

Attached: S.png (960x1158, 1.49M)

The Mutt future of America.

Awww! You got your picture taken with President Trump. Congratulations!

I think he is wasting his time talking to the democrats too. But he is the president and i trust his judgement.

Nice of him to met AOC.

You think retards are something to laugh about?

I cant tell which one is the bigger retard

dumb and dumber


>the absolute state of leftist discourse in 2019

Damn AOC looks smarter everyday

Literally have no ammo left but to laugh at President Trump giving some of his time to a special needs person. You idiots will never stop, until we eridicate you.

system of a down?
make retards derp again?

don't know who's the bigger retard here.

why is this funny?

she just wanted to talk about the green new deal

but if you consider the left one to be semi brained, using the right one... i'd go with the left guy.

can we get a POTATUS edit?

Attached: potatus trump fence.png (1000x1435, 2.75M)

Because this is his new chief of staff and trump doesn't even realize she has down syndrome

at least downy-cortez dindu nuffin.

the kill list is ready

>your average Drumps supporter

on same day:
>we stand with israel
>we stand with down-syndrome families

trump is for all types of morons, not just jews

This thread is a perfect example of how the Left is incapable of memery.

Happy exoneration day faggots.

Attached: muelleroops.jpg (750x375, 25K)

Actually that would be an genius plan to fuck with the democrats. Just put retards in high positions.

This is called working across the aisle.