Tfw you have to get an abortion

>tfw you have to get an abortion

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>""""""""""""have to""""""""""""

Post milkers

>abortion or die
You always have a choice

You came to the wrong image board. Whore.

Realize that every cloud had a silver lining


A career is more important than the life of a child.

unless your a race mixer you have a choice here

damn is that you're real pic? your hot

only acceptable if it was a nigger dad

your kid is dead but at least charlie sheen will get to mainline his cells so he can continue to get erections to fuck children with

I've had two, fight me.

post ur address whore.

is it a niglet? I bet its a nigger baby


I had an abortion. Time heals all wounds.

That's a bloke in drag.

stop killing your kids ffs. if it's white

Mother of two young children, life at risk from pregnancy. 10% chance of dying and leaving husband without a wife and young kids motherless. What would you do Jow Forums?

Normal is a nigger
digits confirms it's hapa
triplets a spic
quads white

you're already your own worst enemy

>implying a married woman with 2 kids would be lurking Jow Forums at these hours

>>tfw you have to get an abortion
Why do you say you have to? Is the baby going to die anyway?

>crushes baby with forceps
>baby cries silently as its life is mutilated away
>just wait for time to heal you lmao

>tfw you have to get an abortion
>image of a thot wearing a crown of thorns
>stern determined face yet afraid
>single tear shed
>the crown and the tear both signify 'sacrifices' one must make
>one being metaphysical and the other being an allusion towards whether or not she feels regret for her past actions or if its because shes overjoyed and full of emotion for becoming this martyr in the eyes of her peers

wow this is alot of incel posts. i was hoping for some support here.

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Our civilization is collapsing and we're being overrun by barbarians as part of God's judgement for sacrificing our children to Moloch.

The modern pharisees: SJWs
The modern child sacrifice: abortion
The modern idolatry: worship of science
The modern temple prostitutes: porn and e-thots

In Genesis it speaks of a time when mankind acted as everyone saw fit and made laws unto themselves-- sin of every kind was rampant of course.
Do we not see that now? Even more, is it not the common refrain that morality is completely subjective? Is that not the mantra of the post modernists and all who follow their ideology (marxists, sjws, feminists, leftists etc.)?

We should humble ourselves before God, ask for forgiveness, and start doing what is right. Perhaps He will turn away His coming wrath. Perhaps He may yet allow us and our countries to survive.

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stfu F*moid.
You know the rules. You know what you have to do. Fucking do it or gtfo.

We do not support the murder of innocent people.
Please don't do this wicked thing!

>literally a movie scenario
>specifically one from the middle ages or some other bygone era

You should kill yourself while you're at it

I had a medical abortion at 4.5 weeks. You only take a pill.

Obviously you know nothing about abortion.

>i was hoping for some support here.
"Support" for what - your immoral decision? Killing your kid doesn't make you the victim it makes you are murdering cunt. Consider putting them up for adoption or quickly finding a beta male if it bothers you that much, but I doubt you will.

Why exactly is sterilization not mandatory with abortion? You clearly don't care enough about the kid now, but just because your situation might be better in the future, it's magically special and right all of a sudden? Get real Whores, you can't feel love, just opportunity.

I met a girl that had to get an abortion. I suspect it was a little niglet and her familyt would have disowned her otherwise.

It's 4 in the afternoon?

my wife's abortion was with a pill

Well it doesn't mean you have to choose anything. But there's no such thing as "have to" with this procedure. Deciding to because it's going to be a fucked up flipper-baby might be reasonable, for instance.

I am also obliged to say tits or gtfo

this thread is depressing. remember its murder

>support my choice to kill my child
No. Carry it until birth and then put it up for adoption. That's what my mom did with her first kid and he's now a doctor.

I can tell which one of you is more retarded.


Your thinking of reddit

Oh wow. So it got sloughed off and choked on its own juices. So much more humane.

chemical/pharmaceutical abortions are relatively infrequent, but in any event, they're no morally better than the more hands-on methods.

Unless it's half shitskin you shouldn't be aborting anything.

kill your baby then kys whore
also post tits or gtfo

>have to

Before the baby was formed in the womb God know them by name. Don’t murder your baby

Well I assume she is. Who would let a nigger touch them in the first place?

Where's your proof of that? CDC says 80% of abortions take place before 10 weeks. Most women find out when they're 3-5 weeks along.
Holy fuck you're retarded. The abortion pill flushes out the embryo similar to a natural miscarriage. The embryo doesn't feel pain because it has no developed/mature brain. It's not at all similar to a third trimester abortion. You can be pro-life all you want, but at least educate yourself first.

Probably includes the morning after pill? Used to sell a shit ton of them. Post Valentines day was rough.

>using Nasim to make such a disgusting post
Shame on you.

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morning after pill isn't an abortion. It only stops/delays you from ovulating and stops the egg from fertilizing if you have already ovulated.

Mifepristone/misoprostol combined are used for early abortions.

>The embryo doesn't feel pain because it has no developed/mature brain. It's not at all similar to a third trimester abortion.
That pain is your central consideration suggests that you have a hedonist philosophy. (I.e. the purpose of life is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.) Pain is an overfeared thing nowadays. Murder doesn't become moral because you crack them over the back of the head with a hammer so that they don't feel anything.

Is it a tubal pregnancy?

Based Nasimposter

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Unfortunately this, but also then a lot of things that the racially aware on this site don't like to think about.

I don't think it's murder because it's not a person. It's an embryo. It cannot love, hate, feel, hurt, etc. It has no mental world and it's the size of a poppy seed. I don't think it had a soul. It was the blueprint of a human.

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What date is an embryo assigned a soul?

>I don't think it's murder because it's not a person. It's an embryo. It cannot love, hate, feel, hurt, etc. It has no mental world and it's the size of a poppy seed. I don't think it had a soul. It was the blueprint of a human.
That would only be valid if a person consisted of only their present state. But that is inaccurate for a number of reasons. Your worldline can be traced back in time all the way to your conception, at which point it diverges into two worldlines for each haploid cell. This gives a unique history for you going all the way back to conception. Furthermore, your genome is a critical part of yourself, and it was first encoded in the universe at your conception; at no other point has that information existed in the universe. You are the same entity as you were 5 minutes ago, and as you'll be in 5 minutes. This is true regardless of the fact that decades ago you were not nearly as intelligent, nor that decades from now dementia may have set in. There are states of unconsciousness in which you cannot love, hate, feel, etc, but because you clearly exist on either side of that unconsciousness, you would presumably be unwilling to admit that you were not a person during that time.

Brainlets missing the satire.
OP is saying this is how women view themselves when they get abortions.

My guess would be mid second trimester.

very much this.

>Brainlets missing the satire.
I knew it wasn't serious as soon as "she" didn't answer my question as to the reason why it had to happen, but still complained that no-one here was supporting "her". Still, it's a chance to talk about the subject.

Brilliantly put.

I'm aware that DNA is unique, but that doesn't make it sacred, at least not to me. People grow tumors that have it's own set of DNA and can even grow hair and teeth.

Embryo "life" not being sacred is a reminder that personhood does not begin at conception. Personhood begins when the brain matures later into the pregnancy. Otherwise the body kills many "people", and quite often (via miscarriage). And I'm aware that miscarriage and abortion are different, but if you want to continuously take a biological stance of the embryo/fetus having their own DNA, then I think it's worth noting that, quite frankly, the female body doesn't care and shows no mercy. Miscarriages happen.

Fix my mistakes tax payers!!!

genome =/= life

Why would anyone support someone contemplating to murder an innocent being? Consider killing yourself you evil cunt

>hey don't kill a fetus
>kill yourself cunt
how pro-life of you.

Imagine comparing a miscarriage to knowingly and consciously ending the life of a potential human being. Forest fires happen naturally all the time, doesn't mean we should allow people to intentionally start one.

>10% chance
Fuck that noise, roll the dice. I say that as someone driven to insanity by my fear of death.
You hear that entropy? suck my ass you fucking nerd

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You're now talking about a list of broken things: mutations causing runaway cell growth (i.e. cancer), a mother's broken reproductive system, a baby which can't properly grow and is miscarried, etc. This is the difference between accidental death and intentional death. Many people in my town die every year due to disease/accident/etc, but we are morally concerned with the innocent people who are intentionally killed - i.e. murder. Babies who accidentally die are sad, but it is those who intentionally kill them who do evil.

This. Keep making those PowerPoints in your cubicle for 60K a year, goy. Why would anyone want to stay at home playing with a child? That's what public school is for.

Because he is implying that you shouldn't have an abortion because of the uniqueness of DNA, which is a flawed argument because the body aborts all the time.

Imagine having no sense of reading comprehension. Read slower if it helps.


>magine having no sense of reading comprehension. Read slower if it helps.
yes. what they are saying is that there is a difference between a natural process and a wilful act, you smug retard.

If a girl is raped forcibly, you really think she shouldn't be allowed to terminate?

No, he correctly understood what I was saying; you've misunderstood it, however. The uniqueness is relevant to the baby being the same entity as his grown-up self. That some babies die unintentionally is not relevant to this claim.

This is the real reason why abortion is legal and why no one can stop it. They'll accuse you of rape for any reason, much less this.

But also no, they shouldn't be able to.

The point he is implying is that that is when life beings, not that DNA is unique

she should. there are other setups where an abortion should be an option, like inherent physical harm to the mother.
the problem with the whole discussion is that people are marginalizing the decision with bullshit catchphrases like "my body, my rules" – no, it's not their body anymore. it's a new set of DNA, created in a natural process working as it is supposed to be. and they've got to take responsibility for that new body, even if they ultimately decide to terminate. it's crucial to give unborn life it's value back – just look at the cunt above comparing it to cancer (similar process, but not the naturally intended outcome, so different).

Only relevant if you think abortion should be only legal for rape victims. If you are in favor of abortion regardless you are just being disingenuous.


I'm only bringing up these things because you seem to be suggesting that having your own DNA code suggests personhood. And I am telling you why that argument is null.

An embryo is not a person. Only a person can be murdered.

I read somewhere that there are 3,000 abortions everyday in the US. And 100 million globally. Where will these kids go? To parents who don't want them? The foster care system has 600k kids who are waiting to be placed in healthy, happy homes.

Jow Forums aside, you know most people want to adopt white newborns? Yet statistically it's usually hispanic/black women who have abortions.

We're talking millions of babies will be born to families to don't want them (leading to neglect, abuse, or worse), or just a life in the foster care system.

>An embryo is not a person.

I guess it's a lot easier to murder someone if you dehumanise them first

>charlie sheen pedo

Another refugee from pizza conspiracy?

>What would happen to them
I guess their mothers would have to stop being whores?

>only acceptable if it was a nigger dad
I've had two abortions, both times the father was black. It was a very easy choice to make.
You have to be very diligent with birth control. I am a scatterbrain and often forget to take my pills. Birth control also makes me sick so I don't like taking it.
I have an alert set to my smartphone now. But I didn't buy my first iPhone until I was well into my 20s.
I prefer things au naturel and prefer the calendar method. But that is only like 95% effective at most over the course of a year. And it's not very convenient when in a relationship. Because you have to go without sex for like 11 days straight (middle of the cycle) to be on the safe side. And if I don't have sex on my period, that's an extra few days of no sex at the beginning of the cycle. And the cycle length can vary.

See, you're not pro-life. You just want to punish women for having unprotected sex.

You don't care about a child being abused because they're unwanted, you just want to get back at the mother for being a "whore".

Bye bye, you are dismissed.


People like you are the reason why pro-lifers shame all women who have abortions.

>Child abuse
It's really not a hard choice. Besides, why do you assume women will be such bad mothers?

the roastie reveals itself

have you had an abortion?

You must have a pretty low opinion of women if you automatically assume they will be abusive because the child was unplanned.

Fucking right. If Israel gets 8 billion a year I want 9. Tf would I care about your check for if you willing give it to israel?

is this you?

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