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Other urls found in this thread:

>I want to quit but I have no job so I keep going #paypalme

>not being a wageslave means you have no job

If he wants to quit he should just go full fash and get deplatformed.

>being a jewtube wageslave means you are not a wageslave

he's an author, dumby spic

He should quit. His rhetorical shtick is fucking tiresome. He should just go back to his long 15-20 minute videos where he's obviously trying to work out his thoughts, rather than put out rhetorical news exercises with the same fucking tired "It's very very funny" "No, uh, I don't agree with this" garbage. He's turning into Sargon, unable to express himself at all without obnoxious buzz phrases.
He's an editor, and it's hard to even justify that title. He's not a writer.

As you can see with my flag I'm from german, his channel is blocked here, but jewtube is suggesting his videos to me and I can watch them this way, why is that happening?

so what the fuck is going on. He posted a song he made, seemed to be in love, now this. Has he split up with someone? Been lead down the garden path for a few days then left in the lurch?

I hate it when people do this, "I've got a problem but can't talk about it"

my mind immediately starts going through all the possibilities with no way to confirm any of them

Because their algorithm is bloated garbage and the part that recommends videos similar to your taste still works, while the channel itself is range blocked for (((kraut government reasons))).

He must hate himself because he tries to pander to KB and t_d boomers while also trying to pander to Jow Forums to a lesser degree. It's actually very funny.

He does more than youtube

He's been posting songs for years, and he's been in a relationship with a loyal and by all accounts loving land whale for half a decade. I don't think they broke up, but as his situation has vastly changed, I'm sure it's stressed his relationship. He probably gets tons of thots emailing him for meetups and these missed opportunities weigh on him.

He also used to be suicidal by his own account. The guy had a fucked up upbringing. You don't just turn that off.

Why's he still living with his parents then?

He inherited the property of one of his grandparents, after a significant legal battle with his Christian mother, or at least that's the jist I got from his vague allusions to it over the years. He lives with his lady on that land, ostracized from his family.

he has never enabled ads on his channel, and he makes most his money from book sales (or at least he used to)

pics of the gf?

I want to know what the severed future is, is he ill?

No he doesn't. He makes most of his money from paypigs on Patreon. There aren't enough people paying for his edited work (which he releases way too much of, without any discerning choices) to support him.
Not the sort of pic I'd save I'm afraid.


His IQ is higher than all of pol combined. He's a blessing from God.

see you based spoonboi

Maybe he finally realized world is unrepairable, he will withdraw from social media and public, work in his garden and prep for race war.

I subbed to him, then he was uploading 5 times a day so I had to unsub

shit man... I'm his biggest fan how did i not know this? genuinely concerned about the dude, just about the only 'news' source I use daily. I would not be here if it were not for him. Can relate to the loving landwhale, by the way...

he always uploaded 3+ times a day

Styx chokin on a Twix slippin on down to the river Styx

maybe he's disillusioned with Trump's benevolence to Irsael and has lost hope in politics

I love seeing wagecucks cry about self-employeed free people.

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this. swallowed the independence pill 2 years ago and never looked back.

>A large part of me really wants to just walk away from everything here, But I Feel Needed
>But I Feel Needed
>Feel Needed
bwhahaha that delusion.
nobody gives a shit, bye

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There is nothing more cringe than youtubers complaining about being youtubers.
Get the fuck outta here with this gay shit.

>not setting your location to USA.
you deserve being spammed by this retard and turkish content.

Yeah, I like Styx, but he uploads 3 to 4 videos a day. Very hard to keep up with and as a fellow YouTuber, I can understand how hard it is making videos. But then again I think he's kind of too much with is nonsense about not having ads on his channel. I have FAR less subs then he does like my sub total is 2.7% of what he has and I make about 50% of what he gets from paypigs.

Plus, he doesn't make long videos, 10 minute 10+ videos so he's not getting the watch time that YouTube wants him to get. So he's channel is kinda slowing down in growth. And his whole fuck the man attitude is ridiculous for someone who is in their 30s.

Again I like 2016 Styx far more than I like 2019 Styx. I still like listening to him but his content hasn't changed much. And it does bug me that he takes money from fans. It's like being a E-Girl or thot. There are only so many people willing to donate to YouTubers, and with so many YouTube fags wanting Patreon money it's unlikely you will get any. Styx tells YouTubers to turn off adsense and only take donations. I rather take money from advertisers/sponsorships than my peasant subs. But that's the difference between me and Styx. I run my YouTube channel as a business while Styx runs it as a charity that you can tip.

Oh no, guys who delivers absolute zero temperature takes has depression? Oh lordy, lord, this is a tragedy

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Don’t we all you dirty hippy.

T. Wagie

It's a form of manipulation, bongbro. They're trying to get you.

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>Getting patreon handouts from gullible autists by rambling into a camera for no more than 20 minutes a day is so difficult and tiring

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bra you should quit, no one loves you.

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just sub and turn notifications off

You're not going to shill your channel you faggot?

i hope he cheers up soon

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>And his whole fuck the man attitude is ridiculous for someone who is in their 30s.

Holy shit get over yourself, just 'cause you conformed doesn't mean everyone has to

Get a job you hippy faggot.

I'd rather live off your tax money slave

I'm sure I've seen a video of yours.

just saying but hes literally always been that way. He specifically uses certain words/phrases either because hes autistic or because he thinks its mimetic or whatever.

he said he makes most of his money selling books. Its like 60-40.

Loved his pro trump video recently
>b-believe me!
9d chess lol
The state of the "right" at the moment is fucked. Has never been the same since charlottesville. Trump and us. I hope stuff changes until 2020.

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he has the SADSSss..
I been having same problems he's mentioning a couple weeks now..even went to get some whiskey first time in years

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Shouldnt this guy be able to do a spell or something to stop his depression

lol ye

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wait what does his mom being christian have anything to do with anything?

was his dad a jew?

the fuck ?

styx stop being an edgy loser

get god

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tharrrr she blows

>we're fighting for the liberation of the working class
>by never having a job in our lives
You spoiled, upper class, commies are pathetic.

Its just so...

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Fuck man. Styx, if you're reading this, you can do way better my nigger.

i always thought that was his sister ,, that one pic where they were side by side both had one hand around each other , that is 100% a brother & sister pose

Peaks and valleys. Definitely woman issues if he isn't eating and now drinking himself to sleep.
I hope he continues, many of us already know and understand what he says but normies are fucking retarded, have no common sense, nor do they have the time to see all the stuff we see. He condenses that down for them. Tim Pool does the same exact thing imo. I don't agree with everything they say and I've seen them get some things wrong at times but it's close enough for the plebs to understand.
I agree, he needs to have ads on his channel

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teach me

this is the pic ,, this seems like more a brother and sister pose

>Tim Pool does the same exact thing imo.
Tim Pool is a leftist faggot.
>i want bigger government but i want all my rights
Can't have your cake and eat it too.

>ZIonist war monger cuck wants to quit

Fuck off faggot.

Hey Styx. If you're reading this, I hope you get through this slump. You got my support.

Nope - I made some comment about his sources of income, /yesterday or the day before/ and he replied, that Patreon was a good chunk of change, but that most of his money comes from his books.

Good. This caved in head faggot needs to stop. His takes are fucking ice cold. Does he think boomers now know to watch youtube vids or something? Who the fuck is he even talking to? Same goes for pic related. I'm actually in favor of mass reporting these faggots just to get rid of the god damn gatekeepers.

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The issue is he can't post garden updates because of the snow
Once his garden updates are back, he will be fine
BTW hi, styx

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no he can't
don't be stupid styx

I swear they broke up ages ago?

He says at the end of the video he's drinking huge amounts of wine. Not good Styx

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Take the spoon out of you coffee.

Sure he can. There are plenty of autistic qts around that would be overjoyed to receive attention from literally anyone with a moderate degree of success.

You guys seriously overestimate the standards of non-slut women. Hell even slutty women don't have super high standards. I'm fairly good looking but not good enough to explain all the smoking hot women I've managed to fuck in my life.

I just prefer living off you than working alongside an insufferable bore like you day after day. You're not worthy of being in my presence quite frankly.

insomnia. being awake all night alone every night, your circadian rhythm all backwards is enough to make you start wanting to anhero after a while..booze might help knock you out, but you aren't really getting any rest when you're drunk

I blame the weather. I too live at this latitude and nearly everyone around these parts is one small push away from suicide at this time of the year.

You're right: once the sun finally shows up and he can get outside and enjoy his hobbies again he'll feel at least a bit better. Happens to all of is.

thats probably not the recent girl

you think he should dump a female who actually likes him and finds him attractive for some thot who is attracted to his popularity or money..I'm sure nothing could go wrong

>You're not worthy of being in my presence quite frankly.
Yes; as evidenced by your lifetime of success and accomplishments, I'm sure.

you're just too mind-numbingly tedious to tolerate, that's quite evident

no he doesn’t

he doesn’t even do drugs without filming it

that was a long time ago

accept he’s a sheltered edgy dumb narc

My poor baby, no wonder he was changing alot of stuff in his videos, like his appearance and format

Clearly you haven’t read his opus “Sickness in Hell,” it’s quite funny actually.

Nah dude, I'm saying he's successful enough he could easily find himself an autistic, lonely, 5 out of 10. That landwhale is a 2, 3 at the absolute best, and there are plenty of desperate 5s out there just starving for love and attention.

Hell dude I've fucked multiple 9 in my life and I still married a semi-autistic 7, because she treats me like her own personal God. You guys seriously underestimate how your value and the supreme desperation of certain groups of women relate.

Steel Panthers FTW

See you at the Revolution comrade. Any day now, surely.

>See you at the Revolution comrade
I hope not

Sun and some exercise is fundamental to maintain a healthy mind

Best of luck , Styx

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He literally stated what he does in the video. Stop being a dumbass

Good. I'm tired of hearing about this muh satan loving, long haired centrist faggot.