Do people ever stop to think that incels exist because many women are egotistical shitty assholes or do they just want...

Do people ever stop to think that incels exist because many women are egotistical shitty assholes or do they just want to bash men?

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women are cumdumpsters plus there's always rape

inceldom is a mental illness

incels are weak men who don't know who to deal with egotistical women

Incels exist because we live in a time of peace and prosperity.
People can afford to be picky with mates because we aren't being ravaged by war, starvation, and plague.
Go to Sudan or Yemen, I promise you won't be an incel for long.

>don't want to deal with women
>think and complain about women 24/7

>Do people ever stop to think

Attached: Oh cum on.png (754x727, 609K)

>be bulgarian
>cant read

>know who
I thougth you meant don't want.

It's not the reason incels exist at all. Women don't even think like this.

Incels are usually very low status/value guys BUT women in most societies outside the comfort and luxury we have in the West can't afford to act like this anyway so few incels exist.

No. Incels exist because they are shitheads

There's no way to "deal" with them, user. When no woman wants to have sex with you, what else can you do?

Inb4 shower, lift, etc.

Those things only work for people who aren't deeply flawed. If you've got noodle arms with wrists smaller than a girl, working out ain't going to make you look normal. If your face is deformed because you were a mouthbreather or your features are asymmetrical or you lost your hair at a young age, there's nothing you can do. Incels are simply men that nobody wants to have sex with. Such men could get partners in the past through hard work, but now that women have high paying jobs (often more high paying than men) and monogamy is not encouraged, they simply no longer need to settle for inferior looking men for any reason. If they do end up marrying an uggo to golddig, they can easily divorce his ass and take him to the cleaners. Obviously these guys are angry that their basic needs are not being met and in a society like ours it's doubly painful because we're bombarded with sex in the media and social media encourages people to compare themselves to others so if you are unable to have sex, you're reminded of your inferiority everywhere you turn and this breeds further resentment.

Many women are egotistical assholes but the main reason incels exist ie because they won't lower their standards to women to the same level on the hierarchy. Ugly women exist too.

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Men have a higher sex drive and women know this. Unattractive and fat women can find good looking guys willing to fuck them. In fact, women who are unattractive are actually more insulted when they are approached by an ugly guy because it reminds her that a subhuman considered her ugly enough that he might have a chance with her.

They just want to bash men. Never forget that they hate us and want us dead, they want our sons and future grandsons dead. They want our women to betray us.

Who is this semen demon

I'm not an incel myself, but I do sympathize with incels. However, most of them bring on the hate themselves. Have you ever visited the incel forum? Or r/niceguys?

The incels attitude certainly don't help them win over hearts and minds.

But that said, I do think that the media and society has got it the wrong way around. They assume incels are incels because they're full of hate/misogyny for women etc, when in reality they're full of hate/misogyny because of women.

Incels need to change their attitude and self-improve. But society and women also need to change


lower your standards user, stacy will never fuck you

idk ask Jow Forums


Dating apps.
Pool the worst and pickiest women on one platform and have them have unrealistic expectations. This gives men a bad self image and produces incels.
If we let people just talk to each other in person, we'd have fewer issues.
Notice how they treat a female incel (look at the comments). That tells you pretty much everything you need to know.

Also look up the mouse utopia experiment. Incels are the "beautiful ones"

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> people
> think

If you can pay for sex then there is no such thing as an incel by definition.

But yes, the slandering of men for being incels despite the obvious logical flaw is a symptom of the disease you describe.

If a woman calls you an incel and you would like a retort which will surely land say;

'whatever the fuck you want coz who cares what some dumb bitch and her beta boy say'

Then get on with your life however our so choose.

Remember lads, pussy is a vice and you have as many masters as you have vices.

if you are 5 2 and have a recessive jaw i dont think your personality is the problem

Seen this one, what a fucking insight to the life of a (((berg))). Her daddy and the rabbi asked if she was in the itty bitty titty club when she didn't develop full khazar milkers.

How many levels of hell are there again?

Being born an incel is like being an animal. You were never even going to be considered for heaven, because obviously even your presence would ruin heaven for the good looking people. Basically we're the original NPC class that became self-aware.

Oh no, there is for sure a type of man that simply cannot get laid.
They exist. You see them all of the time.

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There is so much more to life than putting P into V.
And if being lonely is an issue, than lower your standards and go be with an ugly girl.

Women suck, but they're like clay. They just conform to the standard they are held to by society, their community, and their SO.

If you don't want to deal with shitty women you have to immerse yourself into a society or community that creates good women.
That, or take a lightly-used woman and break her down then rebuild her into what you want her to be.

I did the latter because I'm not really ready to settle down and I don't want to string along a good girl.

However, I recognize that this isn't a possibility for every man.

What then do unattractive incels do?

Well, for one, I think most incels exaggerate their own ugliness. Most are just average-looking guys who have put themselves into a cycle of self-deprecation.
That's a psychological thing and needs to be dealt with.

For the actual ugly guys though, I would just say that they, quite unfairly, will have to try orders of magnitude harder to attain other things, like wealth or status. That will involve taking incredible risks, and most of these will end in failure.

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Porn is pushed to ruin young men in this way, when you have access to thousands of the sexiest girls doing EVERYTHING imaginable, some 5/10 girl who lays there like a fish is going to be boring in comparison

>some 5/10 girl who lays there like a fish is going to be boring in comparison

My fucking life.