Son of a bitch

son of a bitch

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Other urls found in this thread:

dammit... mother fucker

Hook, line, and sinker. Get fucked OP, by another man.

Hillary Clinton - marriage was "always between a man and a woman." -2000

what was her stance on faggits during the Election again?

The beginning of the end
The walls are closing in

He sure knows how to represent jewish interests.

Leaning over, supported by Huma.

>no money to be made

If you millennials had any idea how pointless politics seemed in 1990. Ross Perot was right but we weren't ready to listen.

Are we going back to election night shilling?

a tipping point

"I like to rape and kill children for fun" - Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton - Marriage is like "life on an Indian reservation" - circa 1970

Clearly he's proved that quote wrong by representing the interests of Israel so well.

>Ross Perot
>Google the name this is one of the results Mmm

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The guy's completely unsuitable for public office.
I really hope you assholes realise this soon.

"There ain't never been no shit without no fart." - George Washington

Also "Black men are super predators"

Worst timeline

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That's nothing. Look at this shit. I'm voting democrat next election.

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Back when he was a registered Democrat.

>cares about the two-party system

As much as I can't stand them it must be great being a politician. All of the money and the perks for basically just playing a game that doesn't affect them.

Why not go further back, OP?

Trump has been nothing but consistent for 30+ years

Is this Ozzie shitpost or genuine kvetch?

>"I just probably wouldn't do it [run for President], Oprah, I probably wouldn't. But I do get tired of seeing what's happening with this country, and if it got SO bad, I would never wanna rule it out totally, because I really am tired of seeing of what's happening with this country, how we're really making other people live like kings, and we're not." -Donald Trump, 1988

Vintage Trump is best Trump. Hell of a thing 30 years does to a guy, but you’re absolutely right. He’s consistent

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This was the bombshell Mueller missed! It's time!

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