I watched a bunch of his videos for the last 3 hours. the incels, jordan peterson, alt-right, capitalism, and the west videos were kino and actually made me change my views on some things and made me realize I was stupid. Thank you for actually recommending something good /tv/
Contrapoints is kino
kill yourself tranny
>I saturated myself in someone else's opinions and when I came out the other end they were my opinions too
Reminder that trans "people" are an embodiment of metaphysical evil. The only way to save their soul is fire.
Can't wait for him to finally chop his dick off and commit suicide when he realizes what he's done
Reminder hiro is currently online and wants you to report mods/janitors that allow free shilling like OP to him
Trannies are repulsive
people don't have souls brainlet
Wow, imagine being this wrong.
Trannies don't have souls
That's how learning works retard. Not even philosophers come up with any new ideas
so hot. i want a sexdoll with his face
Admit that you fuck her(formerly him), /tv/.
Yes, OP has learned his opinion, he hasn't developed it.
fuck off you tranny redditors
Trannies have corrupted souls.
Why would I want psycho men when 2D ruined even regular women for me?
what a hideous creature
no one does. you have to a literal idiot to think they do.
I would. She used to be manly looking in her older pics but in her current state she's prettier most bio women.
>long midface
>shit broken twisted huge nose
>angular man jaw and chin
>huge male forehead that's prominent as fuck
>shit tier voice that doesn't even put an ounce of effort into sounding female
>man wide shoulders
If you can't pass, don't fucking bother trying to transition.
I liked him when he was just a femboy.
But the fucking idiot actually fell the trans meme lmaoooo I thought he was smarter than that. Looking forward to laughing at his suicide.
four best youtube channels right now
you ever been to Jow Forums?
woah so this is the power of hormones
They never pass and that is my fetish, why would anyone aim for inferior fem when they could achieve andro?
Why is this off-topic thread being babysat? Does pickle need to be spammed again
If you actually completely changed your mind after zhys videos then you must be young.
Alt right and leftists aren't entirely right on their own.
Should we round up all trannies and amputate their organs and send them into refugee camps?
She won't commit suicide. She makes 500k a year from patreon. She'll continuing commie pilling the masses with even higher quality kino videos.
But they do.
>Why is this off-topic thread being babysat?
Youtube is tv now, deal with it grandpa. Like who the fuck even watches tv shows anymore lmao
Youtube is not offtopic
Oh so that's why it's being babysat
/v/edditor like it so it's allowed again
t. Einstein
trans people are children of God
Not even close. It's never close, some people just see what they want to see or don't know any better and thats fine too.
So then why do threads about Gavin Mcinnes, Lauren Southern, Devon whatever, etc get deleted?
>in her current state she's prettier most bio women.
user please
>posting females on a tranny thread
you deserve that ban
this. they are pure souls and must be protected
The absolute state of the left
Don't fucking lie. You'd have no idea she was born male had you not known before-hand.
Because contra is kino, they are garbage trash for manbabies
Do incels not question why their movement consists of nothing but pseuds while the communists have intellectual titans like these?
So then my suspicions are right then
Off-topic threads are fine as long as it's something you like
did you get soulcumcised?
stop shilling this retard already. go back to whatever reddit or discord you came from you insufferable cunts
vote democratic socialist
Why don't you faggots just pin these threads
That's not a tranny
oh wait that's jane marie
So now we know that /v/ likes him which is why these threads are being left up
no one likes a discord tranny
Androgyny is being strong in both male and female characteristics and is the purest classical beauty.
You can see it in the bone structure of the face and the shoulders and the torso plain as day. Boys are not built like girls. Then when they bolt on some plastic tits it looks even more obvious, women do plastic tits too but they sit differently on their differently-shaped chest musculature.
a tranny made you change your views
it's over you faggot
cry more bitch
you are fucking retarded m8
40% isn't enough
Listen to Strike and Mike instead. You get all the same points but without the self hate and tranny bullshit
Here's the one with the girl from Syria, you'll learn more about the Middle East in 3 hours than anyone who watches the media or reads the paper
This is what happens when Jow Forumstards get their opinions from said forum and shitty youtube-videos instead of reading a fucking book, one dolled up tranny winks his eye and it is all over
they are all retards except the three arrow guy
>watch one destiny video
>realise how retarded the right wing is
>be an unironic communist now
Shaun BTFOs people like Sargon but I guess thats not much of an achievement
lol trannies hate capitalism? imagine asking society to pay for your frankengina and not expect them to hate you and eventually start killing you?
What a shitty thread
wtf where are all the flags
Oh based they moved it here. Thought they deleted it.
lol mods
I also think that alt-right e-celebs are mostly retarded
We're from /tv/
>posting outside Jow Forums ever
no thanks
This! Fucking weak individuals can't ever think for themeleves. If you weren't already aware of the idea by yourself simply by just thinking and looking at the world well I'm sorry but you're just a brain dead idiot who needs guidance. And to need or even gain guidance from a goddman tranny. Are you kidding me!? They cut off their dick and think it's a good idea. No, these people never have good ideas or ideas worth following. Perhaps there took ideas from others, but these freaks never once had a good original idea
this just proves my suspicsion that most other boards have been infiltrated by commies, thank god for Jow Forums
Jow Forums is the most infiltrated board imo
The scat porn kind of gave that away. What happened, /tv/? That used to be such a fun board to be on.
>literal who
>tranny communist ironically advocating violence
>”see I drank söy for a month and I’m not feminine right?”
>le sleepy skull of making you wish there was a 5x speed option on youtube
>ALL disingenuous retards pushing hot shit takes constantly
What’s the appeal here
Jow Forums happened.
>Contra Contra Points on Race
>Contra Points: Still Stupid