This is you

This is you.

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This is you

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Most of them arent even white you fucktard

>tfw Jow Forums way more ethnically diverse than everybody else


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This is you

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Is squatter just sipping on a carton of milk?

>even Jow Forums is losing the demographic battle

Attached: hatinglife.jpg (470x446, 37K)

God i hate them

Is that qt femboy?

pretty sure those are trump wagon redditors

How many of them are glow in the dark niggers?


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You sure about that?

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stay classy, nyc

I'm the absolute unit with the qt goth gf clinging onto him, you got me.

It really is Jow Forums but in (((NYC))) so the diversity isn't too surprising, it's one of the meetups for HWNDU Season One

Attached: HWNDU capture the flag pepes.png (1563x1242, 311K)

You think Brittany Venti is a glow in the dark? Holy fuck you're an idiot.

What did they discuss?

Holy shit it is, i wanna nut in that mutt

I think season 3 upstaged all the other seasons

I'm gonna take a WILD guess and say jews

jackie is allright

Being politically incorrect doesn't mean you have to be a white person that is pro-white.
A Japanese person that wants to dye their hair blonde, drop out of school and play guitar on the street would be considered politically incorrect in their country. A black person in America that doesn't do drugs, has an education and a job is considered politically incorrect in his community.
Do you see where I'm going with this? Also, Jow Forums isn't a hugbox, it's not a safe space, everybody of all races, skin colors, religions and political beliefs can come here and discuss anything that is politically incorrect.
At the end of the day, we're are politically incorrect but at the same time we are ultimately pro-civility among the populace, and OP's image shows exactly that.
So yes, this is me, this is us.

What ever happened to season 5?

Fuck off with yer text mutt

Holy shit AlMcWhiggin from toy story 2 browses Jow Forums???

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me on the left


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haven't seen this one before, thx


Fuck, I mean I love Naruto but this is just cringy.

None theyre actually just regular nigs

Jow Forums is a board of peace and diversity, bigot.

>1 post

Thanks for the reminder, reddit. This was in nyc btw.

holy fuck

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Well this is YOU

Attached: (you).png (126x95, 16K)

after Liverpool, it was a flag in Nantes France, on a hard to reach spot ,then it went for a half year to Lodz Poland, where except a handful of ourguys literally nobody gave a shit, then it went back to the flag in Nantes France.

That flag has currently been ravaged by the seaside winds. Pic related.

Attached: flag btfo.jpg (228x246, 7K)

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I mean, even the actual Nazis were more multicultural than (((they))) would have you believe

Attached: black, sikh, muslim nazis.jpg (1477x1908, 493K)

Jewing again arent we OP.

based and redpilled

>There are too little white people in america
Imagine my shock

T incel


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I liked HWNDU Albuquerque more.

I hate 4chad. He fucked my waifu Brittany Venti. I hope he burns in hell.

Who 4chad you mean the website Jow Forums or a specific guy?

The prettyboy douchebag male model who Venti is hanging on. He's such a little faggot.

Yeah i did think he was surprisingly good looking for a Jow Forums user. Why is he a douche though?

e-drama, don't bother

Nott a single white person.