
Are we done with Yang now?

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honk honk no we want our UBI

Attached: honk honk 88 yang gang.png (588x578, 438K)

What difference does it make? Trump 2020. Easy win.

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former yang shill here. ya i'm done. i shilled him to be irritating and it was funny but now its boring. i'm sure the kids here will keep having fun with it which is fine.
but i'm more interested in the shitshow thats about to go down. buckle up lads. its gonna be fun

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He is obviously modelling himself after the late Lee Kuan Yew who did a great job. The problem with Singapore though is almost all of their soft fascism is blatantly unconstitutional. Yang is running on a platform that is impossible in the US for various reasons on the left and right.

>for various reasons
like what?

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Hello no. Yang is a yellow clown

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think for yourself, faggot.

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