>Manifesto yet to release . Probably will be added in the next thread > Need good quality fanart > Suggest what more should be done > Just be clear , all support Modi 2019 , right ?
>Just be clear , all support Modi 2019 , right? Paki shills with Indian flag support Congress.
Luke Thomas
Modi is a faggot Hope Congress wins S.
Justin Edwards
Right on cue
Christian Gonzalez
Demonitization was a fuck up And this government is busy trying to manipulate statistics and data to suit the election, they literally went back in time and change UPA-II economic stats to make themselves look good And He’s a Gujjew. They’re going to suck the country dry. This government nominated “Jio University”, which doesn’t even exist, alongside IITs, IISc and BITS. Fucking gujjews have such a hard on for nepotism it’s impossible to trust them.
And don’t forget he agreed for 10% reservation to economically disadvantaged, lmao. There’s already 50% reservation for lower castes and now another 10% for poor.
Also the fucking statue. The statue cost millions and the workers went to strike shortly after because they weren’t being paid properly.
Not to mention retarded historical revisionism, blatant propaganda, and LITERAL cow piss drinking.
Voting for this government is like sucking dick with your eyes closed pretending it’s lollipop. I’d rather suck dick directly and be aware of it.
The politicians are going to win, it’s the people that are FUCKED.
Charles Hall
You have to go back to r/india commie shill.
Landon Williams
William Howard
India is literally the worse democracy. It's really a feudal democracy.
1 billion of illiterate, semi literate, low IQ electorate go to vote .....for their candidates who belong to their ....castes, communities, religion, region...
..100s of political parties.. ...most of them socialists headed by cow herders ..it would be next to impossible to differentiate between them purely on ideological basis) .... ...every language has 2-6 political parties on average..there are 25 major languages... ...politicians literally offer quota for every class in everything under the sun --- caste, religion, class, gender, etc
I am happy to live in the norther hills and dont give a fuck about this joke of an election. I will try hard not to vote. ff
Elijah Reyes
Oh wait I can’t because in addition to porn, this FUCKING government asked ISPs to ban reddit as well.
Enjoy living in a police state. This guy will fuck the constitution like an Asian girl getting fucked by some white sexpat.
Jose White
>Oh wait I can’t because in addition to porn, this FUCKING government asked ISPs to ban reddit as well. That is good, every mod of r/India should be gunned down and all posters should be banned. I wouldn't be surprised if all mods were pakis living overseas.
And what's the alternative? Be 3rd world get 3rd world governance.
Christopher Martin
Probably never. This guy promised to build a Hindu Temple last season and it's still not happening
Modi pisses of many indian redditors so much they post "How to emigrate" threads every day. Trump is making it difficult to escape to US and your country's Indian population is going to skyrocket in near future.
Wyatt Cooper
Lol lefty pajeets will be arriving at your Canadian shithole in even greater numbers after his reelection
Jack Moore
Fuck this government. They tried banning everything. How long before they come for Jow Forums you faggots?
Noah Miller
Jow Forums will never become mainstream here. You can't post selfie DPs and virtue signal like qoras, twats or redditors who think it'd give them a chance at pussy
Juan Rogers
Subscribe to pewdiepie
Gas the street shitters
Jayden Jenkins
PewDiePie can suck my brown cock, he’s Swedish after all
Fuck men. Yang gang shitposting backfired spectacularly. I thought I was going to make USA a shithole, this is pure karma. I can't think of any other time when I got btfo so hard.
For anyone who isn't glued to tv. Congress just announced their basic income scheme for the poor. 72k per year for the bottom 20%.
Ryan Murphy
>be NEET wtf I love Khangress now!
Samuel Martinez
Wtf I'm moving to India
Evan Torres
Guy in my college jumped from 5th floor saying the world is ending after taking lsd shots
Oliver Price
One of his friends became my friend later on. Another classmate of mine from different class/batch did acid and called his mum and said "mummy I am hearing trance music everywhere". His family flew in from Punjab and beat him up and took him to Canada for rehab
Lucas Rogers
In final year my closest mate from different group/branch did lsd and had a very good trip . He imagined some video game in the forest visible from our balcony
Nicholas James
Stay poo lad
James Ross
>bakchodi I've been reading that place a bit. I understand maybe 1/100th of what's posted there, and that's only counting the English posts.
Chase Carter
It’s cringe af, should be renamed to r/The_Modi
Jaxson Powell
Jacob Murphy
It started out as a shitposting sub but now is full of serious and agendaposting and butthurt retards who got banned from r/India for right wing views. IndiaChan Jow Forums is much better but not as active.
>easily LEl you sat outside waiting for Mughal Empire to fall
John James
Patience is a virtue.
Without us north India would be like Afghanistan and parts of it would belong to China. We taught your based Sikhs and superior caste Hindus proper military discipline and tactics.
Say thank you Pajeet.
Carter Powell
Lying to yourself to clear your conscience is normal. But it is better to accept the truth
Justin Wright
Kolkata was the first fully electrified city in Asia, ahead of most of Europe. You had a fully electrified express railway from Delhi to Mumbai in 1930.
We left India with under 400m people and miles ahead of uncolonised commie China, its not our fault you spent years breeding like mice & fucking it all up.
This is such a meme. China had 1/3rd higher population than India in 1947, so your GDP was well ahead per capita when we left, despite the fact they were never colonised and were well ahead of India when we arrived.
This graph shows the SHARE of world GDP, India's share plummeted because the western world's population blew up and we started the industrial revolution. There were only 10m people in Britain in 1800, yet we had the highest industrial output in the world by 1850. Of course the shares of GDP in the non-industrial world plummeted.
I'm not saying the British were Saints and didn't exploit India, but you do need to educate yourself better.
Alexander Cook
So? You acted as the governing body, it was your job. Just because the Indian government is constructing metro rail, highways, and electrifying the entire country today doesn't mean I have to be "grateful" to this government because it's their fucking job. Indians paid tax to the British administration and also bought British goods. It wasnt some fucking favour. And, the Raj increasingly became totalitarian trying to police things. I don't know maybe it's a British fetish with loicenses but whatever. The Mughal Empire also built roads and constructed many large cities, doesn't mean the Mughals weren't fuckups themselves.
If the Indian government decides to become totalitarian, I will still issue a fuck you to them even if they did development. The Chinese government might have uplifted the Chinese people but we still criticise their actions and atrocities on the Chinese.
Henry Turner
basicaly the Brits did what was profitable for them, and it was a blunder on the Indian side to not realise the mistake of giving a foreign corporation freedom to operate without restriction in India
Owen Evans
British India more like Jewish India.
Get redpilled faggots, East India Company was owned by Rothschilds, Opium Wars (which lead to land over exhaustion in India and thus famine) was operated by INDIAN Jews, Bollywood's first Miss India was a JEW. And nearly all well known Indian independence leaders were supportive of Israel's formation and denounced Nazi Germany, while those who did not disappeared (Bose, Savarkar etc.)
Julian Nelson
>China had 1/3rd higher population than India in 1947, so your GDP was well ahead per capita
It's not like China too was being raped by everyone - 2 Opium Wars, Civil war, Sino-Japanese wars. And 100s of millions died.
>industrial revolution
We could have just bought the machines with Gold and enormous and wealth India had if Britain didn't colonize us. Britain imposed hard tarrif on India throught it's rule.
Jonathan Thomas
Pretty much agree with everything you said. We appointed ourselves rulers and didn't always do it well, but still did it better than the Mughals.
The internet is full of pajeets posting memes and likening the British to the Nazis or the Belgians in the Congo, which is total bullshit. We elected an Indian MP in England in the 19th century for fucks sake
Jackson Lopez
Persians raped us though, I wonder why do pajeets love Iran so much when the majority of our history has been fighting some government in Iran
Adrian Sanchez
Yeah, the one thing I would not call the British Raj was racist. My own grandad worked in the Imperial Service as a high rank officer.
John Perez
Still better than Rahul gandhi.
Lucas Robinson
ro randi ro.
Robert Phillips
>We could have bought machines
Stop kidding yourself. You had no scientific / engineering higher education system after the Mughals. The Japanese who are one homogenous ethnic & linguistic group under a strong single leadership system had to play hard catch up for decades as a matter of national policy to become industrialized. It wouldn't and couldn't have happened in India without external rulers. The British started building modern universities in India even before 1857. You've pretty much kept our parliamentary & legal systems, even our language - why? Because they work.
I don't expect gratitude, just acknowledgment there were benefits as well as costs
Henry Jackson
>My own grandad worked in the Imperial Service as a high rank officer.
No matter high or low rank he was a slave.
Jack Peterson
Is shitting on the street right wing or left wing? What political movements advocate for poo in the loo, where are they on the political compass?
Of course he's going to get the vote of low IQ niggers.
Where does he plan to bring so much money? By emptying the treasury?
Colton Perry
The 99.9% are slaves to the 0.1% everywhere.
The richest 100 Indians today are wealthier than the richest 100 people from any other nation except the US & China, but hundreds of millions of you still have no plumbing... but you can vote now and work 12 hours a day for an outsourcing company instead of the Raj, so that's fine
Cameron Nelson
Itna paisa uski maa dhandha karke kamayegi?
Nolan Allen
He seems so happy, is he shitting while he talks?
Jaxson Barnes
The irony is that people are more likely to believe this is a jhumla because they were promised 15 lakhs by modi in every bank account and nothing happened ands o they are less likely to believe anything politicians say. In a sense Modi already cucked Rahul there
Chase Walker
Congress hai. Loot marna ek kaam hai jo Congress achhi kar leti hain
Michael Scott
if i was a poo i will vote for the one who promises to build a toilet in every house i suggest you do the same pajeet