In 4 hours, if you own a bumpstock you will be in possession of an illegal machine gun...

In 4 hours, if you own a bumpstock you will be in possession of an illegal machine gun. Thanks Zion Don! Are you guys tired of winning yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:

boating accident rates about to skyrocket.

MIGApedes will defend this.
>b-b-b-b-b-but MUH HILLARY

>the government was our friend until just now

Ok fag
Unlike most of you pussies I dont care what the law is regarding this RIGHT
Come fucking take them

It's not a skewed argument of why do you need one, but why are you such a faggot to want one? You should be criminalised just for being that gay.

Fuck off buddy

Good. Fuck bump stocks.

Mine are all at the bottom of a lake :/

Hypothetically, what kind of pay day would someone be looking at if they took a bump stock accessory into DC tonight, made it super obvious to authorities, got arrested for possessing a machine gun at midnight by capitol police, took the case to trial up to the supreme court, and then the ban is overturned as unconstitutional?

Bump stocks are gay and dangerous.
Actual full auto is safer and should be legal again.

Murrica, fuck yeah, muh freedoms! We'll fight back against tyranny cause we're armed! AmIrite?

Not a problem, bumpstocks were memes anyways. Granted only a matter of time until pic related is false flagged with.

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What’s a bumpstock?

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I'm an Alaskan.
I am above this law ;)

P.S. Getting rid of your bumpstocks is retarded, even when federally illegal. A better solution is to use a post hole digger and a vacuum sealer to seal them and bury them deep. If you don't have a vacuum sealer you can use your girls hair straightener or a clothes iron. Probably wouldn't bury them on your property but they can be somewhere for safe keeping if ever needed if SHTF.

Also wouldn't this make ALL hi-point carbines bump stocks

How can they ban something that any dumb fuck could make with a CNC machine and a chunk of plastic?

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Fucking Brits man, fucking brits

Pic related is built into hi points and allows for automatic bumping easily.

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None of you have or can even shoot guns.

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I hate niggers.

don't overthink it, badman killed many people with them and the jews must be appeased with something.
again you're telling me you could use this effectively up to 300 yards as an old man with slippers on? I'm doubtful. Echo or binary trigger wouldn't sacrifice your accuracy nearly as much while allowing you to put suppressing fire down range

So wouldn't that make all Hi-points illegal machine guns outside of Alaska?


Attached: UK Guns.jpg (600x900, 90K)

I'm serious tho.
The buttplate of all Hi-point carbines made after around 2007 are now illegal lol

Many also know you can also hook your thumb in a belt loop & achieve bump stock/ full auto effect

>Hypothetically, what kind of pay day would someone be looking at
a daily money shot
>court of appeals affirms judgement
>supreme court declines to hear petition
enjoy your rape

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Maybe that was the bigger picture we're all missing? that's a fuck ton of illegal firearms

post your guns then

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I meant the "you faggots can't shoot a can off a bench at point blank" type of can't shoot.

.22 peashooters don't count faggot

Anything with a spring loaded stock is now illegal.
I'm an Alaskan so I dont give a fuck, but holy shit this ban is actually capable off effecting alot of carbines and rifles.

Should have made a printable version

I think the UK is discussing s ban on knives

Post your reason for why you aren't fighting for your freedoms?
> Criminal record check means a gun isn't legal
I guess half of America can't own guns either then.

>effectively up to 300 yards as an old man with slippers on?
I don’t know? But, there is this.

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> A gun is not a gun
Cletus has appeared.

Trump, of his own will, signs the first federal gun ban in 20 years and magatards still rationalize it.

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Well, antique guns even ones using cartridges are not legally firearms here.

I just asked you to post your guns. Why can't you do that?

>1 post by this ID
Saging and hiding this zionist shill thread

Well as an Alaskan it doesn't effect me.
At all.

But the rest of the country better get hiding anything with a springy stock lol

>infringing on the 2A is ok when Daddy does it :)

I want all you NRA fudds to drop dead

at least we'll always have Golan Heights

anyone that pretends like a .22 round isn't fatal makes me seriously question their experience. I've personally killed a man with a single .22 LR round to the stomach, he bled out in less than 15 minutes. A fucking 10 year old could have done that. I've watched this round put down 2,000lb bulls no problem.

I asked you to post your reason why you aren't fighting for your freedoms.
Am I talking to an American or Jamal from the hood?

>it doesn’t affect me so it’s ok

Great argument for defending freedom

Doesn't affect Kansas either.

>get arrested
>go to court

Why doesn't this work?
Honestly I can't understand how they can legally prosecute anyone for any sort of firearms possession offense when those words are written into the constitution - do they use some sort of legal loophole? How does it work?

>banning a worthless accessory is the same as taking my guns
Fuck off commie dipshit.

>user says you don't have gun
>you say wrong
>refuse to prove it
>nothing but deflections
Just post your guns, bro

With shot placement you can kill a man with a pellet gun (not even the big bore kind, 7 in of penetration is alot).

Still wouldn't use a .22 to defend myself unless I'm using it for an assassination with a can or something.

I'm not saying it's ok.
Lucky men. We need more laws that tell the gov to go fuck itself.

Thanks to Daddy that worthless accessory is now legally considered a machine gun. You have 4 hours to turn them in or destroy them.

This is the future you chose. Your president shitting all over the 2A and you shilling for free for him

Rights are not permission from the government.
They are demanded from the people.

We now live in a population of faggots and retards demanding the government to strip our rights.
Do you really think we are in a position to demand rights? It doesn't work when the government isn't afraid of you.

>in favor of banning things he thinks are worthless
>calls others commies
I hope the ATF burns your entire family

Well unless you live in a gun amnesty state.
Or just don't feel like complying.

Fucking Bongs don't even know what guns are legal because they are all afraid to ask their psychotic government about owning one.

>your president
Thank for being honest, tranny.

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Literally absolutely nothing stops the judge from saying
>not an argument
Judges have an obscene amount of power with virtually zero oversight.


It's a bad precedent to set. Doesn't matter what the item is.

>It was real in my mind.

>that time fudds shilled for gun control because a guy with an R by his name did it

Do you know what “shall not be infringed” means?

Refutes nothing stated in the original. Do you know what "legal" means? By your definition, driving a car is illegal.

Shhh.... This is a secret. Don't let them know.

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> I've personally killed a man with a single .22 LR round
suuuure you have. I am not saying it cant happen.
>I've watched this round put down 2,000lb bulls no problem.
2,000lb bulls don't shoot back.

Yeah I get all that, but what I don't understand is the legalese they use to bypass the constitution in court.
Like if you're in a courtroom for a firearms possession offense and you cite the constitution as your defense - how do they reply?

>gun control is ok when Daddy does it

Driving a car is illegal. You need a special license for it.

>It's a bad precedent to set.
Not if it leads to a SCOTUS case that ends this kind of ban attempt forever.

I won't use it again either but if I had to I wouldn't hesitate. Granted hollow points and it coming out of a rifled gun less than 10yds away helps but
I have. MANY others have too, a lot of young kids actually. It's not uncommon of a story at all.

I got my licence, if this thread is still alive I'll post pics. I only have a 22lr ISSC MK22
And a MK6 9mm.

I think they usually have to come up with some legal mumbo jumbo for why it's not a valid defense.

>2,000lb bulls don't shoot back.

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>a rifled gun

As opposed to your smoothbore 22? Stop larping on Jow Forums kid

Sorry, missed Alive when I get home, on a night shift.

Actually this. But they never, ever accept gun control cases anymore. Too much for them to risk.

Yes. It means common sense gun control.
Now be quiet sweetie, responsible adults are discussing important topics.
Nobody needs a fully semi-automatic assault weapon.

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kek it's cool bro, I don't give a fuck. Maybe one day you will have this experience for yourself, it's character building. nightmares for a month or two and then I was okay

>I can't shoot without my wall of bullets
>t. literal nigger

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With expanding rounds at close range out of a full sized barrel, you could use it at maybe 30-40 feet.
Doable, but I wouldn't.
And I have one right here.

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Machine guns are legal if you have the proper permitting in the US, the problem is having to ask for permission in the first place is a fucking nightmare. Some states are nuts enough to shit on the NFA, so I guess if you want legal full auto, Missouri is the place to go. Still in violation of federal law, but that's no different from states where it's legal to smoke weed.

Also yes, there's a huge difference between me saying I killed a man with a .22 pistol versus a rifled barrel at less than 10 yards. Huge difference.

That's what they do for a living to begin with so not really a problem for them.

You have to be 18 to post here.

A .22 rifle could do it to an unarmored target if you mag dumped.
But Jesus Christ it might not even stop them.

You can "kill" someone and if it takes 15 mina for them to die they can return fire.

God exists and he is wrathful.

We will see. Still this attitude that it's only this item or that item is not a good attitude. These people work incrementally and once an inch of ground is ceded they immediately start angling to gain another inch.

Good shooters never use bump-stocks.

>I have.
ok, whatever.
you should not be limited to a .22 to defined yourself.

That's not a refutation of the legality of these particular fire-arms, you retarded mutt.

These are all peashooters and you're not even allowed to use them in self defense. Defending yourself is generally illegal in the UK.

So it’s illegal. You know what else is illegal? Being in possession of cocaine and doing key shots while I drive a school bus fool of kids. It being illegal hasn’t stopped me yet and this new ban won’t stop me from using it out on the range.

I don’t live in a trailer park, so probably not. Either way you tell like a retard- having to specify your barrel was rifled while using 22 was straight retarded. It’s like saying “my rifled 8mm”

I doubt you belong here either, child.

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nice man, it was eye opening as the whole time I thought he was going to live because of it being .22. It wasn't until I was interrogated that I found out he died and was genuinely surprised. Don't question it.
Why are you talking about a situation that didn't happen versus mine that did dude? Yes if I was going up against someone armed using a .22 would be fucking retarded. It was what I used and the man is did, accept that or not I don't care

Legal expenses.

Doesn't include expenses from time lost working either. So you'd lose money.