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I will never stop supporting Trump even if he builds a wall between Syria and Golan before he builds a wall against Mexico

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It's over

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Goat fuckers let the Jews take their oil and gas. Muslims are pussies.


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Goood goyim

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> Implying that he would ever build a wall.
The man is an Israel first and America last type president.
Accelerationism is the only way forward.
Let the system burn!

I love Israel and I love President Donald Trumpstein.

> A race of parasites that has to have it's nationalism subsidized by foreigners based on a mythical oppression narrative.
> Calling anyone a pussy.

The irony!


You deserve to die

More stupid nonsense for the election.

Hey guys, great bants here! I just found this awesome thread, come give it a bump

To be fair, Israel did BTFO a giant coalition of Arabs a few times by themselves. Jews are bad fighters, that means Arabs are worse.

>Lost Golan Heights
>Lost Idlib
>Lost the Kurdish Northeast
How do they cope

Trump is hawking the fuck out of Netanyahu, what does he know on him? I'm sure he knows everything at this point

Trump is a symbol, and turning your back on him feels kinda fucked up.

>It's over
Israel is over, yes.

Its over muslims we have the high ground

Do it already. Muslims destroying Israel is turning into a Day of Rope level larp.

why can't both muslims and talmudic jews be the enemy? netanyahu isn't talmudic, he's an originalist and the Likud party is a secular right wing party. Modern day Israel has a lot of ties to the soviets and communism... you'll find a lot of communist monuments throughout Israel. Netanyahu is the first right winger they've had in a long time... he's based.

I dont know about that. Hes a Rothschild type of jew, where they are secular, but still believe that jews have a destiny in this world that must reached by any means neccessary. In fact, a secular form a judaism is about as anti Christ as you can get.