Turn the phrase "conspiracy theorist" against the left

This is starting to get traction now. I've seen a few of "our" thought leaders doing it recently. With the media calling "replacement migration" a "conspiracy theory (despite the UN report titled "replacement migration" from 2001 existing) now is a perfect time for this op.

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conspiracy theories usually question the mental state of the person so this implies there's some measure of sanity to be tested.

The left have no sanity so this won't work.

Well the only way to achieve this properly is on social media within leftist spheres.


Doesn't matter. The ultimate goal is to deweaponize the phrase with overuse. That way they can't use it to smear/dismiss "us".
In the meantime it puts them on the back foot and makes them have to (attempt to) prove their bizarre theories instead of having them be accepted as fact by default.
Remember, argue to convince the crowd, not the opponent.

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you can't deweaponize something that's only meant to work against specific people. You either change or it will forever be your weakness

Don't stop there. Call them what they call us and what they actually are: bigots, haters, genocidal, intolerant, and so on.

It's already happening


Never let them forget the Mueller report.
Never let them forget forget how their eternal fallback was "well lets just wait and see the Mueller report *lel smirk*".
Never let them forget that the MSM claimed to have credible dirt on Trump/Russia
Never let them forget that the MSM successfully brainwashed half the population into believing the Mueller report.
Never let them forget that Obama illegally spied on then presidential candidate Trump

If you're ever speaking to a liberal about politics, from here on out, bring up the Mueller report. From my experience it was the keystone that held together their beliefs. If there is an investigation there might be dirt so anything could be possible, so they thought. They thought that because there was investigation anything could be true and they put all their chips on him being guilty. Any time you pin the liberal in a wall in an argument they would just say 'wait and see the report'. Now that its out (not fully) BRING IT UP. They have nothing to fall back on. Press them, take the offensive. This is a cant' lose topic. Ask them questions that point to the truth.

>conspiracy theory is now an insult
I hate the mainstream media so much.

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Is the word "racist" more or less potent since everybody started calling everybody else "racist"?
10 years ago normies took that word really seriously. Now many of them roll their eyes and mutter "here we go again".

Also consider that the term "fake news" was a leftist invention designed with the intent to take down alt-media. But it was turned against them and all it took was for Trump to say it a couple of times.

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>Is the word "racist" more or less potent since everybody started calling everybody else "racist"?
nope get enough people to call you racist and you'll get fired

I really like this idea. Now that the Russian Collusion is a confirmed conspiracy

Communism is a conspiracy theory.

This is an excellent idea,I bet it will lead to people being banned from twitter if they say it to journalists and politicians.

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That doesn't disprove my point. Virtue signalling corporate bosses who cave in to the demands of twitter mobs != normies who are sick of hearing the word.

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They're doing that themselves this years, they've been on a roll.

I'm so sick of these leftists pushing this "Gun control reduces violence" conspiracy theory.

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ideology =\= conspiracy theory

Take for example the glass ceiling. It assumes that a ubiquitous, invisible force, stops women from doing things. That's called paranoid schizophrenia

Glass ceiling is generally a concept in the corporate world to describe the end of the carrier ladder.
It's most often used by entrepreneurs who use it as a reason to becoming independent.
This phrase was however disenfranchised by femonists for their goals like most of their concepts

That user is right you know.
A better way to say it is "Communism working is a conspiracy theory"

The glass ceiling is a meme because there is nothing at all forcing these people to stay at these jobs. They are simply just complacent and can always find something better or start their own companies.

Hey now user.
>Dump that bumpstock

I've been making fun of them, posting tin foil hats, screaming about Russia, lots of shit. Fuck these tards. Wrse than the birthers ever were (except they were right.)

They think they're sane, retard. Attacking their social standing works.

Just a reminder that once this psyop has worked we have to use a judo move to destroy the term "conspiracy theory" as it was created by cia niggers anyway

>"our" thought leaders
literally who

Heh... Someone knows they bools

Bumpstocks are a conspiracy, gun owners don't really give AF about them and they are simply a means to force stronger gun control.

right wing circles

I've had this thought as well. The Russia shit is a (now proven) left wing conspiracy theory. White privilege is a far left conspiracy theory. The far left is a bunch of europhobes. Etc. Weaponize their language against them

I thought it meant Breaking a record. Now i see the bullshit of that term they try to use to get whatever. Claim lack of competence is glass ceiling and try to by coercion put you in anyways. Smoke and mirrors with these send obsessed selfish charlatains.


Signs and symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia may include:
>Delusions, such as believing everyone is out to cause the sufferer harm
>Self-important or condescending manner

>he ultimate goal is to deweaponize the phrase with overuse
It does though. But it doesn't matter, in the same way culling niggers reduces violence but the left doesn't cares

racism is a conspiracy theory, it's 2019 duuude


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I don't want to name drop because we know this board is monitored (by the press as much as anything).
There are high profile people who I know are secretly /ourguys doing it and I don't want to give the MSM any ammunition against them.

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did toe rogan tell you to do this? think for yourself faggot.
i see nothing by whiny motivation involved in this. strength comes from foundation and truth not a crafty win while bickering over newspeak, mottos or slogans. words do not hurt. i understand the premise but why does the word conspiracy theorist need to be watered down? and who will we trust for news after that? oh.. our thought leaders, i assume.. have no thought leaders. do what is right and abhor what is evil. there are surely conspiracies and things that are hidden. when debating a liberal it is best to let them play their hand until its wasted, and then counter with viable truth backed by evidence, not lower yourself to name-calling and mirror their behavior

>why does the word conspiracy theorist need to be watered down?
Who uses the phrase most, what are they trying to achieve and who do they target?
Guerrilla tactics 101 : take enemy weapons and use against enemy. Enemy weakens while you grow stronger.
>have no thought leaders
Yeah, stay fractured, individual and alone, that'll show 'em. Don't collectivise for your own best interests like literally everybody else goys.
How's "muh moral high ground" been working out for ya?

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the term conspiracy theorist is easy to navigate around. its common knowledge at this point that there are a lot of fake "theories" promoted to belittle any actual concern thanks to alex jones, ancient aliens, 2012, david icke, nibiru and flat earth. its a framing device. we all know that. normies are subconsciously aware of it, but wish to ignore all of it to keep their life simple.
have no thought leaders.
brothers are not fractured or alone. you think there are smart people here who wish that richard spencer would have "succeeded", or could have, or planned to? no, only dumb people think this. don't put any confidence into these puppets with their sensational theater acts, they are a mockery of the truth. basically, they are what you describe: an overused masquerade played to shift your focus from observable reality or action. when you let thought leaders tell you what to do is the moment you become a lib and decide that: democratic socialism is a good first step, or you start chasing ubi yangbux, or on the other end of the spectrum: you think that advocating for an ethnostate is a viable modern political issue, or that accelerationism is anything but quitting. its all just crap. on both sides. so is believing that we need to do what they do in order to win.
>enjoy high road goyim
yeah, i will. -and its not the high road, its good vs evil, and they dont have a leg to stand on against God.
the truth will set you free.


Yes, and explain to them how they are those things or ask them to explain how you are.

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