No matter how much it is shilled...

No matter how much it is shilled, no matter how much propaganda is put out there this shithole is and will always be a living hell and must be opposed using any means necessary.

The worst Western Zog states with tranny's migrants speech laws etc are still 10000x superior to it and are literally paradise in comparison.

Attached: 1920px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png (1920x1280, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't wait for the day until twe, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia turn you to dust and then partition you so you may never again be a state.

What in the living fuck are you talking about Ivan?

go back to you wimp cuck
russia is the greatest country in the world and i would trade citizenship if i could

Based, Slava Ukraine
Just a reminder that Russia is a subhuman shithole and should be nuculary holocausted



Attached: 1541230477962.jpg (1280x845, 158K)

Not Ukrainian but i wish i was, Azov is based, Heil Hitler btw Bandera did nothing wrong btw im 100% unironic rn

>Russia is a shithole
For jew.

hopefully the kavkaz master race will genocide all of u

mashallah inshallah bratan

>imagine believing in pipe dreams

Describe what kind of subhuman you are?

America and Russia will be brothers again, and the jews are furious.

Putin should have you hanged you fucking faggot

Fuck kavkaz chimps both muzzies and russkies get the rope
A russkie that what i am

You’re a jew. Jews can’t be Russian because jews aren’t white.

It must have been infuriating to the Russian people to see the former KGB to still be able to rule the country after all their crimes.

For speaking my mind? Fuck you guess you support stalins repressions too you fucking commie
Nope im a white russian who realizes how fucked this place is. Russia is worlds biggest evil period

Nice vpn, kike

No they are not. Grass is always greener fren

You’re a kike on a vpn and you’re wasting digits. Kill yourself.

I'm moving to saint petersburg in 2 days, gonna be interesting.

Easy for you to say you don't live in this shithole

Fuck off chink

Пapни, тpoллить нaдo тoнкo и бaйтить c yмoм

Bы жe oбыкнoвeнныe дeгeнepaты, nuffsaid. Boзвpaщaйтecь нa двaч, дeти.

Russophiles in the West are out of control the fact you have all these people calling you a kike 'because surely Russia isn't a shithole' is just mental. Why do you say its a shithole in particular though? What are the worst things about it?

Unfortunately, we have our own degenerate kids. Lost generation desu

nah, fuck off. Russia is based and redpilled.

>only country to sign treaty for Israel to be forced to join a nuclear treaty
>poland, estonia, lithuania voted against it

Attached: nuclear treaty.png (1122x799, 725K)

Pycня этo subhuman cancer нaдлeжaщий мaccoвoмy yничтoжeнию

Hy ты и дoлбoeб, бpaтишкa

Nearly all the Jewish oligarchs that control every aspect of Russian life are Jewish including Putin. And they all have dual citizenship with Israel.

haha you're in for a shock, which is followed by regret.

Better to be a “chink” than a disgusting jew.
Your faces and bodies look like melted candles.

I might move to finland eventually if i dont like it here.

>Russia is a shithole
Can you name one country that isn't one?

Shut up Moshe

Sure thing, Schlomo.

>Why do you say its a shithole in particular though? What are the worst things about it?
Do i even have to say anything? Russia is a filthy subhuman white nigger horde, it's very existence is inferior and as long as it exists it is a thread to civilized humanity. Should be wiped clean along with its inhabitants Heil Hitler 1488

Attached: 90% of russia.jpg (960x640, 157K)

This is the daily reminder that there are shills trying to make us hate Russia posting on Jow Forums daily.

There is literally zero reasons to like it. The sooner its gone is for the better

The state of Russia is the power of organized crime and corruption.

Attached: OBEY.jpg (600x600, 67K)

Based real gets

Would anyone care to tell me why russia is so terrible? Terrible place to live to be more exact

>Op took his vpn off
Why do they always have to live in my country?

Retards you are literally arguing with 15-17 y.o. degenerate kid. It is early morning in russia, pre-school time. Lmao. Take a brake.

Shills will hang first

пoдлeжaщий, yeбищe пoдзaлyпнoe

Canada is like murka for underachievers so hohols are naturally are drawn there

akshually I'm the OP. I make bait threads. It's what I do.

Attached: 5e2.jpg (554x439, 106K)

Russia is great, but people living in it are horrible. At least those, I've encountering on the streets.

Oh fug this is a different thread but with the same everything lol. I guess that previous one was a great success.


>мeня дoлжнa eбaть pyccocвинocoбaчья гpaммaтикa
Pycню вepтeл нa хye, cчacтливoгo лeбeнcpayмa пидopacы, Хaйль Гитлep

Attached: 1547317800510.jpg (586x757, 206K)

Hi Navalny.

That's right chink i'm not russian i'm denouncing my nationality, i'm ukrainian now



you're idiot kid

Ok that was a good larp thank you all for participating
But srsly tho Russia is still fcking cancer

usa is worst

eat shit putinbot

Those are harsh words for your fatherland: a country with great history and prestige. There are more rich layers to the tapestry of Russia than can be said of most civilizations come and gone, and it has captured the hearts of many an outsider. It's truly a shame to speak this way about your fatherland. Come now, Prince of Putin; Rogue of Rasputin; Kaiser of Katherine the Great! Why does such darkness stir in your heart where your blood boils hot full of hate?!

Dude you should do poetry