How accurate is this pic?

How accurate is this pic?
These genes makes people look physically and mentally different or they are irrelevant?

Sorry for bad english, I'm studying the european genes and I know you guys knows some shit.

Attached: 1553306613481.png (986x1118, 854K)

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Also, how can Germany and Polska be so different in genes if they are side by side?

Tell me more, user. So this isnt real? Or they are just a little accurate?

bump for science

Look By that Graph Spaniards look more like british than portuguese , cant you see that sstupid? Use your common sense buddy,there is more than haplogroupes

But british and celtics arent the same thing... Or they are?

it's not hard to tell apart an average frenchman from an average anglo, nor is it hard to tell apart a polack from a nordic.
Of course these genes makes us look different. It's not a coincidence that when you think of a swede, you think of a blonde aryan. when you think of an italian, you think of a mediterranean with a pronounced jawline.

although all that's about to change if (((they))) get their way.

But there is not the 'portuguese' gene in the subtitles.

fucking dumbass leave the thread if you can't contribute meaningfully lardass motherfucker

It's terribly outdated and way to general to convey any meaningful information

I get it. But here's the thing:
A polack and a nordic lives far away from each other, so of course they'll be different.
But now, how can germans and polish look different if they have been living side by side for milions of years? They never racemixed? lol

He explained what I meant better

There are haplotypes and haplogroups know the difference, Jose.

pic related haplotypes and haplogroups

Attached: his4-1-1000x576.jpg (1000x576, 109K)

Now we're talking. Thank you. I'll search more about the differences.
You guys will see, I'll still find the perfect place to move and get the hottest girls.

Of course they've mixed, but not in the same degree as norwegians, danes and swedes have with one another, as should be obvious by the amount of R1a in the average polack. I'm not exactly sure why myself, it's the same case with, say, sweden and finland.
But the appearances of the average polack looks different from your average german, anyone who've been around in Europe can tell. Haplogroups are but a simple generalization, but they usually tell a story. It's not impossible to tell a dane from a norwegian by face, but it's significantly harder than comparing a norwegian to an anglo.

Demographics aint looking good anyways, EU needs more immigrants in order to compete American and Chinese markets, i really don't know if its ((them)) or the ((system)) itself which is forces us into extinction as a species

Haplogroups are useful for studying ancient migrations. If you want to know the genetic similarity between existing populations then you need to look at their autosomal DNA.

well, take a look at france and the yellow wests and take a look at Germany or UK. No Yellow Wests. Tells a lot.

A fair share of both. It's planned by them but put into action by the system of mass media, education, etc.
There is no need to import foreign savages to compete with americans or chinks. As soon as their living standard hits our levels they'll stop breeding like niggers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with not hitting the replacement levels.

>You guys will see, I'll still find the perfect place to move and get the hottest girls.

Attached: tenor.gif (460x498, 2.53M)

This is a good argument and scientifically proven, but i kinda have the feel that arabs are taking advantage of this truth, driven by the jihad are intentionally having more and more kids in order to "conquer the west". While natives have significantly few.
Also the cucks in the brussels and UK are too fucking retarded to acknowledge this truth.
The sjw mindset really fucks us up

>There are haplotypes and haplogroups know the difference
Could you explain the difference to those of us who studied history instead of science?

Haplogroups are overhyped because they're only a tiny fraction of a person's DNA.

Psychologically different is the word you’re looking for. Not mental, although mental works too. And physical of course

This map is outdated though


hello larper

how exactly i am larping nigger?

maybe 1 in 50 greeks are white lol

It's an accurate (true) map. Sometimes the Jews in England get buttblassted over it though because it goes against their 900 year old propaganda scam. Some American retards who think they're "English" also get mad. But these people are the stupidest cunts in all of western society who literally fall for every Jew scam.

>But british and celtics arent the same thing... Or they are?
HAHA, see... I knew it. Always a buttblasted "English" Jew that is angry with this map.

Every... single.... time.

I never mentioned the term white in my posts you retard

Then what did you mean? A borderline third world brown country being replaced by actual third world brown people? Not that big of a difference.

>Some American retards who think they're "English" also get mad.

Mostly English in descent and R1B1. What is there to be mad about?


Stay mad you buttblasted kikes.

Attached: YANG 2020.jpg (620x461, 84K)

So you believe that the average Greek is the same as the average paki or afgan? lol

It's so true about you retards isn't it? Just look at you.... good god you are the most autistic, fragile, paranoid, schizo cultist. You are literally jewish in every way.

I still have no idea what you are talking about.

In a reductionist sense, yeah.

then shut the fuck up you fucking commie

You guys are absolutely not like Pakis.

I love this map. It always triggers the (((English Jews)))

>we wuz jewish vikings 'n shit

LOL what a joke

Attached: H.P. Lovecraft - A Psychotic Jew - British Propagandist.jpg (1440x900, 326K)

fucking commie go back to indymedia faggot

Unironically we are the only difference is we got proped up by anglos and germans due to geographical advantages while they got bombed instead.

Greeks don't do Bacha Bazi


Stay in Sweden, jewboy.

Attached: jutland-jewland.gif (418x337, 17K)

tfw I2, oldest European haplogroup.

german information is not exact

Attached: images.png (216x233, 11K)

it is very accurate for my country

we are white okay? stop this D&C ((()))

Attached: atlantomeds.jpg (800x443, 79K)



here comes the denying faggot saying that everybody is a joo and races don't exist.

you were debunked several times rotfl

try again shill ((()))

Attached: grafico.png (2500x2000, 161K)

You made this thread yesterday, monkey.

Sorry for bad English
Igor call house
Michael Jackson die

Oh look it's the retard that can't into basic genetics.
Do you know what genetic drift is and how much of an influence it is on the phenotype? No? Figured as much.

Attached: 328.png (405x600, 466K)

Hottest Portuguese babe

Attached: AffectionateTinyLabradorretriever-size_restricted.gif (300x250, 3.97M)

I is the oldest European haplogroup. Most of the viking remains tested I1 and I2 is highly concetrated in the Balkans (originally named Helm) Bosnia and Sardinia. It's tied to dinaric race - tallest in world on average, athletic, high iq etc. Skin pale, hair brown to rarely blonde. People we call today Slavic is made out of I2 and R1a. Origin of I is still theorized, either it+s in Belarus/Poland/Ukraine (see White Serbia) or it originated on Helm (Balkans)
and it's a remnant of pre indo european, paleolithic people, see Vinca culture.
R1a and R1b seem to be what we call aryans. Shorter than I people, blonde, blue eyed etc. This is the one found in India.

greeks are white (meds and pontid)

Why do they speak different languages?

al europeans are by race white, portuguese or spanish are nor exception, you may even look at the genetic map:

>everybody is a jwe and genetics don't exist

ROTFL keep dreaming shill

here's another graph that proves you wrong.

yes yes, science don't exist and everybody is a joo ROTFL i debunk you everytime

see again

Attached: pca_soma1930209384908-gena31-sads.png (1366x693, 68K)

You can tell someone is just getting into racial genetics when they post haplogroups. They are very easy to grasp.

Attached: 123144.jpg (683x681, 105K)

fucknuts do you even know what that graph represents? I hope for your sake you're just trolling and not just plain retarded. If the latter is true, please have someone cure you by applying a lead injection to the back of the head.

Y-DNA and mtDNA aka Haplogroups make up less than 1% of your total DNA.

Attached: DNA_Makeup_Final.png (757x640, 90K)


Yes but a very important and essential 1%, don't you agree?

different enough cultures don't mix

Only if the rest of your DNA is intact and European, otherwise it's irrelevant

And yet that 1% is the difference between white people building civilizations and landing on the moon, and niggers sharpening sticks in mud huts..

The graph represents that the portuguese are whites

phenotype is just some gibberish D&C tactic kikes like you use

nice try shill ((())) the graphs debunk you

Attached: portuguese.jpg (600x400, 61K)

No, that would be autosomal DNA

germans and polish are not that far.

Hummm... make Grug think....

Attached: atlantomed_pheno.jpg (1056x398, 287K)

The elites looks jewish, what a surprise. The pleb doesn't look that uniform.

Attached: 10689651.jpg (720x960, 112K)

based portubro. you were always white and based as fuck

Attached: Portugal_1937-MP_8_mocid_NYtmes_img00c33portugue00252b011v1.jpg (705x1277, 107K)

On the topic of haplogroups what do you guys think about q? Most people would automatically say it's from mongol invaders. But q is actually not found among mongols or turks at high levels.

It is found in very high levels in north american indians. This is relevant because north american indians are related to the ancient north eurasians who are also ancestors of the indo-europeans. Q and R are closely related so i don't think it's a stretch to say that haplogroup q could be called indo-european

Bullshit picture

>you'll never get to spank her ass

Attached: 152322115.gif (409x227, 987K)

I1 master race here.

The Turks Spain Italy Greek are not Arabic.

That's just some wannabe right wing bolox

It's not even 1%. Haplogroups look at different versions of the same gene found on y chromosomes. They then group these versions together and if there are enough differences they call it a separate haplogroup.

>phenotype is just some gibberish D&C tactic kikes like you use
what a fucking retard.

He's not wrong. The phenotype often called "med" is very generic and can caused by vastly different genotypes. Take blue eyes and blonde hair for example.

Blonde hair evolved more than once. Blue eyes evolved only once. Blue eyes were present in the western hunter gatherers which means that it's been in europe for at least 40,000 years. Blue eyes likely evovled in the basal eurasians who were the ancesters of whg as well all other non africans. It is thought they there were the humans who mixed with neanderthals. Eye color and hair color are only controlled by a handful of genes. Due to these reasons and in group variation, you are able to find blue eyes and blonde hair in groups of people who are seperated by great genetic distances. It only makes sense if you think of it in terms of evolution and genetics.

phenotypes are important, but genotype is more clear. By looks you can see that polish, irish, spanish, french, portuguese or swedes or greeks, germans are white people,caucasid they may vary phenotypes but still look european in nature, genetics only made it clear.

Genetics is for weeding out imposters like jews and iranians

>science is not for europeans

It's even bigger now.

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