Islam BTFO western women :(

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Wrapped, but with a see-thru wrapper so I know I'm not getting garbage

unwrapped candy obviously, who the fuck eats the wrapper as well? more proof they need OUT OF EUROPE RIGHT NOW

would you prefer a raped candy or a unraped candy?

There is almost no rape in Muslim countries. There is forced sex in non-Muslim countries because kafir women are unclean anyway. You cannot call that rape.

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fuck off. rapists get the bullet.

here we behead them.

>Remove kebab

Oh look, yet more Taqiyya.

Get droned dirty mumbar.

Attached: IMG_8536.png (824x9241, 2.08M)

But I don't fuck women's ears, which are the ones wrapped by your logic you dumbfuck women

terrible bait kys

Even with 10 generations of no inbreeding you'll still be dumber than a box of rocks

She's talking about our dicks!
And I'm pretty most girls don't wanna suck on a wrapper.
how does it feel to be wrong?
Now get back in the kitchen!

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I thought she was talking about her clit

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I like modesty. I hate Islam. Also the veil looks ugly as hell.

But it doesn't have to be either veil or looking like a whore. There is normal clothes which isn't short short shorts and supertight dress with a lot of cleavage.

You can be modest and sensual without looking like a boring muslim woman

I prefer a candy that didn't get unwrapped and fucked as a child and then rewrapped and passed off as a new candy.

that is exactly the same as in the west
only we apply it to female on male rape, which isn't rape at all

YOu can dress like this for example

Attached: Dress.jpg (834x1314, 132K)

Instead of this

Attached: Not modest.jpg (900x1271, 297K)

Would you prefer unremoved kebab or a removed one?

Based saudi arabian


Traditionally, all of the women in the boy's family will take the perspective bride into a room and physically inspect her for defects.

or you could dress like this

Attached: 1402911814816.jpg (810x800, 99K)

I'd rather have a candy that stayed in the kitchen where food belongs until I feel like consuming it. I'm such a feminist.

and the men in the girl's family will take the perspective groom into a room and groom him as tradition

based, the candy better shut the fuck up too