Now what?
Trump failed
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You niggers are being pushed out.
We made the wrong decision and should of voted Hillary.
Said no one, ever.
They're guest workers. Meaning they won't be allowed to stay in the country. Allowing our corporations to jumpstart manufacturing in this country. Also need to get rid of the anchor baby rule.
I'm just saying. What made you such a faggot anyways?
What you're saying is highly delusional.
how's that
>they won't be allowed to stay in the country
If we can solve this immigration mess. Doesn't look likely but at least trump made the attempt. no one else did
Which changes nothing from before.
Fucking Obama deported more people than the last century-worth of Presidents combined.
I guess Dems will vote for him now.
Fucking idiot. The majority of illegal immigrants in the US are from overstayed visa. God you are fucking stupid.
>Meaning they won't be allowed to stay in the country
They'll just overstay their visa, like most illegal immigrants.
>Allowing our corporations to jumpstart manufacturing in this country
Why do we need foreign labor for this?
Trump turned out to be a bigger Jew puppet than all other US candidates combined. He managed to deep throat Israel all the way down to the base of the Golan Heights.
because the definition of deportation changed where it included turning away ppl at the border
Yes. Mexicans can since forever basically, just get in their car and "visit" the US and never go back. The ones that are running over here are literally too poor to know somebody who has a car.
Anyone who has actually been to the border knows this. Waves of people walking back and forth. There is no way they're checking everybody. It's security theater.
Yeah we need immigration reform where we'll actually enforce the law and kick those people out
>Merit based
Not Muslim poverty based
>they won't be allowed to stay in the country
Until a democrat gives them amnesty in 2024 you dumb fuck
>more immigration than ever
>gun grabber
>gib Israel a raise
>middle east wars
We did vote for Hillary
sure. keep telling yourself that everyone else are the chumps
Or a Republican. Like Regan did.
>allowing corporations to jumpstart
Look at the fucking DOW. They payed 20% less in taxes in 2018. Now look at wages, they're slightly starting to go up. All this is is corporate bootlicking at the cost of the American worker.
What exactly is the point of all these trade wars if we're just going to import those same people anyways? This is a massive flip from Trump, fueled by Kushner and his new corporate friends. Kushner is just using his position to network and trying to scratch their back. Trump also said he'd like to give them a pathway to citizenship.
There's no way this isn't a flip on his Hire American policy, and it's a big one. The only reason is because wages are going up. He cucked us.
guess they have to get educated people from somewhere
Yeah this country is fucking dead. Pack up and move to Hungary boys.
Trump said he'd like to give them a pathway to citizenship. You don't need to wait that long, kek.
no "what now". you're fucked.
I learned something new today. thanks user. I checked. They did change the definition. raw numbers I can't tell though.
>Hillary or any other democrat, or any neocon at all would have had far lower immigration rates than Trump does.
Slit your fucking wrists, JIDF.
now the fun begins
why don't the trumpanzees become like trump and inherent $300, 000,000?
Well they weren't born with the right Aryan stock you see. So because of their genetic make-up/fate had it coming. Which they also believe is virtuous.
Warren is just as bad really. get a small business loan and you can compete with walmart and amazon. how fucking delusional is that
uh oh they're all out today.
isn't the election over a year away?
It's unlikely that you'll be able to offer a service that they won't be able to. This is true. But if they were more heavily taxed it'd level the playing field.
But yeah, being a small businessman sucks in today's environment.
Everything is a trade-off. If you tax Amazon/Wal-Mart too much then they can't be innovative. But if they're not being innovative and just being a giant overall leech that destroys competition rather than promotes it - then good riddance.
He hates brown people. We all know he wants people from huwhite nations.
if reagan didn't make higher education so expensive they wouldn't need to bring all these people in. republican voters let them get away with murder and now you're all fucked