Now that the dust has settled, which theory had more merit to it, Saddam's WMD's or Russian collusion?

Now that the dust has settled, which theory had more merit to it, Saddam's WMD's or Russian collusion?

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By the standards of each respective time period, I say Saddam Hussein and Iraq's access to Weapons of Mass Destruction. The WMDs were a looming, ominous threat to the general American populace, considering that shortly before the Iraq War, we had experienced the disasters of September 11, 2001. So many people at the time were connecting terrorist Osama bin Laden with dictator Saddam Hussein.

I never believed that Donald Trump was connected to the Russian government. That appeared to be obvious left wing Democrat and paranoid Never Trump Republican propaganda to me, then, and it is apparently disproven, now.

recall how both started with "MUH 17 INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES"

coast guard BTFO

We gave Saddam gas for Iran war, he actually used some of it on the Kurds, he did have WMD’s.

It never made sense for Saddam to be giving anthrax to terrorists. He and extremist groups like Al Qaeda hated each other.

>the national parks service found evidence to impeach flumferpungth

>Saddam's WMD
Because we sold them to him during the Iran/Iraq war.

The government didn't anticipate that they would have been sold, traded, or disposed of between then and when military action was undertaken.

Saddam was keeping a little of the middle east in-line. Going to war was an objective mistake and pure optics on USA's part.

People were only making those connections post-2001 when the pro-Iraq propaganda really started ramping up. Not a shred of evidence presented connected Hussein to 9/11. But I agree with your overall point, that the justification was more worthy and politically prudent than the witch hunt for Russian collusion.

>coast guard BTFO

Saddam used chemical weapons in the past so why would he not have them later? Isn't him having used them proof enough?

Bush did 9/11

Attached: Nowthatswaticaledgy.jpg (333x499, 42K)

Is Bush Jewish?

Saddam's WMD's.

At one point, there WAS wmd's in Iraq but our intelligence agencies agreed to bury the knowledge that they have been gone for some time for the sake of promoting the war. Along with fabricating evidence otherwise.

They'll get it on the day of the rope.

Pretty much true, bombing the shit out of Afghanistan wasn’t pleasing the chicken hawks in DC. They wanted long conflict to get those big bucks flowing into the arms industry.

At least in my experience when meeting and hearing from a lot of other people, it seemed that for a while after 9/11, anything seemed possible to happen as a threat to our country, and perhaps other Western nations. Yes, it seems to have been more justifiably believable than the anti-Trump Russian connection propaganda of the last two, or nearly three years.

I don't know how many of you were old enough to remember the whole "WMD/yellowcake" presentation, but let me tell you something they don't teach you...

... EVERYONE knew it was bullshit at the time. We all knew that W was looking for an excuse to attack Saddam, and this is the one he chose. The republicans, democrats, media, and the public all just went along with it because the bottom line is that the President can attack pretty much whoever he wants.

But to come back now (or shortly after, when the war was going poorly) and claim that it was "deception" is dishonest, because it was self-deception.

Thanks to Israeli intelligence and our own homegrown (((team)))

>Giant douche or a turd sandwich

Not really any difference. They're both bullshit.

What didn't get talked about very much was they found pretty new chemical weapon shells in Iraq. But they only found one or two at most at any one place. Like they ran a test batch then gave up or something, so it wasn't covered.Same with the warehouses of really old chemical weapons they were supposes to be turned over after the first war that we found the second time.

More accurately, we all knew but didn’t care. We were still mad about 9/11 and fucking up Afghanistan wasn’t cathartic enough. Truth is the American people really wanted to kill more Muslims in revenge, but nobody wanted to admit it. So, we played along with the obvious lie. It was only after our bloodlust was sated that we turned around and decried the Bush admin for the war.

What's funny about the whole Iraq War, is that I distinctly remember every news channel talking about how Saddam was posturing against us for our invasion of Afghanistan, months before we even went to war. Now that I'm an adult and reflecting back to what I saw then and to what I see (and know) now, the American media has been state run propaganda for as long as I have been alive. If this is true, it is no sudden revelation of our time but something that must have been going on for generations before mine. It is chilling to think about all of the things we have been fed over the decades when you consider this.

They were both bullshit from the Start. But I believe in 2003 there was a better excuse to not know WMD were bullshit. There is no excused to fall for a Rebooted version of the Red Scare which in itself was a bullshit conspiracy theory 65 fucking years ago.

What amazes me now is that, if you look up some AOL and IRC chat logs and things of that nature from the day of 9/11, though it goes through some rapid cycles, people (members of the general public) already had their eyes on Osama bin Laden as a suspect and had a pretty good idea of the motivation behind the attacks. I think that's why the later drive for the Iraq invasion seemed so fake and was a vague and tenuous connection to Saddam relying solely on the fact that they had wanted Saddam out for a decade, but for other reasons.

Very interesting reads on IRC and other chat rooms the day of 9/11.

Yeah, but we didn't really give a shit because we wanted to kill muslims. It's partially why liberals are so willing to bend over for Muslims today. There is pervasive guilt over what we did in the ME because deep down we all know we just wanted to see Muslims die for 9/11.