ABSOLUTE HAPPENING: US government tracking Americans with RH- blood


the government keeps profiles on these people! see:

she says @ 4:40
>"I'm not at liberty to speak about the DNA collection"

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who gives a shit?

For what reason?

anyone who has been in an old maps thread knows already, because atlantean DNA.

RH- blood basically means "European"
but esoterics believe people with RH- blood are actually alien engineered humans. this sounds ridiculous at face value, I know. the belief is people with RH- blood are the ones who brought forth empires, morals, and even Jesus was RH- blood. people with RH- blood have far higher empathy and creativity and even said to have psychic abilities. again, this is what Esoterics say, but if the government is tracking RH- people, they must also find truth to it.

white = RH- blood

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By the gods! It's the blood of an Isu!

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For fuck's sake you idiot let me break it down for you so you can take off your foil hat.
Those that are Rh- can't receive blood from donors that are Rh+ and this also effects organ donors/recipients as well. We have national organ registries and blood registries as well. To think this is some alien bullshit rather than a normal condition is retarded.

i dont think any of us knew we were being tracked, it sounded like conspirtard nonsense before

then why is the government tracking us faggot?