Wait... Do you idiots actually think this is over?

The House is still conducting more than 80 investigations into Trump. New York's southern district apparently found a lot of shit and could be indicting all three of his children – Don Jr, Ivanka and Eric – as well as his son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

The president can't be indicted, but he could very well face charges in the International Criminal Court in the Hague. He might not be impeached but there's no way in hell he's going to get re-elected with all this shit hanging over his head.

Attached: investigations.jpg (554x301, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>investigations continue
Sweaty those were all based on false pretenses, good luck.

I'll never believe any of you treasonous, sad fucks again after the results of the Mueller investigation. Years of investigation and wasted tax dollars for LITERALLY nothing collusion related.

>International Criminal Court

Yeah, they are scared because it's not working. Running amok and trying to dog up ANYTHING on Trump.
I'm actually surprised how clean Trump is, I was expecting them to find at least some minimal dirt. They found nothing and will find nothing in the future.
They are fucked and I think, at least some of them, know that they are fucked. Instead of being smart and switching tactics they are trying to do the same shit and expect different results. It's not going to happen and 2020 will be a huge win for Republicans. The hysteria will intensify and the Spring/summer this year will be interesting.



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Yeah, but the big one just got shown as the left wing conspiracy theory it was. That hurts the credibility of any and all others. Face it, it's a wild goose chase that will bring up nothing. If anything this has galvanized Trump's support in the face of the general public.

cope harder loser


>The House is still conducting more than 80 investigations into Trump.
Place stuxnet signs over their hearts and then firing squad them.

It's like election 2016 salt mining all over again

>Do you think this is over
No, everyone knows the left will keep believing this Russian tinfoil shit and moving the goal posts for the next six years.

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>copeposting this hard

I didn’t vote in 2016 because I thought trump might be a Russian puppet. Hilary got me good.

House investigations dont mean shit.
Remember benghazi?
Whatever you gotta tell yourself to get through the day though


F S and T pbp

Another Democrat on suicide watch

>the Hague
For what war crimes?
>no way in hell he's going to get re-elected
Yeah, and Hillary was going to win in 2016. Wasn't Mueller supposed to impeach Trump?

Attached: drumpf going down.png (1066x600, 303K)

You fucking treasonous faggots are setting a dangerous president.
1) No outsider presidents, all must be properly vetted into the corrupt political machine
2) Its now open season for any president to be investigated into oblivion.
3)Spying on any incoming president or candidate

>all this shit hanging over him
its literally nothing you unsufferable faggit

Surely you guys are jumping the gun a bit though right, only a summary by Barr has been released and the full report has not been made public just yet. It would be great if it was found no criminal activity took place not just for trump but your country. Saying that it does clearly state that he has not been completely exonerated you don’t know if other investigations have branched off of mueller findings or not it’s way to early to make any sort of solid conclusions.

It’s over

>national investigation conducted by anti-Trumper with unlimited funds and unlimited scope finds nothing
>j-just wait, some limp-dicked loser in NY wants to investigate

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I have a serious questions to people who strangely still support trump..

what are your thoughts on the Don Jr Email?
"Russias on going support for your fathers campaign"?

no one?

I don't support Zion Don, but between Hillary and Trump, Russia would obviously prefer Trump. Hillary is the same anti-Russia neoconnery we've had for decades.


Russia can support whoever they like, there is nothing illegal about Russia liking you.

Does anyone have a compilation of all the people screaming the Mueller will finally bring justice?

absolute retard




>"Russias on going support for your fathers campaign"?
Do you really believe Nigerian princes are emailing you to take their diamonds?

>I have a serious questions to people who strangely still support trump..
What is that even supposed to mean? Yesterday was absolute devastation for libshits, deep state and neocons. After yesterday it would be hard not to support him out of all the conspiracy bullshit that was thrown his way.

>facing charges in the ICC in the Hague
*breathes in*



The absolute state of liberals right now

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it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Russia spent million helping trump win, and the fact that they all lied about meeting with Russians multiple times
and you add this
how could you not come to the obvious conclusion.
im just saying anyone who ever called it a "witch hunt" is fucking brain dead

You should be careful with those investigations. At some point your Obamas and Clintons will get one and we all know what happened already. Tick tock

So you’re telling me that the fake news.... fucked up?

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>there's no way in hell he's going to get re-elected with all this shit hanging over his head.
funny, I don't recall whitewater having any negative impact on the Clintons, despite 15 people being convicted for over 40 crimes, and Hillary Clinton being the only first lady in the history of the US to be forced to appear before a grand jury to defend herself
Bill won a second term, and half to US voted for Hillary last election anyway, like nothing happened


Of course I don't think it's over however I'm enjoying infinite amusement over it because every second of investigation by the Dems past this point wounds them grievously, all the while they're literally too entrenched in this position, and too stupid, to stop.

>but he could very well face charges in the International Criminal Court in the Hague.
Oh wait I didn't even bother reading your whole post at first. You're a complete god damn idiot.

Found an article about OPs untimely death

Attached: Tragic_139cfd_4966660.jpg (484x505, 31K)

Kek, fpbp.

Sage this shitty thread.

I also found a video of a party God Emperor Trump threw Saturday night.