Thread #2

Keep it simple. Change the formatting if you want but don't change the words or add anything. Previous thread here:

The goal is to make jews name themselves or share the victim status of the Holocaust.

Retarded Brazilians please do not comment.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Alt format

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alt format

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slight text change

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>holocaust was real
>kikes are white

who could ever be behind that ?

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stop shitting up these threads niggers

and you

Jews aren't white.

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Why are you still here?

>not seeing how the message isn’t the point, but rather the reaction the message provokes, is the point

why are you ?

trying to reach 6 gorrillion threads ?

Autistic Brazil guy is the best part of this meme.

what reactions does it provoke ?

font change

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>The goal is to make jews name themselves or share the victim status of the Holocaust.

Your goal is retarded and implicitly requires recognition of the legitimacy of Jewish grievances. Stop being fucking retarded.

The key to making this a success if for people to study the mainstream supported by academic holocaust. You need to know the facts like the back of your hand even if you think they are bullshit. You need to know all the ways in which the holocaust extended to white slavic peoples like the poles. The key to this operation is to place the 5.2 million Jewish deaths as being included in a much larger genocide of 17 million white europeans.

new font

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It makes Jews admit they aren’t white

tell me which one is your fav lads

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mass kvetching

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Blessed thread
Fuck parasitic leech kikes

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great joke Shlomo

only way to get a kike to admit they arent white, is when you knock on their door asking for money to pay for reparations

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this is some MIGA tier shit.

this is some MONGOL tier shit.

This one in particular is horrendously stupid. I don't know what kind of reaction this is supposed to provoke.

Laughter? Ridicule?


this one looks like a jew wrote it in his own blood

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Understand that this doesn't have anything to do with whether the Holocaust was real or not, to the general public, it is going to be real and as the anniversary comes up, that reality is going to be reinforced either way, so the best thing to do is to manipulate that truth to our advantage or for the honks, it's fun. This is what shitposting is essentially about: to sway the lies or the truths by turning it on its head. It's in the bagelniggers' nature to out themselves because they need their victim status

it's peak shitposting with great potential to rustle some jimmies of all sides or walks of life. It's making it impossible for the jew to remain hidden in plain sight: you speak up because you don't want to lose your victim-card, or remain silent and admit to white genocide.

Chaotic neutral isn't pushing it one way or the other, it's just disarming the jew of their weapon, which is to be the victim.
This is simple and seemingly unbiased, just concerned about human life in general and that's what makes it effective and good.
People freaking out about how this is admitting to the Holocaust having happened are still playing along because this is probably/hopefully going to spark fact checking and discussion and if it was "just white people" who were killed anyway, maybe it wasn't that many after all
>the world doesn't end with a bang, it ends with a honk
Shitposting Royale

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the goal is to maximize the holocaust to remove it from being a sole source of jewish grievance. the holocaust happened (or keep thinking it didn't I don't care) but so many other things were going on in that period of time the way of knocking out the jewish grievance is to explain the full story rather than try and debunk the single part of the story that the media likes to focus on

Fuck off faggot. The other attempts to co-opt IOTBW didn't work and neither will this one.

fuck this looks dark and dramatic as hell

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Some flyers on a wall aren't going to make people do that. This is "I-I-Irish p-people were slaves too" tier.

Nobody will give a shit that isn't already on your side, and everyone else will just dismiss you as trying to ride on the coattails of someone else's socially recognized grievance.

Fun fact by the way;
The number of non-Jewish Holocaust deaths is literally made up. Jews pulled it out of thin air in the early days of the Holocaust narrative in the belief that goyim would only care about the Holocaust if goyim died in it. That's the real reason no one talks about the non-Jew deaths, because they're no longer necessary for the establishment if the Jew supremacist Holocaust narrative, and because they hold up under scrutiny even less than the Jewish Holocaust does.

Either there are literal brain dead shit eating retards who aren’t understanding how it works at all or the entire IDF is fucking shaking in their goddamned kike pants

this poster shit does neither
it doesnt remove their status as victims

on the contrary, it reinforces that holohoax happened and also says jews are whites

most obvious kike propaganda possible

wasted and you are autistic

a strong hmmmmm-ing followed by cognitive dissonance ultimately resolving itself by destroying the left through it's double standards

This is not a co-opt of IOTBW, Make sure to differentiate it from the text font and everything.

One strategy is to go the "Antifa" route. In the other thread someone explained this as making it seem like it is something antifa is saying that the holocaust was the real white genocide and that we have to prevent it by impeaching trump or some bullshit like that

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Why do you think that matters?

>Whenever one tried to get a firm grip on any of these apostles one's hand grasped only jelly and slime which slipped through the fingers and combined again into a solid mass a moment afterwards. If your adversary felt forced to give in to your argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. The Jew would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday's defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct.

Nobody that isn't already Jew-wise notices that Jews lie with impunity. They'll admit they aren't white today then go right back to saying they are tomorrow.

How about this?

Attached: white-jews.png (1035x1350, 89K)

It doesn't matter if the deaths were made up, because sholarship still exists which has expanded upon it, and the most expansive scholarship goes to 17 million killed. We co-opt this scholarship using the platform they have given us by talking about it early on and run with it

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It was a shit idea this morning, and it's still a shit idea.
>inb4 fuck off kike

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>the goal is to maximize the holocaust to remove it from being a sole source of jewish grievance

It's not going to work, people already know that non-Jews died in the Holocaust, and you're just giving legitimacy to the Jewish Holocaust narrative.

a torn up font might work best if we're using a different one to IOTBW

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You don't understand how the world works, do you, João?
Have you ever seen a jew deny his curse when there is something to benefit from it? Have you ever heard of a bagelnigger who wanted to associate with white people when it implies white people are beneficiary?
This is pretty fucking great

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What the fuck? Kikes aren't white...they're kikes.....

> you're just giving legitimacy to the Jewish Holocaust narrative.
the point is to make it not be the "Jewish" holocaust narrative anymore. Make the non-jews deaths are being part of the same thing. What did all these deaths have in common? They were all europeans

or a typewriter font to reminiscent of the time in which it didn't happen

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>there is something to benefit
what benefit you are giving them here swede cuck ?

Fuck you horrified kike shills shitting up this thread
You will burn for your crimes

>This is "I-I-Irish p-people were slaves too" tier.
The reason this doesn't work is that Irish and Blacks cannot be placed in the same group in any logical way in the normies mind, but Jews are white in the normie mind, and thus the associating the Jewish deaths as being part of the white deaths does not run up against a mental block that is literally colour coded. What mental block exists to stop people from considering Jews white? Only whatever Kvetching they can come up with on short notice to provide damage control

Shit like this is why I keep coming here.

Knowing who you are up against is pretty beneficial imo

What platform?
You're putting up some flyers and hoping that the Jewish media decides to start investigating goyische Holocaust deaths.
What if they don't do that?

What if they use the grammatical ambiguity of your flyers to reinforce the idea that the white people own responsibility for the "worst genocide in history"?

>This is what REAL white genocide looks like goy!
How do you fools not see this trap?

Tack broder. Bra concept/idé från början. Vi borde skapa ett tiotal av dessa och både printa ut samt sprida via sociala medier.

6000 000D chess

putting up flyers is not a good idea I think. I don't exactly know what this will look like, but that is the point of having these threads

they know who they are up against, you arent giving them anything

all you are doing is saying holohoax was real, kikes are white

who does that benefit ?

Tack! Ja, jag tror att det har potential och blir resultatet inte det avsedda så kommer det åtminstone få verkligheten att slå knut på sig själv ännu mer

or they see the trap and thats exactly what they want ?

>but Jews are white in the normie mind,
The Irish slavery narrative doesn't rely on the assumption that Irish are black, it relies on the statement vthat there's nothing special about black slavery. Which is a fact that normies have been specifically programmed to resist on the exact same way they are programmed to resist the idea that there is nothing special about the "Holocaust".

Thats why we have to make it from a lefty angle, to make the low IQ feminists, blacks etc to spread it on Twitter. Hence I made a few versions that attacks Trump. One was posted by Canadian user earlier.

>they know what they're up against
That was exactly what I was not talking about. The greatest trick the jew ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist. Now he will have to admit his otherness

what does a bunch of autists repeating the things hollywood has been saying for decades benefit anyone? On the other hand however watis getting peope thinking about it in a whole another way worth?

this. it edges the narrative in a new direction covertly

so you are just going to keep bullshitting sideways without answering anything ?
cool, I wouldnt expect any other behavior from a kike

again, all you do is repeat kikes are white, holohoax was real
who benefits from it ?

Kys Brazilian monkey. This board is for white people.

what new direction ? when you are repeating exactly what the kikes have been saying ?

>says the ooga booga while raiding a farm and killing whites

If someone post an idea that you don't particularly care for, do you find something better to do or is it more rewarding to engage anyway? Who works that way?
I'm genuinely curious, because I've never once posted in a BBC thread

you are definitely getting paid for this

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can you answer the question ?

Highlight "was" or put it in italics..

This is stupid and cringe. There are much better things that could be put on a flyer that would change the conversation around race without affirming the jewish 6 million lampshades narrative

it's been explained to you many times over. read the entirety of the archived threads and then this one again. and then do it one more time.


Irish slavery doesn't work not because the Irish cannot be made black, but rather that the Blacks cannot be made Irish

But regardless tackling the slavery narrative requires rejecting the idea of American Exceptionalism. American Blacks are actually worse about American Exceptionalism than anyone ironically enough. They basically think that America is the only place that mattered. Calling them out on this can potentially shut them up, or it might just piss them off

By not saying anything and leaving it up to the jew to point out his otherness and how it matters. Your reasoning and ways of posing nonsensical questions have revealed you, Shlomo

it's already been affirmed, it's near impossible to directly challenge it. but INDIRECTLY you can. these posters are BAIT. it will confuse people when they first read it, it will produce weird emotions and thoughts that will stick with them and make them think about jews ethnically, why someone would even make this. it's a culture jammer.

also if it picks up steam it will force jews in the press and academia to respond to it. they will either have to say that unequivocally jews ARE white or NOT white. if they ARE white then the holocaust isn't about ethnic jews being genocided but just a religious WHITE group. if they say they AREN'T white then that will redpill many normies who will then realise they are a complete, distinct ethnic group that are not a part of the white ethnic group.

it's a lose/lose situation, depending on if it picks up steam and can't be ignored by jews.

That is the point. Did you read the title?

This is the equivalent of a blind person asking someone to explain what green is, and then getting mad when the explanation doesn't make sense to them. It's fascinating to watch.

either they lose their white mask or they lose the holocaust

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you are an evil afrikaneer
I like you

it hasnt been answered a single time

how saying kikes are white and holohoax was real benefits anyone other than kikes ?

and the jew doesnt say anything either and the only message said is kikes are white, holohoax was real
who benefits from that ?

This is a stupid idea. OP a complete faggot.

>jews able to keep their mouths shut
Anyway, why do you care so passionately about it?



This monkey flag is a VPN Israeli or a high ranking Sephardic kike residing in monkey-land
Which would make it super ironic because you’re probably a brown pheno kike


>The goal is to make jews name themselves
If you've posted on this board for any amount of time you'd know kikes shapeshift into white people daily, and that shitskins already think Jews are white. This is stupid.

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How the fuck does this work? Jews aren’t white and the holocaust is a fucking fairy tale