Reminder that America wouldn't exist without Black people

Comparatively, adjusting for inflation, the two biggest cash crops were Cotton and tobacco and they yielded approximately 14 Trillion dollars in 1860 alone.

The United states would most likely only encompass the original 13 colonies without African-Americans. The rest of the land would still belong to the French, Mexico, the Spanish, The Dutch, Russia and Canada.

Because of Slavery, America was able to buy land and expand. One reason why monetary reparations will never happen is because whites don't want to admit that their "homeland" was built on the back of blacks.

Also, the western entertainment industry wouldn't be as successful as it is today if there were no black actors, athletes, singers etc...

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Jewish slave trade of niggers slowed down the industrialization of the United States, and today they are an enormous drain of resources. Blacks have always been beasts of burden.

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Yup it's true.

Inferior wh*Toids coudn't stay outside in the sun for to long to pick cotton, because they're on enriched with melanin like black kings and queens.

America would not have crime or welfare without them either. Thanks niggers :^)

>Treat blacks like absolute shit
>get angry when they retaliate

What's your point? You didn't do any of it, so don't take credit for your ancestors. (Assuming you're black, if not go fuck yourself)

Attached: qXmyY2J.jpg (1024x1024, 89K)

>confusing jews with europeans


How did the North manage to out-fund the south during the civil war?

Industry, fag.

thats like saying mules should get the credit for the farm

>Blame shit that happened 100 years ago for your problems
>Never going to make it
pick both and fuck off memeflaggot

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