Anybody else feel like they've died and this is just the insane reality your brain has created to cope with the...

Anybody else feel like they've died and this is just the insane reality your brain has created to cope with the experience of death?

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We are living in Clown World. Back when CERN began smashing atoms they created tiny place holes which had a destructive effect on our reality. This is tied to the Mandela Effect, as most of the more notable cases were noticed around or after 2010 or so. As the fabric of our reality continues to decompose we get even more and more crazy shit, like Trump as president or a pigtailed FAS loli being unironically considered for the Nobel peace prize.

You think honk its that simple?

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it was always going to get a lot worse before it got better. the seeds of all today's bullshit were planted long ago. the internet is just accelerating everything beyond our natural ability to adapt to novelty.

Something like that but it is a "multiplayer" cope

I remember when it was *honk honk honk* but nearly 25% of the population will insist that it was always *honk*, then I went on the internet and everyone is saying that it's *honk honk*. I don't know how much more I can take of it.

*Honc honc*

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Every god damn day of my life. I've felt dead for a few years now.

I attempted suicide five years ago and I think about this everyday.
I attended one of the few weddings I’ve ever been invited to at the Trump Gold Club inPalos Verdes.

I think this is my fever dream a lot. Maybe some sort of purgatory. I’m chronically sick and angry all the time and it’s all just too fucking hard.


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>you die
>brain releases chemicals into your nervous system
>donald trump is president of the united states
>yang gang get bag

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The thing you're describing is life, and you're a blackpilled fagt.

but you're the worst ones of all. I can just imagine that a matter of years ago, you were probably saying some half-baked shit about comedians being the philosophers of the postmodern era.

Everyone tells me I'm crazy but i think we all died back in 2012 during that Mayan calendar bullshit and we're living in an alternate timeline where everything is the opposite of how its supposed to be. In this timeline we didn't die, a minor NY cable tv celebrity becomes president and people are giving their young boys hormones and cutting off their dicks and they make a show on TLC about it. crazy world.

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fuck, I have that thought regularly
this music video is for you, op

This, but unirhonkically.

This world was a dream, not mine or yours, but it was once a dream. Over time it has become perverted, warped beyond any reasonable measure. What was once a dream is now a nightmare. But the sleeper will begin to stir, the fabric of the dream is already breaking apart, and once the sleeper is roused it will all end. Our reality is a night terror, we can only hope the morning comes quick.

since 2004

Remember the bright side to it

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Did you reach your mid 20s then?

Life is a test and like all good tests the questions are the ones you do not want to answer.

No. Get help.

yeah, thought that since I was like 7 from time to time.