How’s she holding up?

How’s she holding up?

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Her floppy tube dick just won't get hard.

MSM is fucked

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What happened?

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Rachel Maddow did nothing but talk about Trump, Mueller and Russia
Now she’s got nothing

Melting down on TV because the Mueller report didn't lead to treason charges and the execution of the entire Drumpf family along with all of his voters.

Nothing burger

I wasn't aware that she talked about it a bunch. I guess I should have known, but I always figured she was smart enough to stick to the facts. The whole 'Trump Tax Leak' fiasco laid waste to that notion I guess.

I remember back when she was just a guest on Olbermann and they'd (rightly) shit all over Bush and Cheney. But I guess they didn't realize the kikes changed horses in 2006 when Bush lost favor with the American public. They still thought they were fighting the power, when the power decided to judo them and use their momentum to keep doing their same old tricks.

Reminds me of when she got a hold of Trump's tax returns

An ugly dyke.

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> she

I still want to make stinky love with her.

They believed the God Emperor can be defeated.

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user what the fuck


Don't knock it till you try it. I'll bet it smells like a grocery store lobster tank. But in a really good way.

She was crying on air the other day.

Just imagine how ass blasted she will be in the coming months.

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She? You mean ”it”.

She's still an angry young man.

all she ever does is cry crocodile lesbian tears on camera, it's her act

I cannot fathom how anyone who isn't whacked out on opiates could watch her. I'd rather get punched in the balls than watch a full episode of Maddow

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Muh Russia was a nothingburger all along, Drumpf was right again

imagine the smell

We need a welfare check. Or a snorkel.

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Hopefully she got the whisky and pills ready.

Who is that guy?

It used to be female.

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Surely we can't forget about this little piece of shit here?

This cuck fucking fled the scene when he thought it was "guaranteed" that Trump would get thrown into jail in the coming months (this was 1 and a half years ago) and now he just tweets sob stories about pitbulls and shitty american sports, pretending this never happened, and he thinks that absolves him of getting it rubbed in.

Fucking spam this shitstain with emails, on twitter, whatever you can. He doesn't deserve to get away with this just because he "left politics".

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He was such a vile and vulgar dude for quite a few years then all of a sudden up and quit being a political pundit and went back to sports

Kinda funny

Two things I will enjoy tonight for the first time in years: TRMS and Late Night w/ Stephen Colbert, with guest Elizabeth Warren.

Oh, and I'm getting ready right now to enjoy The View.

I've always wanted to rawdog Rachel Maddow. Then again, I have a thing for little boys.

kinda looks like a dude with long hair

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Hell, Project Veritas had CNN producers calling it a nothing burger back in 2017. The media KNEW it was bullshit and ran with it anyway.

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Just fine. She's gets paid millions to play on roll on TV and keep the focus off of Jews/Israel. You really think she's stressing out in her mansion as she sips cocktails? lol

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America has an opioid problem. Maybe that explains Maddow having a show in the first place.

>How’s she holding up?



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She's just not getting any better, user.

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She was fuckable once. Impressive

I'm with this user.
Put it right in her tootchute. Her girlfriend can't do that.


Not well.

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He's NOT Exonerated...!

Butt ... I'm a Lib-Tard Faggot...

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Whqt a Stupid- Bitch

It's like...

We didn't find a shred of evidence...

Butt it doesn't exclude him as a suspect...?

what was used to make that ?
can i get a link to the website/software ?

Top kek

her show appeals to braindead 60+ boomers who spend their days glued to the TV and trust everything they see. I know this because my family is full of them.

People like maddow appeal to those who stopped thinking critically decades ago and just kind of go with the flow of whatever TV tells them. The most important thing in their lives is when their wendsday afternoon tee time is, or if they are running out of 'beetus medicine and need to go to the CVS to get more.

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watched an interview with some trump supporters in nyc
a woman called her rachel madcow
fuckin kek