What started the decline of white culture?

>Inb4 mutt talks about white people

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Not sure if that's where it started, but after Hitler lost it went downhill fast

Israel doing 9/11.

boycott israel

Commercialisation and undermining of Christianity would be a good start. I wonder who pushed father christmas so hard. I wonder who pushed the easter bunny so hard. Religion is a cornerstone of culture. Why is Buddhism so spiritual and cool? Over in Buddhist countries it's just *their* stuffy old religion, and Christianity is exotic and mysterious

funny hat people

White people never really had culture, but if they did, it would have been in recent years after you guys started to reject tolerance and diversity in favor of bigotry and closed-mindedness.

The premise of your thread is off. What white culture? There are many cultures of light skinned people. Yu are not all the same and you do not all hold the same values. To think that you ever have is ousting yourself as a cultureless cast away.

>implying there was ever such a thing as white culture



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renaming various european peoples as "white"
"white" culture is vague on purpose. its just a mishmash of early american culture and patriotism with an emphasis on accepting the rule of government
"white" people are the only people who do this. if you think of yourself as just "white" then you probably aren't aware of your actual peoples' culture anyway


Some Serbian prick

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1971. When we left the gold standard. Everything went out of control since then.

1990 was the start of shit in America.

When the Germans invaded the Roman Empire.

see pic

The way the Left seems to understand Whiteness seems pretty accurate when you think about it.

I had a moment when a few friends had a conversation with me.
I was defending White people, but I was really defending my specific culture.

Me: "This contemporary attack on White people blah blah blah Jews blah"
Them: "Why do you care though?"
Me: "because I'm White, and I'm proud of..."
Them: "Dude, you're not White, you're X."

And then I go on Jow Forums and y'all say I'm not White even though I want to identify as White.

It seems "White" is a monolithic culture that exists of a merger between Protestant Scots, sometimes the Irish, and various Germannic peoples;
essentially, WASPs and anyone that can pass as WASP.

Whereas, "off-White" demographics, like Slavs and Meds, seem to be doing just fine.

And let's face it, WASPy, American culture is kinda stuffy, boring, and does kinda suck.

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Loss of God. Destabilization of nuclear family. (((Post-modern art & literature))).

Those three things were shoehorned in the West largely by Jews in the 20th century.

It wasn't until the 60's when white men fell to the Zionists.

It was her fault. She let "fab five freddie" through the service door and it was all down hill from there.

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I blame the Commodore 64

That was the beginning of our slide into what we have now.

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the answer to most questions is


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i mean you're kinda wrong.
Literally almost all forms of music besides rapping came from white people. There's literally so much white culture that people have emersed themselves in it to the point that they believe it to be a given norm in all societies. However when they see nigger and asian cultures and architecture they think of it as unique, different and stuff even though most of the world follows whatever white countries do.

when white people start listening to nigger music

womens rights

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When white self-deprecation became the norm and white self-esteem became hate speech

Retards attention whores like you

When Cobain shot himself it was no longer cool to be white

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No kike answers .

wtf happen to this place

the frankfurt school

The Internet and smartphones. Before then, we had a culture which admittedly had some problems, but it was still on-the-whole a good culture. The decline began in 1996 with the "Internet boom" and the following years held a steady decline. But come 2007/2008, and culture took a very strong downturn.

Why are white girls so obsessed with black culture?


that's pretty sad actually.
i bet if he knew what his actions would unfold, we would not have pulled the trigger.

White guilt, thus the idea whites should feel bad for being superior.


Two things:
>the west completely abandoning christianity
>jewish subversion.

White male music diasapeared