why didnt stupid Barr have to say BUT does not exonerate. what shit is that ???
Robert Allen
For the past forty years at least, the democrats have always cast Republicans as both incompetents and evil geniuses at the same time, flipping between the two states as is convenient. We may be finally catching up to where that breaks down, just like >SEXIST >RACIST >FASCIST have broken down too.
Brandon Nelson
I want Roger Stone pardoned right fucking now. Same with Mike Flynn, Papadopalalalalalalalalaus, and even Paul Manafort (though Manafort has issues in New York State which is out of POTUS' control but still).
Isaiah Collins
Hopefully they continue to destroy left wing cities and make them even worst shitholes.
Liam Morgan
she has a rectangular body and all of that tit is from push up bras. she has the body of a little boy.
Lmao they always take to the streets in the cities where the majority of their support lies anyways. But it's not like they would have the balls to take to the streets in rural areas anyways
Josiah Lopez
real women have real human shit in them and thats disgusting
Zachary Lee
Holy fuck, did Ron Perlman really marry a sow nigger?
i actually dont remember him saying that. i'm open to seeing the clip though. and would not put it past him. he's as emotional as a 12 year old girl a lot of the time.
Parker Gray
Is it about humiliation? That's the only thing I can think of when it comes to people who like weeing on each other.
Daniel Long
>kike is now claiming the investigation was over obstruction of justice of the investigation into whether there was obstruction of justice into the investigation over.......
Anime girls are filled with anime shit. I've seen the pictures.
Carson Richardson
Based. Hope they are ready to spit shine my cock & balls.
Joseph Richardson
what is it about Jew women you just want to facefuck and never text them again?
Jackson Ward
Dilate or otherwise manipulate their mutilated sex organs in public, presumably. >That'll really show Dad, uh- I- I mean Drumpf. >Drumpf sounds like Dad. Perfectly normal mistake to make
So is the second half of Trump's first term going to be payback? I'm finally not blackpilled for once, but I need something to happen to these traitors.
Jose Green
Jack Allen
world class winning user, thoth approves.
Lincoln Wood
I think it's continuity of government
Brody Wright
he's parsing over the take user, mueller said "no exoneration" while the DOJ and AG say "exonerated"
she was singing a masterpiece at the first threat of anything. what a beautiful woman
Chase Rodriguez
>We were deceived! Furious with news networks right now!
Aaron Sanders
No, it's about the sensation of release and the warmth and wetness I don't think it's any weirder than for example anal really, you're just using your organs in a slightly different way there's a taboo around it of course
Echo meme still going strong. Unironic thanks to trsniggers
Ryder Adams
this is why trump was gushing over the "lovely" lisa page. the ravishing beauty in exile, who sang the sweetest melancholy tune a frightened love bird could ever sing....
Blake Gonzalez
Manafort unironically broke a fuckload of laws though
Pardon Shkreli
Tyler Hernandez
So I'm not sure if people understand here, but if these are right It's a crime to conceal knowledge of acts of treason against the United States. The fraudulent FISA action applies as a form of treason committed by the DOJ (executive) against the FISA Court (judicial). Anyone who knew about it and did not report it is automatically guilty of at least one of those crimes.