see if you look at my post, I conceded.

That is a news article, user. You need MULTIPLE RIGOROUS SOURCES to have a point.

Just grabbed the citation off of wikipedia, this one is a bit better and claims 50%

Did you even read that absurdly short article??
>When they analysed the DNA of a group of different people, the team were only able to predict 7 per cent of the intelligence differences between those people.


Read the entire articles before you post.
>But these recent findings by Kees-Jan Kan and colleagues suggest just the opposite: The bigger the difference in cognitive ability between blacks and whites, the more the difference is determined by cultural influences.

Read the actual papers before you post.

Oh but somehow a Billy O'Reilly quote is representative of "the right"? ok :^)

That is completely fair, except that my example is not an unprovable anecdote. Still, your point remains, I should have tried to get a larger variety of unscientific statements.

>leftists claim otherwise
Ours sure do.

Stop with your fucking racism. The genetic divergence between an European and an African is much larger than that between for example a lion or a tiger, or european and american crows. These are different species that can interbreed. You racists need to stop thinking humans and niggers are different races. We're obviously different species by any rational metric. Do you even science in current year plus whateverthefuck, you fucker?

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Scientific ignorance is not a left or right phenomenon. The fact that you think as such when it's obviously not the case is strong evidence of your bias. The ONLY science that the right actually denies is climate change. The majority of anti-scientific thinking comes from the left, and why wouldn't it? Another thing that's obvious is that the left is more likely to use feelings to make judgments about the world.

>Anecdotes are not evidence
A layman's anecdote is a scientist's sample. It's not that anecdotes aren't valid evidence, it's that retards don't know how to tell as what counts as an actual data point or not so they use the "anecdotes aren't evidence meme" to discourage retards. In this particular instance, it is not at all difficult to tell that the same person who denies races exist also claim white privilege needs to end, and again, why wouldn't that be the case? They just parrot what sounds nice without vetting their beliefs for inconsistencies. All it takes is n=1 to prove that, yes, the phenomenon does, in fact, exist, despite you saying the contrary.

>A layman's anecdote is a scientist's sample.
Aaaand I'm out.

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>The left
>there are 6 bazillion genders

>Observe person simultaneously claiming white privilege needs to end while saying races don't exist
>Mark it in your chart
>Later review the question: "Are there people who say white privilege needs to end who also think races don't exist?"
>Review chart
>See that n>0
>Make conclusion
Please tell me how any of this is invalid you self-important pseudo-intellectual.

I'm not going to bother to go search for debates where I've seen a leftist argue that race is not biologically real and is just a theoretical concept while at the same time arguing that minorities have been disparaged but I've seen it dozens of times and I'm sure you've seen it too if you bother to watch any of such debates.
Watch this shit I'm sure that creature will do it at some point and this is like the smartest leftist i've ever seen doing that argument and the only reason why I remember it is because I was surprised to see a smart leftist