Why are trans people so demonized?

I just want a strong, trustworthy boyfriend to settle down with. I'm white, I dislike immigrants and love Western values. I've never been with anyone.
Why am I the one who is the source of all evil? I'm doing my best to fit into traditional society and be unnoticed

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kys tranny

kys discord demon tranny

Self mutilation is a metal dis order. They need therapy.

Plus they are gross

Cuz traps are gay

why don't you add yourself to the 45%
>you know what I mean

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NS here, you're appreciated and loved user. come home


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Cant be traditional when you are an abomination in gods eyes

Hurry up and suicide

because they are literal demons

because of a large portion of their ilk pushing pizza. trans need to be deported. all of them

trannies are disgusting monstrosities, probably the second worst manifestation of sexuality besides pedophiles.

Here’s the deal, if turbo faggots like you left everyone else alone and didn’t try to force your outlook on us you wouldn’t be crucified. But you assholes can’t, you’re like genetically hardwired to annoy the shit out of everyone with your filthy life choice.

Xoxo from fellow trans. Dont give a shit what the alt-fags say. Do what makes you happy also fuck some of Western "values", the superiority and invincibility complex while in true they bend and take it from them is what got us where we are.
Fully automated luxury gay space communism when?

Kys tranny, until then you will always be a man so stop pretending you are not, you fucking dick head.

This bullshit right here is why we hate you turbo faggots

Just die you worthless abomination.

>Why are trans people so demonized?
They weren't until they started acting like people owe them something.

Same with fags. I didn't give a shit until they started demanding Christians cake them penis cakes.

Seeing as you’re not breeding it’s perfectly fine for you to marry a non-white.

Go suck shlomo's dick some more frogboi


>I'm doing my best to fit into traditional society
By pretending to be the opposite sex?
Most of the neckbeards here would probably fuck you, just so you know. They parrot a bunch of angsty hateful shit because they feel empty. Most people dont give a shit in actual day to day life, its when politics, denial of biology and brainwashing children comes into play that there is a problem.

I've known some of them and they just randomly go on about being a tranny. I think there just doing this for attention.




Youre a mentally ill degenerate. Get some therapy, wipe off the makeup, and admit youre just a fag.

>trying my best... to be unnoticed
>but also I'm a girl teehee

tits or gtfo

Dont forget the whole 'trans kids' and 'drag kids' movement.

Wtf now even we have sodomite degenerates? Whyyyy

YIKES. For the record I can find just as many images of various common surgeries that went wrong or got infected.

That's God's business to decide, not yours. Not to mention "Judge not, lest ye be judged", eh?

Yeah well that's America, and I'm from Europe, I have no say in that.

hey op im ok with you if you dont act like a fag, if thats any help

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wait are you ok with conversion surgery? get the fuck out freak

The entire concept is pseudoscientific at best. And the LGBT movement uses them as a weapon against anyone who disagrees. They have no sense of right or wrong in this, and frequently despite conflict of interest, attempt to destroy any attempt to actively understand or rationally treat them.

Now post boipussi

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They are demonized because they can't be entrusted with full body autonomy when they are coddled into believing that their body is not theirs and that they are unhappy in it and will cause themselves irreperable damage that will disadvantage for life.

Transmen are not demonized, they are just a danger to themselves and given their short life expectancy after the operation are bound to tear everyone into sorrow whomever was stupid enough to be fond of the person.

What makes an otherwise healthy person believe that their body is not theirs and not representing themselves, considering causing themselves massive amounts and irreversible damage and then to be taken as a sane adult?

Show me one mutilated fauxgina that looks remotely passable.

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>Self mutilation is a metal dis order. They need therapy.
Very few trans women"mutilate" themselves by getting the operation to remove there member.

Most are happy being women and enojoy being trans

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we need to go back to the victorian era when most of the little shit spawns didn't make it

I never tell people they ask stupid questions, but that’s a stupid question.

lol wot

>most are happy being women and enjoy being trans

I guess that's why half of you kill yourselves kek.

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Well I personally don't want it, but I can understand that it might ease some trans people's dysphoria.

I'm into men? I don't enjoy looking at other people's vaginas.
To be honest I'm kinda hoping scientists will eventually find a way to grow them from stem cells or something.

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neo vaginas are gross

Thinking you're a woman when you have a member dick and balls between your legs is also a mental disorder.

Don't listen to these idiots user. I like you :3
I'm not trans. Bi twink actually, but I want the same thing you want and feel the same way you do about immigrants and western values.
We're definitely outliers. People like us are probably more common than you and me know.

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go back into your closet fag

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Fuckoff nonce

Kill yourself Ackmed.

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If you have a dick you're a man. You're not a women, maybe you get some level of enjoyment from larping as one, but that doesnt make you a woman. I was very happy running around pretending to be a velociraptor as a kid, that doesn't very well make me a dinosaur does it?


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nonce has to be the most nigger tier misuse of a word. it has meaning in cryptography, every time I see a bong call someone a nonce it's like seeing someone call a person a variable or an angle.


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>doesn't know where he is right now

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How dare you use God's teachings to defend your degeneracy? This is one of the many reason people despise you sinful nutcases, trying to lecture normal people about morals when you've got none.

You had the option to try and live a normal fulfilling life yet you chose whatever pathetic unnatural disgusting parasitic excuse of existence you call 'life'. Of course we're gonna judge you, you already detest yourself to the point that desecrating your temple to cope with you sickness means nothing to you...

That's how much you value God's gifts and your own life. And in the end He will indeed judge you...

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How can you possibly get any more pathetic.

Cool story bro

If you are a man pretending to be a woman, you are sick.

trannies are universally authoritarian anti-free speech scum who constantly force people who don't agree with them to lose their jobs.
I hope you don't mind that we repay blood with blood.

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>Cool story bro

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Meh, idc about men who wear dresses so long as they don't care if I can own guns and respect my right to teach my kids that faggots are failures biologically.

Basically I'll let you do your thing if you let me do mine.

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If you aren't having kids you are a genetic dead end.

Are you post op? I think anyone that cuts off their junk is mental, sorry, no way around that. As long as you understand that the vast majority of heterosexual men are not gonna be interested in you, I say live your live the best you can.

If I knew you IRL while you were first thinking you were trans, I would have sat down and had an honest conversation with you, no judging, just helping a fellow man out.

They are demonized because they are subhuman

Ban these thread this child is mentally ill

try but hole

I wish more trannies would accept that they are nothing more than sex objects. Trannies that feel entitled to a "normal" relationship are completely delusional. You are unable to fulfill the most basic biological function of a real woman. You are a novelty that exists only to satisfy the desires of real men. Accept it.

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Because you cannot transition from one sex to another. No one can, and if you live your life like that, you are living in a lie. The only thing that matters is if something is true.

Do you also thinking I'm calling you a bundle of sticks right now?

I like you too If you have a dick you're a man. You're not a women, maybe you get some level of enjoyment from larping as one, but that doesnt make you a woman.
No, but going outside without wearing any make up, feminine clothes and people identifying me as a woman, does.

I respectfully disagree. I do accept that some or even most guys won't want anything to do with me sexually and that's perfectly fine. However the sheer popularity of tranny porn online makes me think there's a sizable population that is definitely into this sorta thing

just what tier of incel do you have to reach to be sexist towards trannies while sexually objectifying them?


They trigger the uncanny valley disgust response.

that's not the same. math is not a language. for example, the concept of a variable has existed for thousands of years. it would be a bit weird to go changing the definition into one of a slur, you would have to be a nigger who has never taken a math class to do that.

They are Baphamet in the flesh.

The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Seek help for your gender dysphoria. It's a mental disorder and it should not be celebrated or normalized.

Did you come to get your feelings hurt?

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if were gonne be completley honest they arent that much less valuable than women just because of the baby thing. One can be a better relationship than any other for someone and they could get married and have kids through a surrogate.

In 15 years when most guys say remember when I wore baggy pants and had earring, or remember my emo phase, these freaks say remember when I decided to cut my dick off rather than admit a mental issue. On one hand I feel bad for these people. On the other hand I thank God most can’t bread.

Coo story bro
>Used by prison staff, to explain the segregation of inmates who were convicted of sex crimes towards children and the other inmates


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AN HONEST REPLY: It's because you mutilated your body, for a reason 99% of people cannot fathom because gays that are into Yaoi and have an appreciation of the male form would not like you, and straight men who are into girls know your a guy, and if they ever wanted to start a family by themselves they couldn't, not to mention the subconcious knowledge that their kissing a guy genetically.

yeah I know what it means, try speaking normal english. your language has devolved into ghetto tier niggerisms

1. You are not as valuable as a male/female to society, because you mutilated your reproductive organ.

Transgender people and homosexual people will never earn the respect of society, because they are doomed to die out during each and every generation.

For the same reason transgender/homosexuality should never be normalized. Females/males are more valuable to society than transgenders.

THE QUESTION IS... Who allowed you to delude yourself into thinking biology was an overcome concept?

Based magyar

Serious reply for you OP if you're still here: It's because an overwhelming majority of grannies (especially MtF) have a plethora of mental illnesses going on (outside of being trans) that make them easily agitated, depressed, and suicidal. Another big issue is that very few pass. The sight of a tranny that doesn't pass invokes a feeling of disgust in most people and goes against the natural order of gendered society and tens of thousands of years of evolution.

I don't hate trannies myself, and I legitimately think if way more passed and were less mentally unstable, people globally would care MUCH less.

Lmao fuckoff. You derailed the thread enough already. Congrats you stupid prick.

trans people are not demonized enough.
Frankly, when the day of the rope comes,
and the trees are littered with degenerates hanging from them,
even then,
trans people will not be demonized enough.

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