Reminder they want to destroy this

Reminder they want to destroy this

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good. revenge for my stolen foreskin.

I hater niggers.. just the sight of them makes me angry, my fists shake. I can’t stand them. Their shit colored skinned, fur type hair, black eyes with yellow irises, their wide noses, the way the smell, walk, talk, their nasty skinny fingers and disgusting nails. They are a different spieces, they are not like me. They need to be exterminated, I’ve never felt like this before until I read about white nationalism. Do I have irrational hate towards these negros Or is my hate justified and do any of you feel the same way about eradicating them from our planet?

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>Russians who bribed the local Rabbi into claiming they have jewish ancestry

who does?! those evil son's a bitches!! What type of evil rat would want to destroy something so perfect?!

user we have to stop them !!

>Russians who bribed the local Rabbi into claiming they have jewish ancestry

Israel is basically non aryan white ethnostate at this point.

I've seen better user.

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Paranoid schizo? Talking completely off topic shit

stupid nazis don't realize Israel is the white ethnostate they pine for

If you need a reminder that they are trying to destroy that you are probably to fucking retarded to do any thing about it.

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Don't worry, Arabs are really dumb and incompetent, they will only continue to doom themselves further

unholy mother of Satan =)

Hope she gets kebabed by Iranians

Thats an Israeli.

Reminder Israelis are primarily European immigrants

I sure do.

she's NOT jewish ffs

I hope USA gets nuked for your words


what nationality is she???


Youre just a dumb delusional ape whos been kept in the dark all his

Then why is she in Israel wearing a Zahal uniform?

Fucking faggot op vpn kike from this thread Why haven't you still kys yourself?

To be fair I want to destroy that as well.

is she? If she's a jew then, we MUST destroy "her"


gas immediately

I am ok with this.
>t. Actual white man

So they want to destroy a bunch of some old ships or what

Fun fact: The IDF uniform shirt has holes in the armpit so you don't overheat in the desert. That girl probably reeks of BO. Isn't that gross hahaha

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kebab train 50 iranians.

Yes we do

Sex doll

They should just honestly be contained and be used to dismantle society when necessary.