
shaking my head rn

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-25.png (1540x1386, 2.21M)

Stop watchign Jew media. They're intentionally trying to antagonize people.

It's who's best for the job not skin color.


Show me starting cornerbacks now

This in TMZ btw

Thanks Pablo

The explanation for this picture is obvious IQ differences between Blacks/Whites.
The same explanation for why almost all Quarterbacks are White as well.

Attached: IQ Genes.png (625x910, 74K)

please stop with the antisemitism.

I don't patronize kneelers. Not my circus not my monkeys.

>imagine being unable to see the world in anything but black and white

MJ's grabbing his crotch in his grave.

all i see are jews and pet niggers

Front row, 6th from left is FUCKING HOT WHO IS HE?

Whites are the best leaders. Niggers only good for shoe shining and cotton picking.

Attached: niggas internet ad.jpg (449x399, 52K)

well sometimes (most of the time) people pick a white man to be in a leadership position not because they are qualified but because they are a white man, and people believe male whiteness is an inherent indication of skill or value.

this is a direct product of the West's white supremacy ideology. "forced diversity" is a positive because people can not be trusted to not be racist or sexist bigots.

Its just like football, niggers are good runners but to be head coach you need brains.

Who's the jiggaboo?


Stevie wonder can't even find his crotch

Shut the fuck up you brainwashed cucknadian faggot. EVERYTHING you just typed is a complete lie.
You are a pathetic, morally bankrupt liar.