If the Mueller report "totally exonerates" Trump

Why did he call it a "witch hunt" for 2 years straight?

It resulted in over 30 inditements on serious financial crimes and conspiracy against the USA. Really makes u think.

Attached: huh.png (530x642, 262K)

Also the Russians heavily botted a voice against the Mueller report, so they were afraid too.

Sources say the Mueller report is absolutely damning to the President.

The AG says: The report does not exonerate the President.

Why is Trump directly contradicting his own lackey AG?

Release the report they must. Any Chinese whispers will forever keep a cloud over the President's behavior.

Both Comey and Cohen gave incriminating testimonies, judging by Trump's Dirty Cop and Dirty Father-in-law tweets.

Nice spacing, fags.
>muh Russia
>sources say
Give it a rest, lads, you may as well just petition the mods to give you a Discord flag to post under.

USA should get its shit together now:

- Demand any future president releases their taxes in full. No bad can come of this, it is perfectly reasonable, but needs to be enforced by law, given Trump.

- Don't even allow for partisan actions to be taken on a special investigation of this magnitude. I don't want Lindsey Graham or Barr spinning this story.

- Make it a grave democratic faux pax to use time in congressional hearings for partisan talking points. You have a witness under oath, ask him/her relevant questions or shut the fuck up.

That's not how justice should work. You don't just investigate someone for 2 years grasping for anything you can fuck them over with. That's bullshit.

of which a total of 0 were directed at him. Just because some other people got thrown in a lake doesn't mean it wasnt a witch hunt.

Look up the definition of witch hunt you fucking retard and you will know.

It should be "Innocent until proven guilty." Not "Guilty, and give me 2 years to ANY reason why."

because absolutely none of the indictments had anything to do with him or russian collusion, which is what the special counsel was about, which is why it was a witchhunt. he should unironically pardon everyone indicted because these crimes would have never been discovered if not for the corrupt cause of the investigation (Clinton/Obama/FBI/KikeGroupB). Even Manafort, as much of a faggot as he is.

Or he could pardon everyone but Manafort that would be hilarious.

This. Holy shit op is retarded.

>itt: we copy and paste reddit post to totally trigger Jow Forums

>this is the best reddit has
Everyone of are failed Jewish agents btfo now.

Memeflags cannot say “Yehova” because they are pathetic Israelis

>fake investigation produces nothing after 2 years
>hurr durr muh semantics
fucking kys semanticsfag

I like to think that Mossad puts the low-tier ne'er-do-well jews on pol patrol.

Back in my day trolling was a art

The investigation was about whether he, his party or his campaign colluded with Russia to influence the election. There was interference by Russia but no one in his party or campaign colluded.
Therefore, it's a textbook witch hunt. They did it to take down Trump as soon as he won when he didn't do anything.

why is that a witch hunt? They established for a fact that Russia influenced the election, and wanted to know if Americans helped them with that, or helped them cover it up.

The language is very spinned:

instead of:

> The report concluded that the president did not commit a crime.

it says:

> The report did not conclude that the president committed a crime.

The report can be full of juicy morsels on criminal behavior, without actually drawing the conclusion that criminal charges should be made.

That is how I would play it on both sides: Barr trying his damned best to spin the story, and Mueller allowing congress to make the difficult decision to indict the President or his family members.

What does "Russia tried to influence the election" have to do with "the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to win the election"? The investigation was about the latter, and came up with absolutely nothing after two years. Witch hunt.

There is no doubt in my mind that a special investigation with tens of the finest investigators that the FBI has to offer (an FBI that was disgusted by its cowardly and disrespectful dismissal of its head Comey) for 2 years will find over 80% of the dirty shit that anyone in the world would do. Especially Trump, who, at his casinos and real estate business must have dealt with mob money one way or the others, or had at least a prior for blackmailing/bribing people to shut up (I mean... dude had a fixer, why you need a fixer? to fix your dirty shit).

Question is how much of it is admissible.

Reps try to spin it like: If Mueller can't show collision then all is bullshit, but Americans deserve a president who is beyond reproach, of high moral character, and emphatic and rational to the consequences of his actions and mandates to the progress of the American dream.

God bless America!

Maybe it is time to accept that you were lied to.

Lied to by the media. I am not an enemy, we are in this togheter

They came without indictments to the President or his family, who, by my counts have had as much contacts with Russians than others who were indicted or jailed.

We dont know what they came up with, just that the report does not have a conclusion where it states Trump committed a crime.

Most of what is in the report we already know about from the free fake news press, like the Trump tower meeting.

>We dont know what they came up with, just that the report does not have a conclusion where it states Trump committed a crime.
"Collusion" is not even a crime. The report says there's no evidence of this. This was the original accusation by the Democrats and the media, and was the declared reason for the investigation. And Mueller found nothing. Witch hunt.

You don't get to decide whether an investigation is a witch hunt or not depending on its outcome.

You let an investigation (that certainly was warranted) run its course, not opposing its fact finding mission.

Mueller could have found all sorts of shit without concluding a crime was committed. He'd have to report about any federal crime level stuff, can't just let that slide.

I will not allow the reps and trumptards to control the current narrative when all we have is cocksucker Graham and lackey Barr carefully mixing words and telling us Mueller found nothing.

If Mueller found nothing and took 2 fucking years for that, the US government should sue him for fraud.

Mueller was the shadow president of the USA all along. And Trump being a Putin puppet is still not in the clear.

If collusion isn't a crime (which it isnt) then why exactly was an investigation into collusion "warranted" ?

>The AG says: The report does not exonerate the President.
Barr said the report does not exonerate Trump of obstruction but HE GOES ON TO SAY that the obstruction question was passed to the DOJ. Barr, as the head of the DOJ, determined that obstruction did not occur.

>You don't get to decide whether an investigation is a witch hunt or not depending on its outcome.
It was always a witch hunt. The conclusion is just confirmation of that fact.
>You let an investigation (that certainly was warranted) run its course, not opposing its fact finding mission.
And it did, and found nothing.
>Mueller could have found all sorts of shit without concluding a crime was committed. He'd have to report about any federal crime level stuff, can't just let that slide.
>I will not allow the reps and trumptards to control the current narrative when all we have is cocksucker Graham and lackey Barr carefully mixing words and telling us Mueller found nothing.
guess we'll find out exactly what was found when the report comes out
>If Mueller found nothing and took 2 fucking years for that, the US government should sue him for fraud.
>Mueller was the shadow president of the USA all along. And Trump being a Putin puppet is still not in the clear.
So you're a fucking retard. Got it.

Q predicted the muellar drop to the day. you liberals are about to die. pray to your atheism or whatever you fagots believe in. it's time to die