So here's a dumb question:
Why haven't we shot trees, not like a few but about a hundred or so at mars, let the oxygen from the trees form an atmosphere on mars, then claim it for the U.S.?
So here's a dumb question:
Why haven't we shot trees, not like a few but about a hundred or so at mars, let the oxygen from the trees form an atmosphere on mars, then claim it for the U.S.?
no fuckin water retard
No fuckin CO2 retard.
Believe it or not, life on Earth works because there are other living things providing and interacting.
Now please go plant ten trees to soak up the air you're wasting you fucking retard.
Then shoot the trees plastic wrapped with water and Co2 like it's a thing of roses from albertsons. Problem solved.
There is virtually no atmosphere on Mars. 0.5% of ours here on Earth. Trees csnnot survive the low pressure, no liquid water, cold, dead Earth environment.
Mars is generally a very bad choice for terraforming. There is at least one much better candidate.
I saw a documentary where Matt Damon grew potatoes on mars. Read a fucking book some time.
Just send some moss and roaches.
Normally I'd think this was bait but after this year I'm really not so sure.
Mars is no place to raise your kids.
>So here's a dumb question:
You got that right.
The new space program
Treelon Musk
At least this is making steps towards scientific progress.
How's Rotherham?
Trees are a reaction not the cause.
That wouldn't restart the core of the planet. Mars is bleeding away its atmosphere because its electromagnetic field is weak so the solar winds from the sun can strip it away bit by bit. trees wont solve the mars problem.
Then send magnets at it too. Seems like the answer to a lot of these issues is just to shoot more shit that mars needs at it.
Actually I'd read some stuff about terraforming Mars that made it sound plausible. The argument was that the stripping of the atmosphere takes millions of years to go from full atmosphere to what it is today. We could potentially terraform it and have a useful atmosphere for tens of thousands of years before you have to do more terraforming to replenish it.
Mars has an incredibly thin atmosphere because its magnetic field failed at some point, solar wind then slowly bled it all away. Even if you magically got a bunch of trees living on Mars producing Oxygen, it would just bleed away into space over time. Its like trying to build an underwater dome colony, but the dome is full of tiny holes, and you suggest getting around that by bringing in a few water pumps. You've got more fundamental issues to worry about solving before you think about terraforming Mars.
if anything you should be suggesting nuking the poles of mars, as well as drilling and planting a massive fuck off nuke as close to the core of the planet as we can get it.
>Sending missiles to blow up mars
Pretty sure that would blow up mars, not help terraform it.
Th ats not how this works kiddo
ching chong
me ruv u long tyme foh 1000 neet dorrars
ching chong ching
Why are there no flatmarsers?
They just need to make the planet spin slower so the air doesn't keep flying off into space
Terraforming is overrated. Space habitiats are more effective.
Because mars is observed to be spherical :^)
Isn't Earth also?