When will we come to our senses?
When will we come to our senses?
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do they call it 'salon' because its entirely staffed by faggots and women?
oh shit, I got this guys
>New Zealand "came to its senses" by literally following a spree killer's manifesto and banning a weapon anyone with a C&C machine and a drill press can make
NZ so poorly crafted the law that they also unintentionally banned handguns and didn't include exemptions for law enforcement or the military.
>doing literally exactly what the shooter said he wanted them to do
no wonder they're banning his manifesto, otherwise everyone will realize what fucking disaster profiteers they are
Funny thing is the author of that article is a west point graduate.
command and conquer?
why do people have such poor logic? jfc
>us has 2000 miles of border with mexico and 4000 with canada
>already a countless supply of guns in circulation
>country formed with gun ownership in mind
>we can just take away the guns! problem solved!
Ill tell you cowards one thing. If Americans lose their guns. The death toll youll feel will be tremendously higher. You who want to roll over ane subordinate should quit bothering to try to live and just kys. Youre living in a fantasy and delusional of the true responsbility life on earth demands. Mao Zedong great leaped forward comrade, on the dead corpses of his starving people.
> When will we come to our senses?
Nah.I think the America will be keeping its guns.
God I hate NZ so fucking much.
They are so arrogant and racist to us, ignore all the assistance we give their people. They treat it like a bloody working holiday and we are nothing but kind and honest. We get no such treatment in their country, in fact if they can possibly find a way they will speak Maori to us even the white ones. They "lose" our paperwork and play the fool.
They should take their ooga chugga dances and their femi-worship back to their goddamn fucking home planet wherever the fuck that is
Fuck around and find out
Am kiwi, can confirm.
Just remember it only took a dozen muskets to bring down the haka in the 1800s.
I'm hoping England gets based and in their next rugby game will bring out the fifes and drums and play the Grenadiers theme after they do the haka.
>how absolutely dare you
Obvious troll when you post a Salon article. You'll have to try harder.
Why don't they just make it illegal to murder people?
Henry 22? Neat
I'm mocking the article, should have made it more obvious
So a faggot then.
Brenton thought that would make people revolt. I don't see anyone doing shit. Guess he killed 50 people for nothing
Red alert 2 > tiberian sun
Ever notice how it's the people who don't understand something that want it banned?
This isn't just with guns, but also with weed and entertainment.
Does anyone have a link to the video of some Jow Forums poster reading this in a jew voice? I need a good laugh
I'm fucking dense sometimes
lmao salon is gay
Yup.... Now that was a good game.
I think we all need to come to our senses... and drink new Orange Vanilla Coke!
>american flag
>American flag
>Soviet weaponry
Haha God bless you m8, this is why I fucking love this place.
Salon literally supports Pedophileia
I was very injured. Sue you, sue everybody!
After they ban the 5.56 AR-15 assault rifle we should start using the 7.62 FN FAL battle rifle.
>Not seeing the freedom in possessing any weapon you desire, even those of inferior nations
we need to ban women from public opinions
After the picture of commies in the academy showing oiff a seditious T-Shirt I lost all respect for the academy. It puts out trash.
50 random muslims died because some autist thought the "acceleration" meme was real. Don't get me wrong 50 muslims dying doesn't mean shit to me, but all he accomplished was getting guns banned in NZ and now they are usurping everyone else for "The most Cucked Country" award.
GG acceleration retards.
No AK47s in that pic.
>When will we come to our senses?!
When will you fuck off?
>Red alert 2 > tiberian sun
hear, hear.
>we are nothing but kind and honest.
lol no. We are the most obnoxious, toxic, socially retarded people in the world second only to israelis
>missing the joke that slav shit guns are in front of a American flag.
Inanimate objects can’t be insane, they are not sentient.
Take off the meme flag redditor.
>all he accomplished was getting guns banned in NZ
he planned that
>and now they are usurping everyone else for "The most Cucked Country" award.
he intended that.
The goal was to get the media to jump the shark in saying how evil white men are. He will accomplish that as well. Fire rises, Chang.
I wished the liberals would go ahead and pass a BIG gun control act or stright up abolish the second admendment because they don't seem to understand how long Millions of americans have been waiting just for that moment. Now with Missouri and Alaska with gun sanctuary laws in effect, the conflict that would come from such a thing happening would easily be bigger then the civil war. It is simply something even the US goverment would not beable to handle. Even then would the military mostly fight on behalf of taking wepons away from citizens who are mearly fighting for their consitutional rights?
Dear leftist in cities who have never held a guy and are completely sheltered in terms of how violent the world truly is. If you want guns to be illegal in the us, get yourself a gun and try to come in our homes yourself and take them by force.
Come and take them leftist, practice what you preach.
>never held a guy
>never held a guy
The moment I knew this was a larp
as soon as OP kills himself violently
>military grade
The fuck does that even mean?
Fucking kek
It basically means that it looks scurry and they want it gone because it looks scurry.
>Why would Law Enforcement or the military need assault guns? We banned guns, so they won't have to face them.
Just start making 'trys' and whatever while they're dancing.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice that. Also, fixed magazine semi autos seem to be in a gray area.
Brb, buying assault rifle
>When will we come to our senses?
And hang journalists? Hopefully soon.
I still have no idea why they are so interested in banning rifles. It seems stupid when pistols are used to kill far more people.
When there's a military coup and rebels get shot.
Exactly, this is what people don't realise about the US. Even IF the US decides to do something retarded like ban a type of firearm, the population isn't just going to hand them back.
muzzies and jews use bombs and explosives. why aren't we globally banning those?
Chemical weapons are banned but civilians can still own bleach and ammonia.
We need door to door searches to get these dangerous chemicals off our streets. If it saves one life it's worth it!
ah, hi jew.
i'm not here to give you attention. that's why you're even here. go away.
>Brass flew past my face
God damn lefties.
I don't think companies regularly sells full auto (military grade) to US civvies?
Why am I a jew, retard?
What's your point?
not to mention the fact that none of the laws being passed around NZ would have prevented it, not even close.
It's black.
Oh shit watch out though, that faggot will bust in here like Kool Aid with the drone-strike-normal-citizens-theory
Brass just flew over my house.
machinist in the house
The flag's probably made in China so who gives a fuck.