Why are women so stupid?

Why are women so fucking stupid and illoyal?

Giving women the right to vote was the biggest mistake we Europeans ever did. Look at Europe because of it.
Souless, degenerate, rapes, assaults, shattered identities, unsafe climate where people feel afraid to go out etc..

The invasion project on local level is always driven by women.

And they are usually hypocrites as well. For example today I read about a 61 year old woman in Malmö Sweden who was going for an evening walk and got tackled to the ground, robbed and stabbed 3 times! She now says "I'm so afraid I don't even want to go out with the trash".

I bet she voted the for that migrant to be here though.

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>Giving women the right to vote was the biggest mistake we Europeans ever did.
no, giving you access to the internet was the biggest mistake

They are traitorous niggers inside. They need to be replaced by A.I. sex/mommy bots followed up by artificial womb tech. A.W. tech. Since Eve...women have been the enemy. Always will be. They are utterly short sighted and self centered. They literally are the antithesis of "Civilization Creators". They are destroyers of civilization.

Don't be angry roastie.

I agree fully, since I wrote that post. Unclear why you added video of some fat slob in it though, since I hate fat lazy slobs.

>They need to be replaced by A.I. sex/mommy bots

Pros of a Robot Wife:

>never ages
>never smells
>doesn't get fat
>works with 100% efficiency to make you happy
>doesn't turn into a psycho once a month
>will never cheat on you
>Robot Wife could also be good for Home Defense
>can do chores for you
>never complains
>always wants to fuck when you want and fullfill every one of your fetishes
>never initiates any Drama
>can own as many robot wifes as you can afford (will make Men want to work harder)
>long battery life thanks to fuel cells
>completely customizable during ordering process
>Robot AI learns about you to be your best possible companion
>can only improve over time
>easily replaceable


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>Why are women so stupid?
Because we don't select them by how their brain bounces when they walk around.

user, you better believe she voted for her shitskin replacement. White women, are white men's greatest enemy. They are even worse than the Jew. This is why the Jew uses them for every degenerate Jew project against white culture and white Christianity. Read your Bible. The Jews always use prostituted women to do their sabotage for them. Jews identify with the debased female archetype. It's all pretty sick. Women are like really old landminds. You don't know where they are buried and maybe you get lucky and it doesn't go off if you step on it. But you live in total fear of them and you know deep down the only solution is to dig up every square piece of earth, find them all and destroy them. It is the only way to be sure. Trust no woman EVER!!!

>Found the vagina
Tits or GTFO. You know the rules cock pocket.

you can have hers, it doesn't sound like she needs them anymore

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I think Japan will be the country that finally legalizes AW tech for procreation purposes. Then men can finally be free of toxic femininity. And we can save our respective races from female degeneracy of massive material consumption. We need to procreate but we need far far far less women on the planet. They are responsible for most of the wasteful consumption with their selfish self centered greed. Women have ZERO empathy for the planet. They talk big. But all they do is blame men while taking advantage of all the material splendor men created for them. It is time to take that all away. Women are ugrateful shitstains that vote against us and are pure globalist TRASH. All of them.

Most tits are worthless and bounceless. Either too fat or too skinny. The Goldilocks tits hardly ever exists. A.I. sexbots...that is the future.

Artificial Wombs will replace woman and make them obsolete.
Ironically woman will be FOR the artificial womb and not against it.

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Modern men are just too weak and degenerate themselves to be making any virtue judgements toward women, and women being the submissive sex, follow their lead even at their own moral and spiritual peril. Men's weakness of will is especially exemplified by how instead of taking responsiblity for the degenerate sexuality they demand of women, they instead pin all of the blame on the women as if women made the decision to be degenerate independent of male influence, in a vacuum. Get a clue guys; women need you to lead them with honor, not with demands for tits and ass.

She has a puggy nigger face. Clearly her mother was a degenerate race mixer.

All we have to do is make the A.W. tech question about some sort of SJW crusade against the evil white patriarchy and our oppression of the female or tranny right to reproduce and shit...MY BODY MY CHOICE!! Plus there are lots of old roasties that thought they could freeze their eggs and have them inseminated later. That's not working out for them too well. Yup, as soon as the freaks want A.W. tech for their "liberation" movements....that's when we swoop in and free all REAL men from the tyranny of women.

>Found the blacked roastie.
First: Neck yourself.
Second: Do some reading on the 80/20 rule. This is where 80% of your whores are more than happy to cock swap 20% of the men...who YOU ALL assume behave like the other 80% of men who just want ONE girlfriend that could hopefully lead to marriage and kids. Woman contrive a fallacy about men by forming their stereotype about men's thinking based on the men they all wanna fuck...and do fuck...which turns these men in to users of women. And the cycle is complete.
Women are hypergamous degenerates that don't know a fucking thing about making a sacrifice for God, nation and family. They want it all FOR THEMSELVES.
They were told they weren't happy. Then they were told to "explore you feelings". "Find your happiness". This gave women the "liberation" ideology that turned them into not only niggered out whores, but national and race TRAITORS. They conflated spitting Tyrone's ejaculate in white men's faces into destroying white men's civilizations. White women are a fucking CANCER and the day you are all replaced by sex/mommy bots and artificial wombs making free-born PURE white sons, is the day this earth will begin a true path to peace. No white man can trust any white woman unless he has a boot to her neck. We must eradicate you all. Ohh don't worry, we won't kill you...we will just create a new culture and narrative of....ignoring you, until you vanish from the face of the earth. Once your procreative function is replaced....NOBODY.....and I mean NOBODY is going to put up with your treachery one second longer. Get ready for an existence of being the hump and dumps you all are. Now back to your nigger cock carousel chimp. You have nigger DNA in your brain, blood, organs and eggs. Look up Telegony, Microchimerism and epigenetics. Once you fuck a nigger YOU BECOME THE NIGGER.

Yep. From day one. Eve caused the downfall of humanity.

fuck off nigger

I guess the Buddha shit didn’t work so well.

This video is what happens to you when you do it for free.

Attached: FNFKFJ.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

This is supposed to prove us wrong?

>Giving women the right to vote was the biggest mistake we Europeans ever did.

True. We don't let children vote and we shouldn't let women vote.

You're upset I get it. This stage is called redpill rage.

Judging an entire group of people based on the actions of a large minority in their ranks is always flawed thinking. Within any group of people there are different types.

There are plenty of women who do fit the description you lay out. I have met them and they are exactly as you said they are. These types are typically marred with tattoos and strange piercings. They mutilate themselves in this way because these women do not value their bodies; which is is the same reason they sleep around with white Chad Thundercock, black Tyrone Longjohnson and asian Lee Bigwang. All of this behavior stems from the fact they do not give a fuck about themselves.

Weak or absent fathers is why modern women feel this way. It is the job of fathers to instil discipline in their children. Their mothers are not blameless; they were the ones who pushed for no fault divorce that started this whole mess. Growing up without a father results in a lack of behavioral and moral standards to abide by in adulthood. An adult who doesn’t have clear moral and behavioral standards has only base animal impulses and environmental stimuli to work off of. In the case of women it is their base hypergamous nature. In the case of men it is violent outburst.

When pent up male energy doesn’t have a paternal guide, which shows the boy to use that energy productively, it turns to destructive violence. That violence can be expressed sexually by men who are fatherless, angry and resentful by using women as pump and dump dolls. These very women take that treatment because they did not have a father to teach them self-respect.

That violence can also be expressed as virgin beta school shooter rage. Look at these school shooters’ histories and almost none of them had fathers to guide them in life. In the case of gang violence, most blacks in the country do not have dads whereas most whites do have dads. The result is the same anger resentment and violence; the only reason it’s different than whites is the quantity of fatherlessness which results in entirely different, albeit degenerate, culture.

The cause of much of today's cultural problems stems from a lack of strong fathers in the lives of their children.

This redpill rage stage will come to an end and computer like logical thought will soon follow.

Eve didn't bring sin into the world, dumbass, Adam did. Bible even says it. Eve was deceived, Adam was not. Sin was brought into the world by one MAN... Adam.

Actually, giving women the right to vote is the second worst decision. The greatest mistake was allowing women access to family court.

The only purpose of family court is to give dirty, fucking useless, lazy cunts total power over decent hardworking traditional men.


Women arent hunters. Sexual selection forces men to strategize and hunt for a mate, women just accept the advances.

Women are products of their environment. Tell a woman that degeneracy is good and she'll be degenerate. If you raise a girl on the importance of race she will stick with her own though. My 3 sisters are all married to white men and have only dated white men because my dad taught us all to keep with our own. It all starts in the family, why do you think most Muslims stay with their religion and customs when they move?


Most people in general shouldn't be voting in general

Is this that Russian qt 3.14 who is in their government now?

Because a lot of men encourage them to be stupid???

Stuff like the whores on twitch that get shitttons of donations??

Women will stop being stupid when all men will act with self respect

>Judging an entire group of people based on the actions of a large minority in their ranks is always flawed thinking.
Says the bitch who benefits from the "Evil white male" narrative. Umm..what have YOU done to stop this propaganda? Nothing? EXACTLY. You just take your gibs, your unearned jobs and keep right on bitching where you roll that lie into the #MeToo movement destroying yet MORE innocent men based on the lie of "Listen and believe" stereotype about how ALL women should be believed because ALL women are victims who tell the truth.
Do you even think? Do you even see your bullshit? The whole world...especially the world of women...operate on group identity. You women think and function like a pack of savage BORG. Now you want to lecture me about considering the "individual". Hahahahaha...I see right through you Moshe.
>they do not give a fuck about themselves.
Yup..you are a woman...only a woman discussed the behavior of TRAITORS being about how the TRAITORS feel about...drum-roll....THEMSELVES. You women can NEVER stop framing any conversation about how it is about YOU and your fucking FEELZ. These bitches are enemies to their men, their nations and their history. But sure, let's discuss their feelings and try to understand them. And oh yeah.....don't forget the NAWALT argument. The very women who cheer on their traitor sisters and endorse their behaviors. Don't lecture me stupid...go lecture some women and see how far you get. But you won't. You want feminism and you want men to pay for it. You are just like the rest of them but you just want me to stay quiet and play my part on the gynocentric plantation. Well, fuck you. I have no plans on being your cucked plowhorse. All women are traitors to their very core. You believe in nothing but what you can shove up your snatch and buy at the mall. You are literally barbarians with no God. MEN...are going to forward into the future....without YOU.

>Why are women so fucking stupid and illoyal?


>Weak or absent fathers is why modern women feel this way.
More bullshit about how men are too blame for women's behaviors....but what about "Muh Agency"????
Men lead...women are slaves
Men step aside....women are slaves
Pick one stupid.

You should be asking yourself "why are ONLY men capable of instilling moral values in children"? Then you will understand the absolute innate degeneracy of women. They are WORTHLESS.
In every-way possible you have framed men as the initiator of bad behavior and the female as the reactor.
The Woman as Victim Narrative continues.
Let me clue you in. Women are responsible for their own behavior no matter what their childhood was like. No excuses. I have ZERO sympathy for them. Fuck them. It is time for the female gender to grow the fuck up and take ownership of their behaviors and treason. No more do-overs. You women will be held accountable for your TREASON as the enemy combatants you all are. The civil war is coming and you women are going to fucking lose. I for one will show NO MERCY. There will be no marriage...no sharing of resources....no holding you while you cry about your miserable existence. You fuck...and then you get the fuck OUT. Women are the new disposable object. Men will "explore their feelings" and "find what makes them happy". Being shackled slaves to treasonous materialist female beasts is no longer going to happen. Men will live for themselves, just as women do. We will create a new civilization where women....are no longer at the center of the cultural narrative. Have fun being on the outside. Die FREEZING. The A.I. sex/mommy bots are on their way and so are artificial wombs. We take back our sons, we take back our nations. Oppose us and die in the streets.

>That violence can also be expressed as virgin beta school shooter rage.
Shaming language that deflects from the truth and creates a conspiracy narrative. Why don't you call me our for having a small penis while your at it? Body shaming always put men in their place didn't it? LOL LOL LOL

I do agree with you about "computer logic" coming soon. A new spirit of pragmatism will follow all this SJW tolerance of treason and degeneracy. And the solution will be simple. You have pestilence...you eradicate the pestilence. If white men aren't entitled to their homelands, cultures, governments, jobs, economies, families, women etc.....well...the logic swings both ways... NOBODY is entitled to anything. It is a free for all Melee where the strong and organized will survive. Men, especially MGTOW are declaring open WAR on women. And women can't understand why. The reason is simple. They don't have the mental capacity to understand. Won't make a difference. The war is upon them and the retribution from men will be fucking legendary. Women are DONE!!!! They will be hated for centuries. The damage they've done will NEVER be repaired. This is where our genders go their separate ways...forever. Women will NEVER be in our hearts again. They are open border, niggered out traitors. Fuck them. The blade of Islam is coming for their throats....and I can't wait to sit in my recliner will my bowl of popcorn and enjoy the spectacle. Let the rapes and murders begin!!!!! I am not lifting a finger to stop it.

Prove it. Show Scripture or get the fuck out.

>Why are women so fucking stupid and illoyal?
Because they can get away with it
And people will defend them, encourage them, support them, and enable them while they do so.

You might as well ask why a fire spreads when it's given fuel.


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Women are the way they are because men are not men anyomre and men gave the control of their homes to freemasons and the government and weaboos like you complain without a goal.

The main issue with this is that someone is going to slap Denuvo on them, and instead of being able to customise and teach them, you have to pay $500 to download modules.
>the free market will fix it
In theory yes. In practice, your average retard is going to put up with the sexbot equivalent of the iPhone or Breath of the Wild.

>women just accept the advances.
Like the niggered out roasties they are. They give no fucks as to the damage the do to society and the civilization that white men built for them. This is why white men...will engineer a solution around the destructive nature of women by creating A.I. sex/mommy bots and artificial wombs. Once white men are liberated from the parasitical white female, we can re-boot the white race and the white civilization. White women can go be with their failed nigger men in Africa. We will no longer need them. Then we can follow the globalist plan of population genocide by reducing birthrates of all races. We white men will go on to prosper with out new women and free-born white sons making new wonderful happy homes of singing around the Christmas tree wearing traditional clothes as our robot wifus backing gingerbread men in the oven. White women can freeze and die in the streets with their pink pussy hats on their head and belly's full of Tryrones nigglets. Die bitches. Just fucking DIE already. Trust me....this is coming. And the women will bitch and howl.....but you can't stop technology. Once men can buy their freedom from a website and gain their procreative rights....it's over for women. And every goddamn day...women prove their disloyalty and vengeful treason making their obvious replacement inevitable. Everything women have....white men gave them. And we can take it all back. Without our support they will vanish. And a time is coming when welfare is going to go away. Or, the nations states will collapse. Either way...people are going to die. And this time...men will have no compunction to sacrifice themselves for women. At the least the smart red pilled men. Behind every doh eyed woman is a scorpion and men are learning this lesson younger and younger.


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Ask your sisters to be honest with you. Ask if they ever fucked a shitskin? Ask if they ever smoked pot. Ask about their girlfriends inviting them over to Tyrones house for a "get together". I gaurantee every one of your sisters has had some shade of dark cock inside their bodies. They are just being women and telling you what you want to hear, so they can continue to secure resources and protectiong from Beta Bux. Trust me...they all have nigger ejaculate still swimming in their brains, blood and organs...including their eggs. Look up telegony, microchimerism and epigenetics. Women are born fucking liars. And I bet at least ONE of your sisters has had to abort a nigglet infesting her womb. Women are rootless TRAITORS. If it isn't Tyrones cock it will be open borders. Or destroying everything men built. We men MUST begin a process of learning how to define our lives FOR US and only US. We must learn to think like women and not define our lives by duty and sacrifice for others but "exploring our feeling and finding what makes us happy". Just like Oprah taught women to do. Now it is our time to be liberated from the shackles of gender conformity and gender based social contracts with TRAITORS. We owe women...NOTHING.

>Most people in general shouldn't be voting in general
Says the Leaf that voted for Trudeau


Lurk more newfag

>Women will stop being stupid when all men will act with self respect
Wrong...when all men got MGTOW and replace disposble roasties with loyal A.I. sex/mommy bots and artificial wombs. Then women will be deserate enough to shape up but it will be too late. They will have crossed the evolutionary line of species collapse. Men will simply transition into a high tech phase of procreative evolution leaving women behind to the dustbin of history. Seriously...why would we breed daughters who will just betray us when we can just make perfect women on a factory floor? Women won't be able to compete. They are programmed to extract from men. It is the basis of their biology. Without it women are lost savages groping for meaning in lifeless employment as wage slaves. Let them try to overcome the abyss of self-actualization without men to cling to. They will fail. We on the ohter hand will go to the stars without robot women and new culture. It is really true Anons.....women....could seriously be fucked the SECOND men start going out to dinner with their robot girlfriends. Women will go hysterical with rage and jealousy as they watch all those resources being spent on just a man's happiness while she has to WORK to by those 3,000 dollar handbags. Women are fucking children with more entitlement. It will be a blessing to purge these parasites.

user knows.

Dude...hackers will always be there to liberate the masses. Look at file sharing. If you think for a second we won't be able to program our sexbots you are insane.

Just Monika

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I know who she is. I just can't remember her name. She seems younger there.

What makes you I voted for kingcuck himself?

This but unironically, giving them a right to vote was the biggest mistake we have made. They are worse than Jews and are turning our fish into fags.

Is this Mia Milano ?

Oh lool, another cuckoldry general made by an obvious kike.
And of course Jow Forums won't get it.

Tits or gtfo

What was the video?

Destruction is part of the creation process, faggot. Can't have one without the other. Ying and yang. Positive and negative (enthropic). It is when either one goes unchecked, out of balance that shit gets fucked.

stop this fucking idiocy, you little incel shits.
was giving the vote to women a horrible idea? YES, because this isn't their ideal role in a society.
Does this mean we should hate them and pretend they're shit human beings? NO. only the most insecure beta cuckolds prance down this path.

LOVE your folk, women included, and recognize we all have a role to play.

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Anti pigs video. No joke.
It's confirmed Jow Forums is full onions faggots.

Extreme solipsism and psychopathy, just like jews.

>love your folk
Why? Because you're weak and realize that without men like me you will suffer?

I would rather this entire planet be destroyed by niggers and muzzies than have to pretend to happily coexist with a bunch of whites that are niggers inside.

Whites do not get a free pass because they are the same skin color as me, they must earn my respect and prove their character just as any man should.

My family and friends are my folk, you faggot natsoc larpers are not.


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>That face
No thank you el goblina.


Women never gained the right to vote. Jews and corporate interests used spinsters (old sluts) and proto-thots to push a women first ideology. It slowly gained traction until women got into the work force. But women would have never got into the work force if it wasn't for the World Wars. Which would have never happened if it wasn't for the cucked out evangelicals and politicians who sold out to Jews even back in the 20s.

The entire jewish society is ultimately matriarchal anyway.