Donating/Selling Sperm

What's your take on donating or selling your sperm?
Is it a good way to ensure your DNA gets spread or is it degenerate?
You're simultaneously cucking the male in whatever couple decides to use your seed to make mini-yous

Attached: jessu_southerner.jpg (1080x1350, 226K)

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She seems nice.

Donate by direct deposit

is this the youngest Southern of the two-most-professionally-photographed-sisters-in-human history? I cant tell

>two-most-professionally-photographed-sisters-in-human history
I think you mean the Olsen Twins

It's degenerate and it will lead to inbreeding. Children of sperm donors raised in different families will find each other and their father attractive. Same kind of thing happens in black neighborhoods due to fathers sleeping around and being absent/in prison.


cucking some genetic loser is the duty of every red blooded white male

Legal precedents in North America put sperm donors at risk of having to pay child support regardless of any contracts signed prior to the exchange.

That's fucked up

not a counterargument at all

my daughter already told me she wants to have 20 strong, white sons with the financial empire I'm leaving

I hate thots and showing your body like that is gross.
You're all fucking disgusting mutts.


Yeah, that's the point. Westermarck effect is a result of growing up in the same house with your blood relatives.

>When proximity during this critical period does not occur—for example, where a brother and sister are brought up separately, never meeting one another—they may find one another highly sexually attractive when they meet as adults or adolescents, according to the hypothesis of genetic sexual attraction. This supports the theory that the populations that appear to exhibit the hypothetical Westermarck effect became predominant because of the deleterious effects of inbreeding on those that did not.

lol has that ever happened?
I'd donate sperm to jessu any day

Can still be risky

Attached: SpermDanger.png (1626x1010, 655K)

I misunderstood the point
Thought you meant the kids in the same family would find each other attractive

You're absolutely not wrong, but it's a numbers game I suppose
What are the odds of two of your offspring finding each other irl in the first place

Based and ultraconservativepilled.

Attached: IMG_20180902_170142.png (720x1126, 321K)

She's also an introvert.

Attached: 1525731745438.jpg (1820x1209, 656K)

>point 3
So she's retarded?

depends how far their mothers are going out of their way to get sperm. The kids will also have some behavioral similarities so they may end up going to the same college or taking up the same career. Honestly it's best for everyone if you have a normal family and raise your children under one roof.

>First kiss at 18

Grew up with a Mom who smoked weed everyday and didn't give a fuck about religion still haven't kissed a girl at 25.

Women are dumb and basically all of them believe in astrology.

Is it true she is a lesbian?, Would be a god damn shame to put those child bearing hips to waste.

What if your seed is given to a nigger from the congo?

Jess is more attractive than her sister, so it should be obvious it's Jess

>lol has that ever happened?
Many such cases

reminder laws migh change what is forbidden migh be legal in a few years from now

what if some crazy feminist are allowed to get free sperm do you want your child to get raised by crazy people who willl tell them they don't have to be a boy or a girl they can choose etc

dont give or sell your seed

Attached: mystique-jennifer-lawrence-x-men-x-men-dark.jpg (1020x385, 35K)

>never been kissed
Why even live

Attached: AB6E70C9-0FA9-47A3-BC88-CF74AA6955EB.jpg (709x765, 72K)

It dies of Ebola

>basically all of them believe in astrology
can confirm

Attached: 1449293660483.jpg (575x556, 39K)

And ghosts.

>being a moon child

>first kiss at 18
Man that is crazy, imagine being 18 and not having had your first kiss

Attached: SAD.jpg (570x528, 119K)

The idea bothers the shit out of me. I dont like the idea of half my dna running around in the wild without any direct control over its upbringing.

not attracted to her anymore seems retarded.

>im so introverted teehee ;)
>im a moonchild im active at night!
>posts pic half naked
You're an idiot if you buy this everything girls do is for attention

Can confirm this. I met my sister for the first time when we were at our teens, she went to live with my father and me with my mother when they got divorced. She's one of the most attractive girls I've ever met. I helps that she has huge breats tho

Checks out

Why do you think this is professionally photographed?
Welcome to the Current Year+10, gramps. Everyone has smartphones now.

Enjoy your child support payments

are you kidding me? These two have about 10,000 pics of them in outfits/poses in high definition.. if you think this is just a couple girls with phones, you are supremely daft, my friend. Theres obviously a push to *sell* these two.

My first gf and her mom made the dad get their house exorcised.

Unlike your country we don't have a lust for relatives neither a fame or history of inbreeding

Whites are statistically the least likely to inbreed, paco

I'd rather splurt my cum into an oven than give it to a dyke.

I would only do it for someone I knew, and if they needed it because of medical reasons. God forbid my offspring ended up getting raised by lesbians. Jesus I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy, let along my seed.

Pulling statistics out of your ass doesnt change the fact that your country has a fame for inbreeding, specially rednecks and southerners

In my country only a heterosexual couple can get donated sperms so there's almost no chance of my offspring being raised by a lesbian couple or a single mother.
What do you think anons, should I go for it?
I've been considering this for a while now mainly because of the money.

No way

You guys must be shitskins or total robots to have never experienced this. There's nothing wrong or weird about being in touch with nature. Lack of sleep on a full moon is not uncommon. Full moon parties are a thing for a reason. I feel bad for you robots.

Attached: varg-verd.jpg (480x292, 59K)

OP does not understand.
Sure I'll sell it.
But she's getting it anyway.

I'd dontate some sperm in her bank.

How many times have you visited a mental hospital? Be honest.

holy shit she's a fucking retard, whodathunkit

all competitive breeding is 'inbreeding' by your account you fucking retard.

genealogy (ideally) takes the best and leaves the rest, you sitting on your bedsore-ridden ass pissing & moaning should be shoved out of the muddied gene-pool. You are hardly a hardy specimen you genetic ashtray.

America is a genetic control group, you are our petri dish/soap opera that we watch to laugh at.

its not my property

>being a moonchild

Attached: fuck outta here.webm (640x800, 2.55M)

>She's also an introvert.
yeah sorry real introverts don't post online for beta bux of basedboy followers. i'm sure she'd be anything you want her to be as long as the greenbacks are flowing

Until your kid ends up in the hands of a lesbian couple

imagine subjecting your offspring to be raised by total faggots or lesbians so you could cop $50

At least she doesn't collect energy stones or whatever.

What the fuck

> no hahas

Opportunity missed senpai

Leave and never come back

there is so much testing and paper work and screening and bullshit involved in trying to cum in a cup its not worth it. what do they end paying 40 dollars?
its all a bunch of bullshit, like donating blood. fuck you, you need blood bitchboi TO BAD. donating anything to anyone is stupid, take care of yourself and your own people fuck the rest.