So i am a 6 feet fair skinned Romanian with blue eyes and i visited hungary Budapest this weekend and a nunch of filthy fucking bozgors came at me pucnched me and called me a filthy gypsy because i was driving a car with a romanian number.
On my way back home i tried stopping to fuck a hooker but she said she doesn't fuck gypsies, seriously fuck these people. I never had any issues with hungarians until now i thought they were pretty cool but this is too much these filthy bozgors must pay.
Fuck Hungary and Fuck bozgors
Bump you fucking faggots, any fellow Romanibros wanan help me take revenge on the filthy bozgors?
Seriously fuckl these people, that filthy whore that refused was swarthier than me and those filthy bozgors that punched and spit on me had filthy dark mongoloid eyes too. I am actually pissed bros.
>gypsy kvetching
>went to fuck a hooker
I'm kinda hungry
shitt bait, gas yourself gypsy
I hope you kys gypsy.
Kek the antics between Romanians and Hungarians are some of the best bantz in Europe
Fuk off bozgor scum, i would have beat up all those faggots if i wanted to , too bad iyou subhumans don't fight fair and would have stabebd me.
Be warned though you filgthy mongoloid i will have my revenge on you subhumans, i will make dozens of shitposting threads against your shithole of a country anyways. That hooker was ugly anyways, romanian hookers are better looking and cheaper too.
As i said before i am a pure daco-roman aryan with fair skin and blue eyes. Wtf romanibro i thought we should stand united against the mongol hordes?
You arent anything you say and romanians arent daco roman only, now get your shitty larp to >>>/reddit/
>So i am a 6 feet
what a fucking manlet,real Romanians are at least 6'2 and over
Fuck you bozgor cunt, next time i won't be so nice.. I will brutally enact my vengence on you subhumans that you will forget about Trianon and only bitch about me for the next century.
Actually romanians are the manlets of Europe., 172 cm being the average male height
you fucking romanian gypsy never cross the border again stay in Mordor
Playing the victim card is not a virtue
I learned my fucking lesson, i will never step foot into that god forsaken hellhole you call a country anymore. I didn't have a problem with you "people" until now.
God i wish i could kill that filthy swarthy whore never in my life i felt as humiliated while being refused by a fucking hooker. For now i have to resort to shitposting but next time i will be prepared and go Brenton Tarrant on your subhumans.
Sorry mate but I will get a qt redhead hungarian and make so many babies even gypsies will look at me with fear.
with studies made in Trebuci and other villages forgotten by world full with old people and malnourished peasants that doesn't even know on what planet they are of course 172cm is being the average male height,try to go in some decent counties and you will how tall people are,I'm 1,98m and rarely I see somebody that that is reaching with the head at my chest..
>not working together to kill the gypsies
The European race is never going to make it.
Gypsies cant be killed and we are too cucked.
>go Brenton Tarrant on your subhumans.
as a gypsy garbage boy
i thought romanians were gypsies and that's why they're called "roma"
>Fuck Hungary and Fuck bozgors
Fuck Hungarian girls*
Fixed that for you.
pure romanian = gypsy monkey
why are you guys the BRs of Europe?
Did you not read the rest of the thread ? Those filthy whores will pay for my humiliation, magine being a lowly mongoloid whore and refusing the seed of a superior Daco-Roman aryan such as myself
That's right.
You know it right. However they love the version where they are the "descendants of the Romans".
What are the chances of getting a qt like this?
That bitch is ugly and has a shit body, get some standards you faggot.
She is 9/10 mate what are you talking about.
I'm sure she has big meatflaps.
No tits, dog-faced cunt. I would probably fuck her once and drink the shame away.
Like this?
And who the fuck is this random whore and why do you have so many of her pics?
No. Smaller.
>i will never step foot into that god forsaken hellhole you call a country anymore
Thank you, keep that promise :)
She looks a bit like Enji Night
Like this then?
nonwhites aren't white to europeans
you're swarthy af mate
that bitch needs surgery
>nonwhites aren't white
Wow, good post, thanks for the valuable contribution to my thread.
They called you what you are you gypsy piece of subhuman shit
I don't know what's worse. The meat or the shithole.
Non since we are all gypsies at this point ,,Romanians'' don't exist anymore only Turkic gipsy mixtures this is a gypsyfied gypsy owned country
Based and gypsypilled.
>romans innovate all sorts of plumbing thousands of years ago
>romanians can’t even install showers or toilets yet want us to believe they are descended from same romans
lmao thats brutal.
Welcome to the glories of communism, communal baths were a thing up to 30 years ago.
why would we want to visit our poorer western neighbor?
Thanks I am a ''Romanian'' Turk and my gypsy wife is giving birth to our 5th gypsy child this month
I mean communal baths and shit were popular 2000 years ago in the roman times, maybe the commies just wanted to preserve the "feeling" you know?
Aren't you that nihil sin deodorant guy?
No I am the spawn of Tarkan I am a white Turk
romania was a name adopted after a hard fought battle betwen two groups of intellectuals, the globalist ones led by kogalniceanu who were all muh europe, muh romanz n shiet and the nationalists led by alecsandri who wanted the country to be called Dacia (the rightful name). having that said, romanian as a language predates latin and it was outsiders who eventually called us descendants of romans cause we spoke a romance language surrounded by slavs and asian nomads. the slavs arrived in the 7th century and the magayrs in the 9th (i think).
The Romania name was given to us by our Jewish overlords that also named gypsies Roma naming them after their country Romanians don't exist anymore it's taken over by gypsies that breed like rats in 10 years this will be their country just like Israel is the Jews land.
>On my way back home i tried stopping to fuck a hooker
Are you sure you're not a gypsy?
He's just your typical Romanian manele listening gypsy loving redneck that breeds with gypsy women and uses gypsy prostitution he got bored of Romanian gypsies so he went to try some Hungarian gypsies.
Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklanki.
reported to the european cyberpolice for that threat
you aren't very smart, are you, racist?
rot in prison
Vine trenul din Galati, plin de unguri spanzurati
This guy has a big dick you can tell
Fuck off Gypsy. Put in some actual work for pussy.
Speak Mongol
Jó istenem.
Not an argument
>a nunch of filthy fucking bozgors came at me pucnched me and called me a filthy gypsy because i was driving a car with a romanian number
Holy fucking based, I wish my country had 1/10th this much spine left
The ruling party of Hungary's right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been suspended by the European Parliament's biggest grouping in a row over defiance of EU policies.
Hungary’s brain drain is getting worse as more and more young, educated workers leave the country
To be honest, that's the absolute meme lmao. Well played mongol.
This entire thread smells of pure euro trash
Based and 'Mericapilled
>So i am a 6 feet fair skinned Romanian with blue eyes
post pic
gib proofs
(and maybe I'll let you impregnate my sister;)
Damn, you actually did the caption in English with the translation I provided the other week. Nice work amico.
Haha my brother Joltan that's very funny good bants bro but let's be honest pic related is why we gay Hungarians and especially our women won't leave Romanian and breed with their men they are the hottest men in the world it's time to admit, they are hot and handsome unlike us we are ugly hungaroid gypsies and our average phenotype is Orban
day of the spilled gulash soon
I hope you subhumans end up genociding each other
try fix your shithole country first lol
das right boy, now give me yo wallet spanish c.uck
>A mongol mutt calling a romanian gypsy
You know the US can be compared with Brazil, right?...
Such culture, how could you deny Russians being superior and white how could you claim they are subhuman mentally ill debilitating hun blooded rape babies.
>I would probably fuck her once and drink the shame away.
You got rejected by a hooker.
Lol there are still ''white brazilians'' while Amerimutts are their own type of mentally ill mutt subhumans by now.
>Bozgor are gyppo
>Romanians are gyppo
>Both are gyppo
None are gyppo, just have large gyppo mobs
While we bicker away nothing is being done about the thieving violent gypponigger fucks who breed like rabbits
Congratulations retards.
You sound panicked.
You are right
But I still want to kill you
Pretty ironic coming from you.
Good post you hungaroid gypsy nigger I bet you look like Orban in his youth you dirty HANGarian gypsy.
>pretty ironic coming from an European
Great response you mentally ill interracial melting pot living shit stinking MUTT, you sure showed me MUTT.