
What are some actual reasons to oppose reparations?

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Niggers are already getting showered with gibsmedats and are also shown preferential treatment in the job & university application processes (as is legally required). Whites are now treated as second class citizens despite being the ones to financially support this whole system. What more do the niggers need?

How about "when do they end"?

If reparations are paid to this generation will they then have to be paid to the next generation as well? What about the generation after that?

Maybe it should die after a half dozen or so generations have passed which is precisely where we are now.

Why in fuck would I pay for a car my great-great-great grandnorelationwhatsoever gave away for free?

The definition of reparation is to fix something that is bad, I don't think that giving money to black people solves something

Why is Tyrone asking me to give him crack money like nigga stfu

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The Barbary slave trade involved more trade of white people, (and niggers) than any white enslavement of niggers.

also this

Why should people who didn't commit a crime pay those who weren't victims of one?

I'll gladly support government payments to anyone who was actually held against their in a position of involuntary servitude. And I don't mean jail - God knows how many niggers would qualify if it was that broad.

Seems like a quagmire of a job to do.

My family are all Slavs that immigrated here during the 40s.
>inb4 uR nOt HwYtE
We had nothing to do with the Transatlantic slave trade.
The only interactions with anyone African that had to do with slavery was them capturing or buying us as slaves.

Are we going to have to pay reparations just bc we're considered White now?
Are North Africans and Turks going to pay us reparations?

Are they going to track down the descendants of the 3% that actually owned slaves and make them pay for everything, or just tax everyone?
Is everyone going to include Whites that immigrated after 1865? 1966? Are they going to take money from non-Whites?
Are they going to garnish income from Jews in proportion (the disproportionate portion) to their tendency to own slaves, or will the reparations paid by the Germans just go directly to the Blacks?

Seems like an impossible mess to figure out.

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Billions have already been given to them in exchange for the cotton that their great grandfathers picked. They've been paid back for everything in full, and now the no.1 group of people getting into college is black women. Just accept the fact that this is a long-term money scam with niggers using the money to only breed other low-class criminals and indebt the state more and more to these sick fucking people. There is no end to it, niggers want infinite money. These people haven't experienced slavery either, their handicap is their race, not their history.

im 1/1024th nigger.
were da gibs at homie?

Niggers are still committing crime despite having equal rights
Read the full quote, even Martin Luther King said negroes commit more crime than whites

My family didn't emigrate until 1890 - well after slavery

No black person alive today ever was enslaved


We SHOULD offer reparations - in the form of a one way ticket to Africa from the US airport of your choosing ;)

>send liberated slaves back to Africa
>they found the the appropriately-named nation of Liberia
>mfw Liberia has the highest number of slaves per capita of any nation

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Once upon a time civil rights leaders actually expected blacks to be worthy of the rights they were asking for. That day has long since passed. There was a decent article in the WSJew by their resident uncle Tom last week pondering why slavery, Jim Crow and racism are blamed for all the social ills in the black community when things have only gotten as bad as they have in the last 50 years or so.

There is no Good reason to enforce reparations on people. The Entire premise is absurd. It will never happen.

We don’t owe you lazy niggers SHIT.

I am fucking Vietnamese. Why the fuck do I gotta pay?

1. Determining an exact amount per person to pay.
2. Determining who is eligible for what amount of money.
3. Determining whether or not rich black people who are the descendants of slaves qualify.
4. The idea that giving a bunch of people who wouldn't know what to do with lump sums of cash and hoping that it improves their lives is foolhardy. Especially so when one considers how much of the black population is already on government assistance. As soon as reparations were hypothetically formalized (probably even before given how politics works), an entire host of industries would form preying on blacks and getting access to their guaranteed income.
5. No matter how much is given away, a certain class of race hustlers like Al Sharpton, Tariq Nasheed, and to a lesser extent Shawn King will always demand more. It will start as saying that whoever got paid the least or whoever's genealogy was questioned was treated unfairly and demanding raises from there.
6. We literally cannot afford to pay trillions of dollars like that. We are massively insolvent as it is, and it is simply infeasible.
7. At what point do blacks stop getting reparations?
8. Do the Irish get reparations for slavery?
9. Pushing our culture further towards one of rewarding and making victimhood a virtue is a bad idea. The Smollet hatecrime hoax is just one small example of how fucked up our society is because of victimhood politics.

I survived communism where's my reparations from all the rich libirals who supported it?

Maybe I should squat at hanoi jane's house

Because I don't owe niggers a single goddamn penny.

neat. from slavery you were born and to slavery you shall return

No but the dems will say they'll consider it just for cheap votes, further racial division be damned.

You and your army of tranny Anglos gonna do that?
Please, you should be begging Slavs to identify as White.
We're stronger than you.
We're more virile than you.
We have a more vibrant culture than you.

And yeah, I'll admit it, a lot of us are slightly retarded, but you'll be needing that remorseless retard strength in the Race War to come.

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True reparations would mean repatriation. I'd have the government even finance it.

PS Tell them you're taking away their gibs, don't you think they'd say "but you owe us this cuz of slavery"?

Ill pay reparations when I get my free niggers I think $ 100 per nigger delivered to my plantation sounds about fair

it costs money

NigNogs got their reparations in the form of decades of gimmies . They're lucky they didnt get genocided .

I support giving $10k to every black adult as reparations once they move to Africa and renounce/void their American citizenship, never to return again.

Because people who have never owned a slave will be forced under government threat of violence and state sponsored kidnapping to pay people who have never been slaves.

600,000 dead whites that fought to free slaves and an education system that was destroyed due to the gunpoint integration of apes

>1 Post by this ID

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They are being selective, they want reparations for slavery but not for prohibition. (both of which were policy at the constitutional level)

Your reparations are that Whites fought amongst other Whites for the benefit of Blacks.

Only time in history one race has fought itself for the benefit of another.

Furthermore, they have the best quality of life in the USA than they would in any other country run by or predominantly black.

Your highest rate of Black Millionaires in the world is your reparations. Ask LeBron or Mayweather to contribute their share of the reparations they've been bestowed by having the privilege of living in Western society.