They are so blatantly different, not even mentioning the massively different cultures, why are mexicans so fucking parasitic? I'm so fucking tired of them
Why do mexicans pretend to be native Americans?
>1 post by this ID
There Aztecs they are natives but not the natives of the land we took
I just posted it jackass
Exactly, I don't understand why they don't even know their own genetics and origins.
>2 posts by this id
most mexicans are more spanish than "aztec"
It was three dude, lol
See True, it's still aggravating, they act like north American natives are the same as them, which is fucking stupid.
This is Chicano Studies wishful thinking. There were hundreds of nations throughout the Americas all of whom were most certainly not "one nation." Aztecs would come and kidnap other tribes and sacrifice them to their false sun god.
Hernan Cortez did nothing wrong.
Just like the aztecs of old, the mexicans are aggressive manlets with a false sense of superiority and no respect for anyone else's territory