I'll start admitting Japanese superiority right after you agree blacks need to be sterilized, Flaggot.
Jacob Barnes
that whites are not the superior race
that if IQ is used to justify imperialism and subjugation of other races, whites should put on a cuck cage immediately and start sucking the nearest asian and treating them with the deference and respect they deserve
as your superior
Samuel Johnson
You presuppose arguments, claims and ideas nobody has made. This thread is over. SAGE
Isaiah Thomas
*necromances* so what makes black people naturally inferior to whites if not IQ?
Zachary Smith
If kikes and chinks are so amazing, y u no make any car or plane or useful thing? You never invent anything a white man didn't do first.Tell me how smart you are again.
John Jackson
"You presuppose arguments, claims and ideas nobody has made." Learn to read faggot. But to answer your tard question, the idea of black inferiority comes from the proven nature of IQ, behavior, culture, ideals, crime, and so on.
Joshua Russell
so iq doesn't tell the whole picture of a race's worth? well that undermines the whole idea that it's a predictor of racial superiority i guess >IQ
right so when it comes to the white question asians should probably sterilize us for dragging down the gene pool?
Angel Perry
"You presuppose arguments, claims and ideas nobody has made." Can you even fucking read you dumb faggot? How did you extrapolate that from what I said? What are you on about? Is it all that cocksucking you faggot queers do that muddle your brain up and render it worthless to actually understand and read what a normal person has said? Or are you purposefully ignoring it to be "EBIC TROLL"?
Benjamin Smith
Funny thing is that Europeans completely fucked the Chinese and Jews on multiple occasions.
Leo Rodriguez
We are superior by right of conquest
Colton Price
I don’t believe in any of that
I do believe that the only places worth living in are american, european, or japanese and as such they should stay that way, not get overrun with the third world. We can’t fix the worlds problems by letting the world in.
Gabriel Moore
I might get shit for this but IQ is just one metric. Things like temperament and the ability for the collective to effectively COMMUNICATE are extremely important as we are tribal animals. The tribe is more than the sum of its individual parts.
Tbqh I don't put much stock in small variations in average reaction times and processing speeds and whathaveyou. Anything on paper is inherently reductionist, and even meaningless as oftentimes a piece of the puzzle is used liberally to explain the big picture. The big picture is history. History is the best predictor of racial and civilizational trends, no?
Leo Richardson
Average Asian IQ is a few points higher than Whites', but the distribution is different. Asian IQ drops off hard at around the 120 mark, while the tail of White IQ stretches about 30 points above that. The cut off for genius is around 130 and unlike Whites, very few Asians are this smart.
Christian Powell
>be superior race >have to beg Whites for gibs just to survive Lol whatever you say Ari
Hudson Perez
What is the difference between ameriburger ashkekikes and the israeli ones? Is it sample size? HIEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE
Cameron Brown
Cause you're the #1 faggot on Jow Forums...and you seem to be sucking goblino cock all the day long fag... I look at jews as fuel for the fire...
David Russell
>IQ is a meaningful measure of superiority between races >therefore you must "start sucking off your brainful masters" that's a non sequitur. what is your IQ? it's obvious you're not white.
Josiah Jenkins
Not op
What have you invented you imbecile
>Proven nature Prove it. Give me something that connects statistics to the race, not just the numbers. You give me just a graph or plot with numbers I'm gonna call you retarded
Sure and you can attribute these differences in culture and behavior as simply innate genetic differences...or look at the historical context and hypothesize why these differences can arise, persevere, and continue to misguide people into thinking race is the culprit.
>Coping this hard No, the correct answer was IQ doesn't fucking matter, not hopping on the hamster wheel to explain why Asians aren't actually as smart as the stats have you believe
Change my mind
Chase Miller
something something muh creativity and muh dick
Ian Gutierrez
oh forgot muh (((empathy))), whatever that means.
Jace Sanders
>IQ doesn't fucking matter cool, let me know when black africans start outperforming east asians in academics
Oliver Lewis
>>Coping It's the truth. Asians have a much more even IQ distribution than Whites. This means less extremely stupid people but also less extremely smart people.
Camden Cooper
Surely you're smart enough to realize the difference of resources and opportunity in those two locations, right? Surely you don't think a black African who was put in an East Asian school from childhood would perform worse just because he's black, right?
Let me know when you invent something
Ayden Young
Asher Nelson
that's awesome man, let me know when niggers outperform chinks in academics
Connor Ortiz
This. It's not a difficult concept to grasp, if these chinks are so smart let them move through their workshop of the world phase (we went through it almost 200 years ago) and uplift themselves like we did. As for kikes they don't use their intelligence for the advancement of humanity, they use it for the opposite out of greed.
Hunter Wilson
This is what happens when you press a tiny mind for more information. A violent animalistic reaction.
Eli Edwards
You present all that on an anime board.
Cameron Peterson
Yes europeans are more creative in problem solving than asians, no one cares about the size of your cock unless they're a faggot and empathy means being able to put yourself in another mans shoes. It's very useful for building a tightly knit society that looks after itself without being forced to do so. That doesn't work nearly as when you do not share ancestry, appearance and mindset with others, because you cannot imagine as easily being them. Another reason cohabitation of races and cultures is doomed from the start
Oliver Foster
because it's not about supremacy, retard
Carson Davis
No I know what a wider distribution means...I'm saying instead of wasting your time counterarguing a moot point set by the op you could've just superceded the argument by saying "IQ is not indicative of anything, it is not even reliable" because otherwise you're stuck arguing for every unique case that a white man is smarter than a non white man.
What a surprise, when there's nothing to say you just repeat the same idiotic response. Thanks for playing
See kids, when you're a nationalistic piece of shit like this guy you don't consider the likely possibility that other parts of the world outside of America are technologically competent. Uncle Sam's really indoctrinated you folks, shame.
As an example, China surpasses the US in alternative energy production and maintenance in every way. We haven't made these advancements yet because politics (namely that climate change is a hoax) is hindering science when the two should be disconnected, completely
More right wing they're the enemy propaganda bullshit.
James Cox
>What a surprise, when there's nothing to say you just repeat the same idiotic response. Thanks for playing who scores higher on IQ tests? chinks or niggers? you said IQ doesn't matter, i wonder if chinks and niggers have equal IQ scores.
Sebastian Torres
IQ doesn't matter because it's an unreliable way of testing intelligence, intelligence is sculpted by the environment which is dependent on where you're born, and there is absolutely no scientific consensus on skull/brain size differences between the races as being an indicator of intelligence.
I already know the stats show blacks as having a lower average IQ, if you were not a braincel you would understand how it's not related to race/genetics but socioeconomics
John Clark
>See kids, when you're a nationalistic piece of shit like this guy you don't consider the likely possibility that other parts of the world outside of America are technologically competent. Uncle Sam's really indoctrinated you folks, shame. >As an example, China surpasses the US in alternative energy production and maintenance in every way. We haven't made these advancements yet because politics (namely that climate change is a hoax) is hindering science when the two should be disconnected, completely Baffled by this post Firstly did you miss the flag and he workshop of the world part Secondly China produces more pollution than the entire western world combined, while at the same time producing and selling the vast majority of solar panels to it so that idiots can pretend they're making a difference and saving the earth
>well that undermines the whole idea that it's a predictor of racial superiority i guess Not at all. It's absolutely a predictor of success but it's NOT the ONLY factor. Reality is more complex than your simple minded linear thought processes.
Alexander Sullivan
"Superiority" is a normative term. IQ is supposed to measure 'g'/general intelligence as accurately as possible, meaning that it is meant to be more of an empirical measure of something like cognitive processing speed. If you can't even get THAT right...
Dylan Ross
Hispanic with 170iq reporting in, anyone under 130 iq is subhuman, all these averages are meaningless when the average person is just fodder, you should be looking at what percentage of the population is comprised of functional human beings not the average subhuman